Family VBS Plus Kit includes:
* Family VBS Leader's Guide
* Resource CD with art and reproducible materials
* Vision letter for the church
* Pastor Informational Video
* Volunteer Instructional Video
* Reproducible parent letters
* Promotional samples for Prayer Support Cards, preprinted fliers, and posters
* Press Release for the community
* Volunteer and participant evaluation forms
* Follow up letter
* Family Night Invitation Letters
* One-minute congregational video promo
* Hero Training Camp Family VBS event poster
Family Component
* Easy to use activity instructions for parents to do with their kids during Power Time
* Easy to use activity instructions for parents to do with their kids during Blast Off
* Daily instruction sheets for the Family VBS Leader
Children's Component
* Hero Training Camp Director's Manual
* Detailed lesson plans for easy use
* Station Manager summary sheets for each day
* Squad Leader summary sheets for each day
* Bible adventure stories from the life of David to teach about the conscience
* Hero Field Guide for each child to work on daily and then take home
* Preschool Coordinator's Manual with specific instructions for younger children
* Volunteer Training Meeting Lesson Plan
* Music CD containing the Hero Song and the Conscience Song
* Director's Planning worksheet beginning three months out
* Rice Bowl Mission Project information
Parent Component
* Leader instructions for each day
* Everyday Parents CAN Raise Extraordinary Kids video sessions on DVD
* Reproducible participant pages for taking notes
* Additional handouts about the conscience
* Discussion Questions for small groups
Family Night Events (optional)
* Step-by-step leader instructions for three Family Night Events
* Instructions for parents and children working together
* Guidelines for using Hero Training Camp with kids for their own learning time
* Three video sessions on DVD for parents for their training time
Download these samples:
Hero Training Camp Session 1
How Family VBS Works
How This VBS Works
Leader Checklist Day 1
Parent Handout Sample
Parents and Kids Together Day 1
Preschool Day 1 Sample
Stations Day 1 Sample