60 Second Teacher Tips with Philip Hahn

Too busy to make complicated Teacher Training Videos?

Volunteers too busy to watch long Teacher Training Videos?
Wishing you could conduct ongoing training without the hassle of video production?
Need something short and effective to share with your volunteers?

These 60 Second Teacher Tips will make your ongoing training a SNAP! 

Yes, these training videos are only 60 seconds, but they pack a lot of practical encouragement into a short time. Written and presented by veteran children's pastor Philip Hahn, these videos will make sending out regular, helpful reminders to your teachers a snap!

These training videos can be used in any order, depending on the topic you are currently addressing with your volunteers.

Plus and All Access Members can watch these videos for FREE. They can be purchased (both complete and green screen editions) for use in your ministry from the Kidology Store. All Access Members can download them for FREE!

More Volunteer Training Videos!

Also check out these Volunteer Training Videos from Pastor Karl!

VIDEO 24: Who Are You Serving?

Don't forget the reason you're doing what you do!

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VIDEO 23: Make Em Laugh

Make your lessons more memorable by making them laugh!

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 22: Attention Span

Get their attention. Then keep it.

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VIDEO 21: Rest

Because it's important.

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VIDEO 20: Kill Fear

Fear is real. Don't let it win. 


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VIDEO 19: Beware of Silence

Keep kids attention by planning ahead!


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VIDEO 18: Creative Presentation

Make the most of the time you have to influence the kids in your care!

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 17: The Power of Why

Do you ever stop and ask WHY you do things the way you do?

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VIDEO 16: Deep Theology

Learn how to effectively share tough spiritual concepts with kids of any age.

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 15: Talking Heads

Keep kids' attention with this simple tip!

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VIDEO 14: Pray

How often do you talk to Jesus?

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VIDEO 13: All Behavior is Communication

Can you see beyond the behavior into a child's heart?

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 12: Visitors

Help newcomers feel comfortable when visiting your ministry.

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VIDEO 11: Large Group Games

Philip gives tips on how to keep the entire room involved in the Large Group Games being played from the stage.

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VIDEO 10: Make It Spiritual

In this video, Philip guides you on how to Make it Spiritual... both on and off the stage!

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 9: The Dreaded Paper

When you're handed The Dreaded Paper to use for class, how do you react? How should you react?

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 8: You Can Fake Energy

Let's face it, you don't always have the energy to teach. But you CAN fake it!

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 7: Punctuality

Philip shares 10 reasons Punctuality is so important! (Take a deep breath!)

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 6: Church Attendance

Philip shares why regular Church Attendance is so important ... for YOU!

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 5: Showing Your Love

Watch this tip from Philip on Showing Your Love to the kids in your ministry!

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 4: Discipline

No one wants to think about Discipline until they need it. Here are some simple tips to help you navigate these murky waters.

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 3: Keep Things Moving

Keeping things moving can hold kids attention better. Find out some simple tricks to keep things moving!

Plus and All Access Members WATCH HERE. Not a member? JOIN TODAY!
Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 2: Single Point

Learn why it's important to stick with a Single Point throughout your kids' service. 

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!

VIDEO 1: Always Use Scripture

Make sure you use a Bible too! It is church, after all!

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Or purchase the download in the Kidology Store for only $6.00 - FREE for All Access Members!


LICENSING INFORMATION: This video is provided for YOUR USE in your local church ministry. It is not to be uploaded publicly to any video sharing website or platform. If you have a closed group, a private platform, or share it as an unlisted video, that is fine. But please do not share publicly where it can be used outside of your church or group. Thank you for respecting our copyright and intellectual property.

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