Kidology's Armored Agents Curriculum Download
Armored Agents uses the following weekly teaching schedule:
- Introduction to the Enemy
Parable of the Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43)
- Belt of Truth
Herod the Liar (Matthew 2:1-15)
- Breastplate of Righteousness
Mary and Joseph (Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25)
- Feet Fitted with Peace
Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
- Shield of Faith
Jairus' Daughter and a Sick Woman (Luke 8:40-55)
- Sword of the Spirit
Jesus' Temptations (Matthew 4:1-11)
- Helmet of Salvation
Nicodemus (John 3:1-18)
- Review
Each lesson contains the following segments:- Welcome and Singing
This is the time to welcome the kids to the group, make announcements, and worship together.
- Visit from Secret Agent
The Secret Agent character enters the room to deliver the message. The message is read and destroyed.
- Lesson Introduction
A brief overview of the day's lesson, illustrated by an adult helper or puppet.
- Dark Evil Man Drama
A brief skit featuring characters and props, with a story that is read and acted out by the players.
- Memory Verse
The week's selected verse is showcased and presented in a way to enable memorization.
- Bible Story
Scripture is read, with visual aids and questions provided to illustrate the story.
- Object Lesson
An object is removed from a briefcase and discussed. This teaches the lesson theme in yet another way and provides an opportunity for application.
- Closing
Wrap up with music, announcements, and time of prayer.
Download a Curriculum Sample
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"Armored Agents" is a revision of a previously-released curriculum series titled "The Armor of God: Defeating the Dark Evil Man"
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