Volunteer Training Videos #1-12
Volunteer Training Videos #1-12

Ongoing training is critical to a growing children's ministry.

These videos were created by Pastor Karl Bastian, a full-time children's pastor, for his own volunteers. But they were recorded in a generic format so they are usable by any children's ministry. Many come with bonus content to enhance the training.

Includes the following Volunteer Training Videos:

  1. Four Keys to a Nurturing Nursery
  2. Kids Check In
  3. HERO Training
  4. Tips for Teaching Tots
  5. Preteen Survival Guide
  6. What is a Small Group?
  7. The Quest for Quality Questions
  8. Making Kids Feel Loved
  9. Leading Kids to Christ
  10. The 3 Secrets
  11. C.A.L.M. Discipline
  12. B.O.L.D. Speaking
View details on each video.

NOTE: Downloading the video enables you to show from your own computer (no Internet required for screening) or to post in a CLOSED Group. Videos cannot be posted online where they are accessible to the general public. However, if you have a closed Facebook Group limited to volunteers from your church or another similar closed environment that protects the video from broader distribution, in those cases, you have permission to post online. Otherwise, online posting is prohibitive. Thank you for respecting the copyright of these videos.

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