Each session contains:
* A Bible story from the life of David with practical applications for children
* A verse from the Bible that children can memorize
* Power Words that summarize the lesson
* A science experiment that illustrates an aspect of conscience development
* Clear biblical teaching about the conscience presented on a child's developmental level
* A fun craft that children can use as a reminder of the lesson
* Energizing games that have a point for discussion
* A snack that teaches a truth
* A Hero Exercise for children to practice between sessions
* Role play to help children integrate the truths
* Discussion points throughout to help you as a parent teach these truths
Each day children learn through Bible stories, crafts, activities, songs, and even snack time. Here's a summary of what they learn each day.
Session 1
I Can Be a Hero
Some people don't realize the power of the conscience in their lives, but in Hero Training Camp children are learning that God has placed inside them the ability to see problems and take action. Their job is to develop this awareness so that they can use it to be a hero. The conscience and the Holy Spirit prompt a child to do the right thing. God has given each child a conscience and, by training it with God's Word and learning to respond to it early, kids are heroes in the making. One of the ways children can practice being heroes is to look for things that are wrong and fix them. For example, one of the games in this lesson contains ten pictures, each illustrating a problem such as a mom coming in overloaded with groceries or clothes left in the bathroom. The students are to identify a solution for each picture illustrating the fact that they can see problems and are ready to take action, just like heroes. The Power Words for this lesson are "I am eager to do what's right" and the Bible story looks at the early life of David as God was preparing him to be a hero as he took care of sheep and practiced his lyre.
Session 2
Understanding the Mission
David fought Goliath, but before he did, he fought a bear and a lion. In the same way, difficulties in life make heroes stronger to prepare them for handling bigger challenges that will come along. The Power Words for this session are "Problems, interruptions, and challenges are my mission." Unfortunately, many children respond with anger to the frustrations of life. One of the games in this lesson is called the Anger Bomb Game. This game helps children lengthen their anger fuse so that they don't blow up as easily, in part by recognizing that the present challenge is part of God's hero training program. One of the signs of a hero is the ability to control emotions even when things are frustrating and recognize that God is working in the midst of struggles.
Session 3
How a Hero Knows What's Right
Heroes rely on inner beliefs called convictions that help them make right choices. The Power Words for this lesson are, "I will develop convictions based on God's Word." Sometimes life is unfair. David learned that as he ran away from King Saul for years even though he didn't do anything wrong. Unfairness can upset many children but heroes have convictions that help them do what's right even when things around them are going wrong. One of the enemies of the conscience is emotions. A child may feel too tired to work on homework or feel like hurting a friend who has been mean. In those moments it's the inner rules called convictions that motivate children to do the right things even though they may not feel like it.
Session 4
Heroes Help Others
Heroes are known for their willingness to help others. David was kind to Mephibosheth who was crippled in both feet. Children learn that kindness is a hero quality that often requires a little extra work, and sometimes courage. One of the illustrations encourages children to be kind to kids who are different than they are, in particular, reaching out to a child who may have a disability of some kind. The Power Words for this lesson are "I'm always on the lookout to help others," and children are encouraged to look at ways to demonstrate kindness. One of the fun games in this lesson is called "Always Room for One More" and forces children to brainstorm about ways to include others.
Session 5
God's First Aid Kit
When something is wrong a hero has the courage to fix it, even when he's the one who did the wrong thing. David sinned with Bathsheba by taking her to be his wife even though she was married to someone else. He was wrong, but when corrected, he admitted his sin and God forgave him. The Power Words in this lesson are "I know the power of admitting when I'm wrong and asking for forgiveness." Admitting fault can be a challenge for some children and one of the games played requires that children fail in order to win the game. When they fail they must make a statement, "I made a mistake, I can learn from that." When that mistake involves hurting someone else, then they must say, "I made a mistake, will you forgive me." Heroes desire to live with a clear conscience and that requires that they have a plan for dealing with offenses.
Session 6
Handling the Pressure
Dishonesty always occurs under pressure. The temptation to cheat, steal, or lie can be great at times but heroes have the ability to be honest even when it's tough. David was put to the test when he had the opportunity to kill King Saul in the cave. David recognized that killing Saul would be cheating since God had a plan already in place and David needed to be patient and wait for God's timing. The Power Words in this lesson are "I can be honest even when it's hard." In one of the activities, children are faced with several ethical dilemmas and must brainstorm about ways to do what's right even when being dishonest seems to provide some benefit. The child who is dishonest is weak on the inside but honesty reveals hero-like character in tough situations. The craft is an Honesty Reminder, an award that says, "I Can Handle the Pressure - I'm Honest."
Session 7
Bring on the Enemy! I'm Ready!
Temptations challenge the integrity of a hero and when children give in the conscience is weakened. Heroes are strong enough to resist temptation. David was mistreated by Nabal and Nabal's men. In his anger David was tempted to kill them but Abigail confronted David with a reminder about his conscience. David responded well and did the right thing. The Power Words in this lesson are, "I need to resist temptation in order to protect my conscience." One of the songs for Hero Training Camp is the Conscience Song. It reminds children that when tempted to do the wrong thing, God provides direction to do what's right. Among other games and activities, role-play is used to allow children to act out the wrong response and then the right response in specific tempting situations.
Session 8
The One-Minute Hero
Heroes respond to needs by taking action, and often do more than what's expected. That usually doesn't take a lot of time. In fact, it often only takes a minute to be gracious or kind to someone else or to correct something that's out of place. David did the right thing by bringing the Ark to Jerusalem but he did it the wrong way resulting in significant consequences. He later corrected his mistake and did it the right way. Heroes do the right thing the right way. The Power Words for this lesson are, "I look for things that need to be done and do more than what's expected." It's not good enough to have the conscience prompt you in an area. You must also take initiative and respond to that prompting. For example, a common source of frustration in a home is a child's bedroom. In this lesson children are encouraged to be one-minute heroes in their own bedrooms by taking an extra minute to clean things up. In other areas of life children are encouraged to take initiative and do more than what's expected because that's what heroes do.