Leadership Zone

Ministry rises or falls on leadership. You may have entered into kids ministry because you were good at, well, ministry to kids. But now that you are in charge, you need to grow as a leader. Kidology is here to help!

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Guest Starter All Access
Level Title Topic
All Access Am I In a Toxic Church Environment?

What does a toxic church environment look like, and when should you leave?

Starter Childlike vs. Childish

The Apostle Paul said when he became a man he put away childish things, but then Jesus said we are to come to Him as children. How do we connect with children, relationally, while maintaining the respect of adults? Pastor Karl - a self-identified "big kid" explains how to keep that tricky balance.

Becoming a Relational Leader to Kids without Losin
Starter Take Your Life Back from the Church

Don't let the church suck you dry - that isn't God's Will for those in ministry. When the church is killing your joy, you are doing more than God is asking of you and it is time for drastic action. Now. Stop making excuses.

Leadership & Life & Priorities
All Access First Steps as a New Children's Pastor

Seven Steps to Starting Successfully in a new ministry - or to get a 'new start.' 

Free Highlight Videos - Why You Need to Make Them (and How)

The why and how of ministry highlight videos with lots of samples.

Ministry Highlight Video
All Access How to be an AWESOME Small Group Leader

Many churches today use a Large Group / Small Group format. For small group leaders, here are FIVE TIPS to make your time as effective as possible.

Small Group Training
Starter Ingredients for a GREAT Volunteer Meeting

Create volunteer meetings your people will WANT to come to!

Volunteer Training
All Access Is Your Kidmin in Survival or Creative Mode?

I love Minecraft. I play it with my son and other kids. It also teaches me things about children's ministry.

All Access No more Sinner's Prayer in Kidmin?

While we may have valid concerns to many of the practices associated with inviting children to receive Jesus into their hearts, Jesus' imperative to bring kids to him must be a priority for children's ministry.

Evangelism, Spiritual Formation
All Access Reaching Disconnected Families

Pastor Karl addresses this critical issue that faces all of our ministries. Families visit our church, and don't return. Or, families that once were regular, fade away and we wonder what happened to them. How do we bring them back?

Family Ministry
All Access Recruiting Tool: YES! Postcards

Fun super-hero-themed postcards designed to make joining the kids ministry team easy and inviting!

Recruiting Tools
All Access Safe and Secure Training Video

A Child Security Training Video for use in Your Ministry.

Child Security
Free Safe and Secure Training Video Promo

A Child Security Training Video for use in Your Ministry.

Child Security Training Video
All Access Salvation Follow Up Parent Letter

Sample letter to send parents when a child makes a decision to accept Jesus as their Savior at church.

Parent Follow Up
Starter Teaching Teenagers

They aren’t kids, but they aren’t adults yet either. 

All Access Teen Training Session

Here is everything you need to hold a Teen Training Volunteer Session to inspire, instruct and instill confidence in your youth volunteers.

Teen Volunteer Training
All Access Are You Called to Minister to Children?

You'll never gain fame or glory in children's ministry. So are YOU called?

Ministry Calling
All Access Recruiting Tool: Fabulous Superhero

A Superhero Themed Recruiting Tool

Recruiting Tool
All Access Fostering Camaraderie: Building Friendships in Church Volunteer Teams

The strength of the team often determines its success. This rings particularly true in the context of church volunteer settings, where individuals come together driven by a shared purpose. However, beyond mere cooperation, cultivating camaraderie among team members is crucial. Camaraderie not only enhances productivity and efficiency but also fosters a sense of belonging and support, ultimately enriching the volunteering experience. Let’s delve into the significance of building camaraderie within church volunteer teams and explore practical strategies to transform teammates into genuine friendships.

Leadership & Team Development
Free 10 Easy Ways to Partner with Families in Your Ministry

Ten easy steps to help you get started on your goal to partner with families in your church.

Partnering with Parents, Leadership, Equipping
All Access 10 Scripture Passages for Children's Ministry

Here are 10 Bible passages for every kidmin to know. They will provide a Scriptural foundation for their ministry.

Bible, Leadership, Philosophy of Ministry
Free 11 Great Team Meeting Questions

Make your staff/volunteer meetings more productive and focused.

Volunteers, Meetings, Training
All Access 15 Prayers for Kids in School

Let’s commit to intentionally praying for our kids this school year. 

Prayer, Back to School
All Access 2 Words To Avoid With Your Kids (And Co-Workers)

Have you ever used "Extreme Language"? We all have. The trick is to become aware when we're doing it, and put an end to it. Otherwise, we might start to believe it. 

Relationships, Leadership
Free 21 Questions to Ask Those You Lead

One of the most important skills a leader needs to learn is to listen. Here are 21 crucial questions we need to learn to ask. 

Leadership, Listening
All Access 3 Leadership Blind Spots and How to See Them

Each of us have blind spots in our life and ministry that we may not be aware of.

Free 3 Reasons Why Kids Need Systematic Theology

Times have changed. As children's pastors and parents, we need to realize that our kids need more than what we're teaching.

Theology, Teaching, Culture
All Access 3 Resolutions for your Church Ministry in 2019

What small things can you do to make 2019 even better for your ministry?

Resolutions, New Year, Priorities
All Access 3 Steps for Taking Ownership of Your Curriculum

The curriculum we use should not set the direction of our children's ministry. As a #kidmin leader, you should tell the curriculum the direction of your ministry.

Curriculum, Planning, Leadership
Free 3 Temptations Every Leader Has to Face

What are the temptaions that new... and seasoned... leaders face? How can you overcome them?

Free 4 Powerful Things Criticism Tells About You

Being the object of criticism can be discouraging and deflating. It can also be an opportunity for growth.

Criticism, Growth, Leadership
Free 4 Reasons The Kids In Your Ministry Are Misbehaving

How do you handle discipline in your ministry? Not just punishment, but maintaining control before it gets out of control? Here are some tips to help you run a smooth Sunday morning (or Wednesday evening).

Discipline, Relationship, Leadership
All Access 4 Tips For Helping Kids Serve in Kid's Church... Adults too.

Kid’s can be the church of today, if we let them… and help them.

Serving, Volunteers
All Access 4 Ways I React When A Volunteer Leaves

How do you honestly feel when you get that dreaded email/call or hallway encounter where your volunteer is sharing with you that they are departing?

Volunteers, Shepherding
All Access 4 Ways to Stop Your Hurried Pace of Life

Feel like ministry is on fast-forward mode all the time? Here are four ways to press STOP and learn to pause.

Leadership, Criticism
All Access 5 Must-Have Values for Leading Volunteers

Many leaders face challenges with high rates of turnover and frustrating results. Others seem to enjoy strong teams and ministry effectiveness. So what makes a leader effective in building teams of volunteers?  

All Access 5 Things Children's Ministers Wish Their Senior Pastor Knew

An open letter from those who serve in children's ministry to their senior pastors.

All Access 5 Things I Did to Get a Sabbath

it breaks my heart ot hear so many of my peers wrestling with whether or not they can or even should take a Sabbath.

Sabbath for Pastors
All Access 5 Things No One Told Me About KidMin

There are a lot of things you will learn once you begin your job as a KidMin. Here are a few that were learned the hard way. If only someone had told me first...

Leadership, Team Building
All Access 5 Ways That Kids Can Serve in Kid's Church

Kids are not the church of the future. They can be the church of today!

Service, Volunteers, Discipleship
Free 6 Pitfalls Every New Children's Pastor Should Avoid

Avoid these pitfalls that new pastors make. 

Pastor Pitfalls
All Access 6 Questions To Ensure Your Ministry Outlasts You

How well prepared are you for when God calls you to move on? Have you prepared others to pick up where you left off?

Leadership, Preparation
All Access 68 Reasons Why Children's Ministry Matters!

Kids matter to God and they should matter to us. Here are 68 reasons why.

Importance of CM
All Access 7 Characteristics of a Healthy Leader

Are you a wise and spirit-filled leader? Paul gives 7 specific qualities in the book of Ephesians to strive for.

Free 7 Questions to Hitting Your Target

Don't just set goals. Make sure to take steps to accomplish your goals. Here are seven questions to get you on the right track.

Planning, Success
Free 7 Questions You Can't Ask In Church

Do you know God's commands for your life? Or are you just misunderstanding them? 

Humor, Questions
All Access 7 Reasons to Have Teenagers in Your Ministry

Here are 7 things you can do to encourage the Youth Workers in your Kid Min.

Teens in Ministry
Free 7 Things to Remember When a Parent Expresses a Concern

7 tips to consider when addressing concerns in your ministry.

Safety, Communication, Parental Concerns
All Access 7 Tips for the Most Productive Planning Meetings Ever

Don't lead the same ho-hum meetings. Learn tricks to engage your team!

Meetings, Administration
All Access 8 Healthy Leadership Characteristics I Learned from a Kid

 Learn how God used a kid to teach us about healthy leadership.

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