High Voltage Kids Ministry <i>Curriculum Pack</i> Volume 1
High Voltage Kids Ministry Curriculum Pack Volume 1

High Voltage Kids Ministry is the children's ministry of First Assembly of God (North Little Rock, AR).

The Alien Kids curriculum for elementary children teaches kids, over a 6-week period, about living as a Christian. Kids have always been curious about space and "life on other planets." This series capitalizes on that curiosity by comparing the life of a Christian with the life of an alien. 1 Peter 2:11 teaches us that we are "aliens in this world." To live a life that is out of this world, we must be careful to "stay away from sinful things."

This curriculum includes:

Lessons include:PDFClick here for a sample lesson.

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The P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens) curriculum for elementary children teaches kids, over an 6-week period, about prayer. Prayer is a powerful thing! Many times, children are intimidated by the idea of prayer. They think they don't pray "good enough". This series will teach children how to pray in life's most important circumstances.

This curriculum includes:Lessons include:Click here for a sample lesson.

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