Free Stuff

Welcome to! We have listed below some of the FREEBIES for our All Access Members! Not a member yet? Join Today and start getting free resources for your Kidmin!

You can also view a list of free content for Starter Members! As a Starter Member, you can also purchase many of our free-to-member resources in the Kidology Store


Also be sure to check out our "What's New" Zone for up-to-date new content!

y Plan vs. God's Plan

A super cool Magic Trick / Object Lesson that illustrates why sometimes God says no to our plans. He has a bigger plan!


Recruiting Tools

Recruiting is a never-ending job! That's why it's important to be fresh and original in how we approach prospective volunteers. The invitation to serve children must be creative and positive, but consistent!

All About Me Kid Info Sheet

A fun and easy way to get to know your kids, learn about their needs, keep up with the world of kids, and get ministry feed back, all at once!


See more FREEBIES for All Access Members below the Starter Member free content.




Here is a list of the most recent ideas that are FREE with a Starter Membership.


Membership Levels:
Guest Starter All Access
Level Title Topic
Starter Repentance Game

Teach kids about repentance in a memorable way through this exciting game. Make your lesson visual and active.

Salvation, Repentance
Starter Spurgeon Started It!

A Tiny Booklet with a BIG Message

Sharing the Gospel
Starter You Might Not Know It Yet, But You Need IT!

Kids Need it. God’s Word has it. Now You Can Teach it!

it Bible Curriculum
Starter Obedient Sauce Packet

This object lesson uses a simple sauce packet and bottle of water and a scientific principle to teach the importance of choosing to obey God rather than to go your way.

Obeying God
Starter Can You Hear Me Now?

This video will equip you with essential tools and strategies to ensure your messages are heard by everyone involved in your ministry. 

Starter BEWARE: Don't make this mistake when teaching the Bible

Is Proof-Texting Dangerous?

Proof Texting; Bible Teaching
Starter What Children's Ministry Will Look Like in 10 Years

With the growing use of technology, how could children's ministry look 10 years from now? 

Technology and Kidmin
Starter Be One of the First to Get My New Book!

Apply these theorems to your kids ministry, experiment with them, tweak them in your own laboratory, and watch as success bubbles up like you’ve never seen before.

Theorems, Ministry Tips and Techniques
Starter Get Kids Talking by Asking Questions!

Kid Conversation Cards get kids talking!

Conversation, Relationships, Discipleship
Starter Train Your Kids to Become Bible Ninja Warriors

It ought to be a sin to bore a kid with the Bible!

Bible Skills


Find more free content for All Access Members below! Be sure to visit our Zones to make the most of your membership! 

Bible Ninja Warrior Files

Bible Ninja Warriors will get kids excited about learning to use their Bibles and becoming more familiar with them.


Church Escape Preteen Event Plan

Everyone loves Escape Rooms, so why not do an Escape Church?


Pick a Fruit Game

Pick a Fruit is a simple, fun, interactive elimination game for small to large groups.


Ministry Management Video Series

In this series, Pastor Karl shares Kidmin Management Skills he has learned over decades of leading children's ministries from mobile church ministry, to large churches. These videos are packed with PRACTICAL tips and advice to help you successfully manage the ministry God has entrusted you with.


Monthly Volunteer Training Videos

These videos were created by Pastor Karl Bastian, a full time children's pastor - first for his own volunteers, but are recorded in a generic format so that they are usuable by any children's ministry. Many come with bonus content to enhance the training.


Family Table Talkers

A reproducible tool designed to help families disconnect from tech and connect with each other and God's Word.

Crazy Countdowns

Introducing Toybox Tales CRAZY COUNTDOWNS! No need to fit them into your lesson, use them every week! These wacky countdowns feature Karl's silly humor, toys from the world of kids and include some Bible content to boot!


Social Distance Games

Here are some fun games on Kidology that your kids will LOVE while practicing safe social distancing.


A Word from Wilbur

Meet Wilbur - a fun little fellow who loves to help kids understand the Bible!


Quarantine Bingo

Play with your family or get a group together online to see who can get 5 in a row, 4-corners, or a cross with these fun and timely words. You'll be sure to laugh as you hear the caller shout out the next word. 


Check back often as we are always adding new freebies to help Equip and Encourage you in your children's ministry!

Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Girl Gospel Colors Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 21 - Disciples U-Turn Cards Kidology Store
Need Curriculum?

Check out Bible Basics
Kidology's 3-Year Curriculum

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