Gospel Zone

Jesus is alive!
And he looooooves kids!

Looking for some great ways to communicate the Gospel with kids? This Zone has Gospel presentations and other helps for reaching kids with the Good News!

Have an awesome Gospel Presentation? Don't keep the good news to yourself!

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter Members
Level Title Topic
Starter Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

Two bumbling superheroes find a pamphlet with the words "The Gospel" written on it. They put it in a decoder and heed the message.  

Starter Magic Training Part 1 - Presence and Presentation

Part 1 of Karl's Magic Training Series focuses on Presence and Presentation. 

Magic Training
Plus Magic Training Part 2 - Patter!

Part 2 of Karl's Magic Training Series teaches about Patter! 

Magic Training
Plus Magic Training Part 3 - Props

Part 3 of Karl's Magic Training Series stresses the importance of Props!

Magic Training
Plus Magic Training Part 4 - Planning with Purpose

Part 4 of Karl's Magic Training Series shows you how to plan your show with purpose!

Magic Training
Starter Puppet Training Part 1 - Types of Puppets

Part 1 of Karl's Puppet Training Series shows you different Types of Puppets available.

Puppet Training
Plus Puppet Training Part 2 - Developing a Personality

Part 2 of Karl's Puppet Training Series explains the importance of Developing a Personality!

Puppet Training
Plus Puppet Training Part 3 - Creating a Puppet Voice

Part 3 of Karl's Puppet Training Series helps you with Creating a Puppet Voice all your own!

Puppet Training
Plus Puppet Training Part 4 - Ideas for Using Puppets

Part 4 of Karl's Puppet Training Series shares Ideas for Using Puppets

Puppet Training
Plus Wordless Book How To (Video Training)

Video training by Pastor Karl on the many ways to use the Wordless Book to share the Gospel with complete instructions.

Wordless Book
Plus Wordless Book Mini Book

A simple and easy Wordless Book template that can be customized for your own ministry.

Wordless Book
Starter GOOD NEWS Gospel Tract

FREE DOWNLOAD! A fun, simple and effective way for kids to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus with their friends!

The Gospel
Starter The ORIGINAL Wordless Book

It may surprise you that the original "wordless book" was written for adults! It was a sermon by Spurgeon in 1866, later published in 1911, and had only three colors! DL Moody added the gold color in 1875 and Child Evangelism Fellowship popularized the modern five color version by adding green.

Plus Easter EGGstravaganza Show

Overview of Karl's Easter Outreach Family Game Show

Easter Outreach
Plus Every Day in Every Way (CHANT/SONG)

This fun rap/chant/song will be a powerful worship tool in your ministry  

Cool Chant
Plus Follow Up Letters for Kids

A bunch of kids accept Christ on Sunday - how do you follow up with them? In this post Karl shares the letters he sends out to both kids and parents. You are welcome to edit and adapt.

Follow Up
Starter Foot Washing Activity

This is a fun activity for little learners to practice washing feet. 

Serving Others
Plus Globe Race!

A simple, fun, and exciting game that will help children realize that our country is just a small part of much larger world!

Plus Good News!

An Interviewer is asking several puppets what they think "Gospel" means while a paperboy in the background is selling a GOOD NEWS Newspaper.  

Plus If You Think Church is Boring

An invitation to church that kids can give their friends: "If you think church is boring, you've never been to MY church!"

Church Invitation
Starter Never Ending Ticket!

A SUPER COOL Gospel Presentation that the kids will love - lots of audience participation!

Gospel Presentation
Plus New Ways to Do the WORDLESS BOOK!

Everyone has seen a Wordless Book, here are some NEW ways to present it! Get Creative!!

Wordless Book Variety
Plus No more Sinner's Prayer in Kidmin?

While we may have valid concerns to many of the practices associated with inviting children to receive Jesus into their hearts, Jesus' imperative to bring kids to him must be a priority for children's ministry.

Evangelism, Spiritual Formation

After teaching kids how to share their faith - let them practise and provide feedback!

Witnessing Training
Plus Salvation Follow Up Parent Letter

Sample letter to send parents when a child makes a decision to accept Jesus as their Savior at church.

Parent Follow Up
Plus Share Your Testimony

Help your kids learn about the change becoming a Christian makes by sharing your testimony.

Plus The Abyss Rescue Relay: A Gospel Game

A fun interactive team game that illustrates reaching others to rescue them by sharing the Good News of Jesus!

A Gospel Game
Starter The Good News - Newspaper Game, Week 1

Newspaper games that help teach about sharing the Gospel.

Sharing the Gospel
Plus The Good News - Newspaper Game, Week 2

Newspaper games that help teach about sharing the Gospel.

Sharing the Gospel
Plus The Good News - Newspaper Game, Week 3

Newspaper games that help teach about sharing the Gospel.

Sharing the Gospel
Plus The Good News - Newspaper Game, Week 4

Newspaper games that help teach about sharing the Gospel.

Sharing the Gospel

What if Jesus took a Pop Quiz on Life and His results were counted as yours? That's the meaning of atonement! Jesus score is placed on top of yours!

Gospel Presentation
Starter The Romans Road to Heaven!

Simple way to present the gospel message using 8 verses from Romans.

Gospel, Evangelism,
Plus Ticket to Heaven Game

A FUN interactive game by Karl Bastian that visually illustrates the eternal impact of sharing your faith. Watch a complete video of the game in action!

The Gospel
Free Using the Wordless Book to Share the Gospel

The WORDLESS BOOK is one of the most effective ways to present the Gospel to children! WORDLESS BOOKS can be purchased, but are very simple to make yourself.

Plus Your Salvation Story

This is a guide on how to prepare a written salvation testimony with the Kidologist's as a sample. Written for kids, but good for all ages. See the PDF for printing and the sample.

How To Write a Testimony
Starter Prayer Evangelism for the Family

Practical ways to fulfill the Great Commission at Home

Starter The Salvation Poem Video

The Salvation Poem is a song that wonderfully expresses the Sinner's Prayer in song. The lyrics and music are provided free from salvationpoem.com. This video was created by Kidology.org and is offered here for free to our Starter Members.

Gospel Presentation
Plus Laflin Gospel Magic: Answer the Call

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion every episode. 

Gospel Magic
Starter Laflin Gospel Magic: Answer the Call - Performance Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
Plus Laflin Gospel Magic: Envelope Prediction

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion every episode. 

Gospel Magic
Starter Laflin Gospel Magic: Envelope Prediction - Performance Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
Plus Laflin Gospel Magic: How Sweet It Is - Explanation Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
Starter Laflin Gospel Magic: How Sweet It Is - Performance Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
Plus Laflin Gospel Magic: In a Moment - Explanation Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
Starter Laflin Gospel Magic: In a Moment - Performance Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
Plus Laflin Gospel Magic: Magic Paper Bag - Explanation Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
Starter Laflin Gospel Magic: Magic Paper Bag - Performance Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
Plus Laflin Gospel Magic: Messed Up Money - Explanation Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
Starter Laflin Gospel Magic: Messed Up Money - Performance Video

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. 

Gospel Magic
PLUS Membership 2025 Easter Expedition KidCheck Stars 2025 Gospel Colors U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 24 - Victory U-Turn Cards Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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