Preschool Zone

Looking for learning enhancements for the youngest church members? Kidology can help! Search our Preschool Zone for games, object lessons, worksheets, crafts, stories, and even ideas for the classroom including set-up, discipline techniques, and curriculum guidance.

Created especially for preschoolers and non-readers, Stickers Through the Bible brings the Bible to life and makes them feel like they are "reading” and mastering the Bible, even before they can read.

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Plus God Answers Prayer

This is a reduced sample lesson from Kidology's Stickers Through the Bible preschool curriculum on the The Walls of Jericho.  

Peter Freed From Jail
Plus God Gives Us Wisdom

This is a reduced sample lesson from Kidology's Stickers Through the Bible preschool curriculum about how Nehemiah rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem.

Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls
Plus God Is Our Helper

This is a reduced sample lesson from Kidology's Stickers Through the Bible preschool curriculum on the The Walls of Jericho.  

Starter God Made Everything

This is a reduced sample lesson from Kidology's Stickers Through the Bible preschool curriculum on the Creation. 

Starter Foot Washing Activity

This is a fun activity for little learners to practice washing feet. 

Serving Others
Plus Kid's Praise Service - Preschool

Preschool service complete with songs you can make as overhead graphics.

Plus Noah’s Ark Animal Mix-Up Game

A super fun mixer game that introduces Noah and the Ark.

Noah's Ark
Plus Prophesy Weather Wheel

This is an activity that illustrates in a fun way the difference between a prediction and a prophesy.

Prophesy vs. Predictions
Plus The Bubble Wrap Bop

Jumping on bubble wrap while bopping to music that has children jump or stomp

Music Activity
Plus Why Does Popcorn Pop?

This is a fun poem about popcorn for preschool learners when learning about food for a creation lesson.

How God Made Popcorn
Plus "Kindergarten Welcome Wagon" - Great Way To Welcome Preschoolers Into Elementary Ministry

Welcome your Kindergartener's into kids church with a special event designed just for them (and their parents)!

Welcoming Ideas
Plus 1-2-3 Spell G-O-D: A Fun Bible School Activity for Your Preschoolers

Here is a fun Preschool Bible activity to help preschoolers learn that life has its ups and downs, but God is in control and works for the good of those who love Him, according to His purposes!

Preschooler's Activity
Plus 5 Exciting New Ways To Teach The Nativity Story

It’s almost Christmas time, aka one of the two times of the year where what you’ll be teaching in Sunday School is firmly locked in place. Of course, therein lies the problem. How do you make a story that all the little ones know by heart exciting again? Fret not, Kid Mins. I have scoured the big ol’ interwebs and found 5 ridiculously awesome (and inexpensive) ways to liven up your nativity teaching.

Nativity Lesson Plans
Plus 6 Quick Tips for Engaging Preschoolers

Tips to help us keep Preschoolers enagaged and make a bigger impact on their lives.

Engaging Preschoolers
Plus 6 Tips for Teaching Preschoolers

I love teaching preschoolers! They are fun and complicated and joyful and eager to learn. Here are 6 tips that will help you teach these wonderful little people:

Preschool, Teaching Tips
Plus 7 Easy Preschool Sunday School Games

7 Sunday School Game Ideas for Preschool & Toddlers

Games, Preschool
Plus 7 get-to-know-you games for preschoolers

Why should older kids have all of the fun?!? Here are 7 game ideas for preschoolers.

Preschool, Games
Plus As Unique As a Snowflake

This simple Bible lesson for preschoolers is perfect for those Sundays when you have snow on the ground. It could be used in Sunday School or Kids church. Some families could also use it as an outline for a family devotion.

Plus Benefits of Arts and Crafts for Kids

Why are arts and crafts projects important for your kid's ministry?

Arts and Crafts
Plus Bubbles Like Friends

A fun activity that helps kids understand how to be nice to others

Kindness, friends
Plus Chinese Take-Out: A Bible Memory Verse Activity

What do Chinese take-out and Bible memory verses have in common? Find out with this tasty activity for preschoolers!

Bible Memory Verse Activity
Plus Christian Lyrics to the London Bridge Game

Have you ever played the London Bridge Game? These Christian versions of this children's game will not only be fun for your children, but will also help teach them about God!

Children's Games
Plus Christmas I-Spy Printable Worksheets

Looking for a last minute activity for Christmas Eve Children's Service? Here is a fun printable worksheet you can use this week. 

Christmas Printables
Free Christmas Object Lesson: The Wrapping Paper

Use this object lesson to illustrate how Jesus is the best gift that we can receive, at Christmas or any time. 

Christmas, Object Lessons
Plus Crash Course in Preschool Lessons

Preschool lessons are important! I believe that we may have the greatest opportunity to create a true sense of wonder and awe with “the least of these.” What amazing potential to make a life-long difference!

Preschool Lessons
Plus Creating Creation

Here is a fun activity to help your little ones become more familiar with this wondrous time in earth’s history. 

Preschooler Game
Plus Easy Easter Song

This is a great Easter song sung to the tune of Jesus Loves Me.

Plus Follow My Directions

A fun preschool game, that helps kids learn to not just listen to God, but also do what he says.

Listen, Action, Game, Preschool,
Starter Four Steps to Form a New Habit

Form healthy habits with your family now so you can enjoy long term results. 

Healthy Habits
Plus Gideon's Torches, Pottery, and Trumpets: A Bible Lesson for Preschoolers

Here is a fun Bible school lesson to help your little ones become familiar with the story of Gideon and 1 Corinthians 15:57.  I call it “Gideon’s Torches, Pottery, and Trumpets.”

Preschoolers, Bible lesson
Plus God Made Everything: Lesson for Toddlers

Want to teach your toddlers that God created everything? Check out this lesson plan to help children understand the nature and power of God!

God, Creation
Plus God Will Never Forget

A fun Scripture activity for your preschoolers to teach them that God always keeps His promises.

Scripture Activity, Short Talk, Preschool
Plus G-R-O-W Whack! A Preschool Bible Verse Game

Do your preschoolers know that growing in God is as simple as G-R-O-W?

Preschool, Bible Verse Game
Plus How to Approach a Horse (or child)

A simple, fun lesson from the barnyard on how to approach a child who is unfamiliar with you.

approaching new kids
Plus Noah's Ark Preschool Game - Print & Play Animal Match

Use this fun interactive animal matching game to teach about Noah's Ark. 

Noah's Ark, Games
Plus Play Through the Bible

To effectively reach children, we need to understand children and teach them in a manner that they learn best.

Fun teaching ideas
Plus See How They Grow

Here is a fun Scripture game that will chart your children’s growth in God whether in your classroom or at home.

Preschool Scripture Game
Plus Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Here is a preschool lesson on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the Fiery Furnace.

Preschool Lesson, The Fiery Furnace
Free Squirrels in the Trees

Here are some interesting facts and a preschool game activity from Thailand!

Preschool Game
Plus The #1 Way to Bore Kids in Your KidMin

Learn to teach, not just tell. 

Teaching Skills
Plus The Development of Preschoolers and Salvation of Children

This paper discusses the various developments of preschoolers and the salvation of children.

Preschoolers, Salvation, Development
Plus The Quick Quiet: Get Them Listening!

Every teacher or Children’s Ministry leader needs a few “quick quiet” tricks to help tame an unruly class. Here are a few methods that you should keep readily at hand.

Classroom Control, Management
Plus Three Last Minute Christmas Lesson Ideas

Since the holidays are such a busy time, we all get behind in something. For this Christmas season, I wanted to provide you with three last minute Christmas lesson ideas to help you, if you are in need of a quick children’s ministry lesson!

Children's Ministry, Christmas Lessons
Plus What Can I Give Mephibosheth?

Here is a fun Bible school activity you can play to help your preschoolers learn to be cheerful givers.  It’s called “What Can I Give Mephibosheth?”

Bible Activity
Plus What Should I Wear?

Here is a fun Bible memory verse activity to help your little ones learn this verse, along with clothing items that will help show ways to be kind.

Bible Memory Verse Activity
Plus Where Do I Belong?

Here is a fun Bible School activity to help your preschoolers continue to grow in their knowledge of Scripture!

Pre-schoolers, knowledge of Scripture
Plus Fishing Boat Sticker Activity

A simple, fun preschool activity for a lesson on Following Jesus!

Jesus Said Follow Me
Plus STOP and GO Preschool Game

Class Stop and Go Game with printable signs to use

Stop and Go Game
Plus Frère Jacques New Tunes

Some new words to a classic song.

Starter 4 Ways Your Nursery Can Reshape Your Entire Church

How far up on the priority list is your church nursery/preschool? Use it to reshape your entire church!  

Preschool, Nursery
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