One of the last things Jesus said before He left this earth was “go”. He told us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. The word Gospel means “Good News”. Jesus, being the only way to heaven, is really good news. That is why we need to tell the world about Him. People who have been called by God, and go to a certain part of the world to share the Gospel to the people who live there, are called missionaries. This six week series will teach kids about missions work around the world and will look into the lives of real missionaries and what God is doing through them around the world.
Click here for a sample lesson from SLAM
View a sample video below:
Note to Mac users: the games included in this series were written for PC use only. To overcome this you can install the games on a PC and use a simple a/b switcher or you can run a parallel program on your Mac to run Windows. Another option is to go to and download similar games that you can input the main point or Bible verse into.