Administration Zone

Articles and Resources for Leaders and Administrators

So, you're in charge of the Children's Ministry?! HELP IS HERE!

Whether you are a Children's Pastor, Director, Coordinator, or Hold-it-all-together-er, the fact is you need ideas, and you need them fast!! If you're looking for a sample policy manual, or permission slip, or other administrative help, this is the place!

If you have a question or issue you would like to see addressed here, please contact us. We have a team of veteran children's ministry administrators ready to help.

ALSO: We would be interested in any contributions you may have for this section.

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All Access Make Change Like Apple Does

Learn a principle for change from one of the most innovative companies: Apple. See what they do to make change through leadership transitions.

Change, Innovation, Apple, Leadership
Free Make Sure You Don't Make This Mistake When Writing Volunteer Job Descriptions

Writing volunteer responsibilities can be the hardest part about putting together a volunteer job description for Children’s Ministry. Just how much information is necessary? Should you err on the side of too much information or too little? How do you find the balance?

Volunteers, Job Descriptions
All Access Make Sure You Don't Make This Mistake When Writing Volunteer Job Descriptions

Writing volunteer responsibilities can be the hardest part about putting together a volunteer job description for Children’s Ministry. 

Job Description, Volunteers, Recruiting, Hiring
All Access Making Children's Ministry Attractive to Volunteers

Looking for ideas about recruiting, training, and keeping volunteers? Here are ten great ways you can be an attractive children's ministry to potential volunteers!

All Access Making the Most of Any Kidmin Conference

Here are 7 ways that you can make the most of any Children's Ministry Conference!

Conference Preparation
All Access Margin + Ministry: Spirit

Financially speaking, margin is having some money left over after meeting all your obligations. Today, we look at the benefits of margin in your spiritual life.

Spiritual Lives of Ministry Leaders
Free Men and Children's Ministry

An logical and necessary discussion for allowing men to serve in children's ministry.

Child Safety, Men in Ministry
All Access Messages That Matter

As leaders in children’s and family ministry, we all work with a wide variety of groups. The overall message we must communicate is our vision for guiding kids toward a heart for Christ. What is the one single message that each group that we serve needs to hear, and more importantly, really understand?

Ministry Vision
Free Mickey's Guide to a Successful Children's Ministry

Here are 10 principles to help us engage our guests - Mickey's Guide to a Successful Children's Ministry.

Children's Ministry Tips
Free Ministry Basics: Leading a Staff Meeting

How do you plan for staff meetings? Keep your meetings meaningful by following a meeting agenda similiar to this one!

Staff Meetings
All Access Ministry Goal Fails - What Now?

What To Do When You Fail to Accomplish Your Children’s Ministry Goals

Ministry Goals
All Access Monkey See, Monkey Do: Growing Christ-like kids.

Learning to imitate the charecter of Christ and leading others to do the same.

Example, Character, Discipleship
Free My Favorite Productivity Tools

Read these short reviews on some newer apps that can help you take control of your life.

Simplifying with Apps
All Access My Top Failures As A Kids Pastor

We all make mistakes. But it's never too late to fix them. 

All Access New Life for Dying Programs

When the time comes for a program to end, you should end it. However, there may be a program that is faltering that still has life in it and could still be effective for the kingdom. Here are some things that can be done to breath new life into a program that might be struggling.

Church Programs
All Access New Year: Getting to Know the Kids in Your Class

How do you help the kids feel welcome and connected when the new year starts?

Relationships, New School Year
All Access No Budget? No Problem!

In these challenging economic times, children’s ministry budgets often get cut, sometimes eliminated. I read often online about ideas for fund raising and saving money. I’d like to take a different approach on this topic – while I AM sympathetic to leaders facing budget cuts and the challenges of ministering with less money, I’d like to pose a sincere question you are welcome to answer in the comments below -  my question is simply, “What do you need money FOR?”

Ministry Budget
All Access No More Manic Mondays!

Whether you love Mondays or dread them, here are ways to make the first workday of the week work for you. 

Organization, Monday Manic
All Access One Way Sunday School Teachers Can Encourage Active Participation in Class

Keep your class actively participating with these simple tips. 

All Access Online Registration and Payments

A great way to quickly and efficiently register kids for events at your church is offer on-line registration. There are a few ways to do this. You do not need a degree in computer science, but it will take some time on your first attempt.

Event Registration
All Access Pastoring Your Volunteers

Learn some tips to retain your volunteers for life. 

Volunteers, Relationships
All Access Plate-Spinning Management

A fun spin on management techniques with simple suggestions that can help your children's ministry take a big step forward.

Management, Volunteers
All Access Praxis of Nurture in Small Churches

Glen Woods is well known as thoughtful practitioner of children's ministry. Here he offers his doctoral dissertation on family ministry especially as it relates to small church ministry. For those willing to dive into the topic seriously, they will find this engaging, challenging and thought provoking.  

Partnering with Parents
All Access Predator Proofing Your Organization - Webinar Recap Part 1

This 2-part series was designed to provide leaders of child and youth-focused organizations with the most current information on protecting their organizations from predators.

Child Safety and Security
All Access Predator Proofing Your Organization - Webinar Recap Part 2

This 2-part series was designed to provide leaders of child and youth-focused organizations with the most current information on protecting their organizations from predators.

Child Safety and Security
All Access Preparing for Special Needs Kids

Are you prepared for special needs kids in your ministry? Here are 10 tips to help you!

Special Needs
Free Preparing Your Ministry for Growth

Once your ministry is discipling mature believers who are evangelizing others, you then need to prepare your ministry for growth. Are you ready for growth?

Growing Your Children's Ministry
All Access Prepping Your Team for Success

What are you doing to help your team succeed? Leader, your role is to equip and prepare people to serve the work of the ministry.

Equipping Leaders
All Access Priority #1- Communication with Parents

One thing that we cannot do is over-communicate! Here are some useful steps to use in your ministry to immediately improve in the area of communication.

Communication with Parents
All Access Program Rehab: One by One

Close the backdoor on your ministry and begin having people stick around in your church.

Church Health, Leadership
All Access Put Yourself First, Others Second

Are you taking care of yourself? Or just your ministry?

Free Quick Lessons Learned Not So Quickly

Here's a quick lesson in how to learn lessons quickly.

All Access Read the Story, Again!

What do you do if you want to teach a story that the children in your ministry have heard before many times?

Teaching Methods, Children's Ministry
All Access Recalculating

Improve your ministry performance and become a better leader by evaluating yourself and your ministry.

All Access Registration Cards

Simple registration card, to make signing up new families even easier.

All Access Researching a Potential Church Ministry Postion

How do you research a church that you are considering applying at for a Children Ministry position?

Interviewing, Hiring, Job
All Access Resolved: No Resolutions!

I have a resolution for you: Don't make Resolutions! Here is a tried-and-true method for getting things done, the non-resolution way!

Setting Goals in Ministry
All Access Resume Verbs by Skill

A handy chart for making better resumes by using verbs that show your skills.

Resume Crafting
Free Retaining Visitors Who Attend Your Children's Ministry Christmas Event

How do you plan to retain the visitors to your church during this holiday season?

Christmas, Retention
All Access Running and Repainting

Have you ever seen the Sydney Harbour Bridge? Sometimes running a children's ministry can feel like repainting this extensive bridge!

Endurance in Ministry
All Access Running on Empty

Here are 10 red-light warnings that your fuel gauge is getting low and you are “running on empty.” Fuel up!

All Access Sacred Pathways Overview for Volunteers

A resource to help teach your volunteers the Sacred Pathways

Serving, Worship, Relational
All Access Safety Beyond CheckIn

An active duty law enforcement officer, SWAT operator, and former pastor gives advice on how to best protect the kids in your ministry.  

Child Safety,
All Access Scheduling Your Day When There's Not Enough Time

Get tips on how to better manage your time. 

Schedules, Time Management
All Access Securing Your Children's Ministry

Make your Children's Ministry an even safer environment with these suggestions from safety and security experts.

Child Safety, Security, Volunteer Safety
Starter Set Up Your Volunteers for Success

When preparing for fall, here is a list of wants and needs for your rooms.

Fall Room Prep
All Access Seven Steps to Screening Youth Working with Children

Taking the time to thoroughly screen is an important step in identifying youth that are a good fit and keeping child safety a priority.   

Child Safety, Screening
All Access Seven Things Parents Need You To Know

Here are some things I believe that parents need you to know as you lead them at church.

Knowing Parents
All Access Shepherding Children Safely in the Church

This article aims to provide a conversation starter to motivate church leaders to look beyond the minimum requirements for child safety toward developing a fully orbed approach. It is not exhaustive, but it does touch on major important points commonly missed in local churches.

Child Saftey,
Free Should Kids Ministry Take the Summer Off?

Here are a few reasons why we DON’T take a Summer Break for Kids Ministry.

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