Creative Ministry Group: Do It Yourself: Ministry Manual Toolkit CD-ROM

This is a CD- ROM tool is a comprehensive step-by-step resource that helps you establish vision, strategy, volunteer placement guidelines, standards of excellence, safety & security procedures, general operating policies & procedures, job descriptions, specific ministry training guidelines as well as screening and permission forms. It also recommends areas that require you to do research in order to be in compliance with legal, insurance and state requirements.

Content Includes: Vision & Overview - Our Strategy, Mission Statement, Our Vision, Our Areas of Ministry, Our Overall Goals, What Does Research Say, Meet Our Staff. Serving - Volunteer Placement, Age Guidelines, Standards of Excellence. Safety & Security- Volunteer Qualifications, Volunteer and Staff Identification, Check In / Check Out, Visitor Policy, Classroom Guidelines, Ratios and Accountability, Visible Ministry Policies, Restroom Procedures, Appropriate / Inappropriate Touch, Medical Conditions / Allergies, Illness & Injury, Major Medical Emergencies, Evacuation / Fire, Severe Weather, Transportation, Event Planning / Field Trips / Approved Activities, Child Abuse Definitions, Symptoms & Indications of Abuse. General Policies & Procedures - Dress Code, Being On Time, Facilities & Resources, Discipline Guidelines. Specific Ministry Training - Job Descriptions and Sample Descriptions of Kids’ Small Groups, Nursery & Youth Ministry. Forms - Incident & Accident Reports, Permission Slips and Release Forms, Registration, Sample Screening Forms.

This highly recommended resource is a compliment resource to Teams That Thrive written by the same author Kal Otis, and Michele Marx.

Click here for samples from the CD-ROM!

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