Spot the Difference: Amazing Race Curriculum Download

Spot the Difference is an Australian-based provider of high quality children's ministry resources. Founded by Tammy Tolman, Children's Pastor at Wollongong Church of Christ (New South Wales, Australia), these resources are designed to actively involve children as they learn about God. Kidology is the exclusive United States distributor of Spot the Difference resources.

Amazing Race is based on four cars racing to the end, all hopeful to win. They must successfully reach each pit stop each week to stay in the race.

The characters are colorful and loveable and are faced with lots of decisions throughout the race. Each of them gets into trouble at certain times and teach us very real lessons. The dramas are quite central to the program and are written to be funny and exciting for the children with the belief that children enjoy dramas and learn a lot through them. Each week the kids receive a rule card. This reminds them of what they have learned each week.

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