Discipleship Zone

Discipleship is not always easy. Sometimes we need to lean on others when times get tough. This zone allows you to do just that. Find advice and tips from other seasoned ministry leaders and disciples when you need a little help to make it through the rough spots.

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Plus Bible Numbers and Facts

This is a fun activity for helping kids learn some amazing facts about the Bible!

Bible Facts
Free His Yoke is Easy and His Burden is Light

Are you feeling worn out, stressed, and ready to drop out of ministry? Wait! There's a way to avoid 'burn out"!

Avoiding Burnout
Plus How to be an AWESOME Small Group Leader

Many churches today use a Large Group / Small Group format. For small group leaders, here are FIVE TIPS to make your time as effective as possible.

Small Group Training
Starter How to Study the W.O.R.D.

A way to help kids (and adults) get more out of their Bible reading time.

Bible Study
Starter It's About Relationships

There is no shortage of programs, resources, or ideas in children’s ministry today—but at the end of the day, what is most effective in reaching kids for the Gospel hasn’t changed in a hundred years—it’s building relationships and personally introducing children to the Savior. This ebook is loaded with practical ideas on how to have a more relational ministry. You’ll be surprised by the results!

Free Love is Caught, Not Taught

Love is not something that can merely be taught; it must be caught.

Loving Children
Plus No more Sinner's Prayer in Kidmin?

While we may have valid concerns to many of the practices associated with inviting children to receive Jesus into their hearts, Jesus' imperative to bring kids to him must be a priority for children's ministry.

Evangelism, Spiritual Formation
Starter Prayer Boosts and Sliders Interactive Prayer Walk

A Prayer Walk Based on the Classic Game of Chutes and Ladders

Prayer Walk
Plus Summer Bible Reading Challenge

A challenge to help kids read Matthew and John over the summer with parents involved.

Bible Reading
Starter The LOVE Patrol

What is the most important volunteer role in your Children’s Church service? 

Plus What Matters Now: Relationships

Karl Bastian, the Kidologist, made this contribution to the book What Matters Now in Children's Ministry.

Free Who is Edward Kimball?

Edward Kimball dedicated his life to the spiritual guidance of young souls. Little did he know that one of his seemingly unpromising students would later become one of the greatest evangelists in history.

Plus Are you discipling your OWN kids?

Discipling our children is not optional. If you have kids (or grandkids) you are discipling them. You might be discipling them for good or bad, but you are discipling them one way or another.

Starter 10 Questions to Get to Know Your Kids Better

It’s so easy to get caught up in all the details of pulling off a weekend service and totally miss out on the opportunity to get to know the children in your ministry.

Free 10 Things You Should Never Do to Lead a Child in Salvation

A humerous look at what NOT to do to lead a child to Christ

Humor, Salvation
Plus 100 Questions for Kids - Easy Conversation Starters in English

Do you have trouble engaging with kids? Try these 100 questions to get you started. 

Plus 15 Prayers for Kids in School

Let’s commit to intentionally praying for our kids this school year. 

Prayer, Back to School
Plus 29 Ways to Do Ministry When Church is Cancelled

You don't have to be in a church to do ministry.

Church Ministry
Plus 4 Tips For Helping Kids Serve in Kid's Church... Adults too.

Kid’s can be the church of today, if we let them… and help them.

Serving, Volunteers
Plus 5 Steps to Build Relationships

Relationships matter. Even though ministry has its ups and downs, ultimately relationships continue holding everything together. Here are some tips to help evaluate and refine your relational existence.

Relationships, Evaluation
Plus 5 Ways That Kids Can Serve in Kid's Church

Kids are not the church of the future. They can be the church of today!

Service, Volunteers, Discipleship
Plus 7 Reasons to Have Teenagers in Your Ministry

Here are 7 things you can do to encourage the Youth Workers in your Kid Min.

Teens in Ministry
Plus A Few Things About Gratitude

What are you grateful for today?

Thanksgiving, Gratitude
Plus A Narnia Discipleship Book for Children

This Narnia Discipleship Book for Children is intended to help young children as they start their faith and learn how to grow in it! This devotional book is a great resource for helping your kids begin their new walk in Christ.

Children's Ministry, Discipleship Book
Plus Are We Seeing Clearly in 2020?

How well is your ministry discipling kids?

Plus Are you a Preacher Who Pastors or a Pastor who Preaches?

Do you preach or do you pastor?

Pastoring vs. Preaching
Starter Balanced Generosity

Make a soda can stand at a 45 degree angle by adding only one thing! Then relate the balance to the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. 

The Holy Spirit's Guidance
Plus Be Wise

As a pastor, you need to seek God's heart, and then tailor things to fit your ministry. 

Plus Bible Object Lessons about Sin

Here are a four great object lessons that explain sin to kids.

Object Lesson
Plus Can kids understand the mission of Christ?

The only way that church kids can catch a burden for the lost is by the Holy Spirit

Mission of Christ
Plus Child Discipleship: Kids Need An Internal Biblical Roadmap

Be intentional in guiding your children to develop an internal Biblical Roadmap.

Plus Creatively Reaching Kids, with Spinners!

Use the latest craze to connect with kids!

Plus Disciplers and Specialists

The Acts 6 Model makes it possible for a local Family of God to provide a ministry to children that meets each child’s individual needs.

Discipleship, Church Leadership
Plus Discipleship Roller Coaster

Discipleship is messy and gritty and sloppy, and that’s the beauty. And some weeks that can also be the tough part of it.

Plus Does your church disciple single dads?

How does your church disciple the single dads in your community?

Divorce Care
Plus Don't Be Batman!

Stay intentional in your connection with others. 

Leadership, Involvement, Discipleship
Free Explaining the Trinity to Kids

How do you explain the Trinity to your kids?

Plus Family Activities in the Time of Social Distancing

Here are a few things to remember and a few ideas to try during these next few weeks of home isolation.

Family Fun
Plus Get Ready! The Harvest is Great! - Object Lesson

Use this object lesson to share a message with children about sharing the Gospel with others. This sermon is based on Matthew 9:35-10:11 where Jesus talks about the plentiful harvest ready for those who are sharing Good News.

Harvest, Evangelism, Discipleship
Plus Here's why play time might be the most important part of your KidMin

Why and how can playtime be the most important part of your Sunday morning?

Fun and Games
Plus How Do You Encourage Preteens to Grow and Develop

Ever thought of where to start when it comes to getting your preteens to develop and own their faith? It all starts with encouraging them. Check out what FourFiveSix has to say about this very topic.

Preteens Growing
Plus How I Teach Kids About The Holy Spirit

It’s critical that we not just talk about the Holy Spirit, but that we teach kids how to actually hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.  

Holy Spirit
Plus How Important Is It... That We Teach the Gospel to Kids?

Gospel Training
Plus How Kids Walk Away

How do we keep kids from walking away from their faith?

Plus How to Deal with Difficult Kids

Parents need you to partner with them in discipling their kids. 

Plus How to Help Kids Make Friends at Church

Share with kids these 5 basic tips on how to wisely choose their friends. 

Starter Is it True?

We have a generation that is ruled by their emotional response to any given situation, yet they have failed to stop and ask, “Is this true?”

Objective Truth
Plus Is The Church In Crisis?

How are you meeting the challenge of church closings?

Free Leading Children to Christ

The time to lead a child to Christ is now. 

Plus Leading Children to Know and Follow Jesus

What are the best ways to share your faith with children?

PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer 2025 Gospel Colors U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 20 - Love God The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Store
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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