Basic Instructions
Invite 9 children to come up to the front, giving each one of the sign cards to spell out the word S-A-L-V-A-T-I-O-N. During the presentation, kids will be prompted to spell different words through the use of these road sign-themed cards. The presenter uses the included script - featuring Biblical references and audience interaction - to guide the audience down the "Romans Road" story. The conclusion, featuring a "U-Turn" sign, explains the meaning of repentance.
Read this quote from someone who has successfully used this tool in their ministry:
"Having the opportunity to share the Gospel at Children's Camp is awesome! What really helped me get the kids into message with a clear presentation was the U-Turn Cards from Kidology! They help show what cannot save you and then Jesus is the only way. Sin stops (stop signs) us from getting to Jesus. Then we need to make a U-Turn and give our lives over to God. Several kids turned their lives around at camp and accepted Jesus as their savior! U-Turn is an amazing tool to have in your arsenal."
Stanley Mearse
Children's Minister
Mountain View Baptist Church
Hickory, NC