Alan Root's Popcorn and PJ's Music CD for Tweens

The CD starts off with JESUS LOVES ME, a hymn written in 1860 by Anna Bartlett Warner, and if rock and roll had been around then, this is how she would have wanted it to sound!
Then comes the title tune, POPCORN AND PJ'S, where Alan recalls Friday night cowboy movies growing up.
SUNDAY MORNING is a Beatlesque rendition of King David’s sentiment, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let’s go to the house of the LORD!’”
NO BANANAS is Charlie Brown at his best.
I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY is one of Alan’s favorite hymns and it shows.
The ubiquitous and celebrated PHARAOH PHARAOH makes it’s entrance next to last, and the CD ends with an engaging rendition of
LEFT LEG (give your life to Jesus and he’ll turn your life around, that’s what it’s all about!)

Popcorn and PJ's includes 10 tunes in all, and each will survive the test of being played over and over and over, which is what kids do with CD's they like. Better get one like this that you’ll like too!
Download Audio Sampler
(MP3, 0:55, 732K)

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