Lesson Plans Zone

As the saying goes...

"If you don't make a plan for the kids, they'll make a plan for you!"

Sunday School - Children's Church - Special Events.

Here you will find complete lessons designed for the class room or children's church.

Do you enjoy writing your own lessons? Consider sharing YOUR lesson plan for others to benefit from too!

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Starter Candy Pancake Breakfast Super Sunday

Host a CANDY PANCAKE BREAKFAST for the kids! It’s something they will LOVE, TALK ABOUT, and LOOK FORWARD TO, and even BRING A FRIEND!

Fun, Stand-Alone Lesson on Thankfulness
Plus Dosango Kids Church Unit

A spin-off of the paper bag commercials for Fandango.com this Dosango Unit is a fun unit that updates the WWJD concept with a fun beach theme!

DO-SAY-GO as Jesus Would
Plus Lessons from Philippians

These are basic bible lessons that were used for a 5-day VBS, based on Philippians.

Starter Six Questions to Ask When Choosing Songs for Worship with Kids

When it comes to worship with children the choices of songs might be overwhelming, but rather than going back to the few songs you repeat each week, consider these questions to help you find the best worship songs for kids.

Worship, Songs
Starter The Disappearance of King Jesus

As our eyes focus on King Jesus the door of our heart will open to Him with understanding.

Starter My Awesome Adventure: Lesson 1

This is a sample lesson from the Awesome Adventure Children's Discipleship Series. If you have 3D glasses, you can view the awesome background! This lesson introduces children to the character of God and the trinity.

How to Know What God is Like
Plus The Greatest Book Ever Written

The Bible is more than just an old religious book. It is direct communication from God on how we are to live, a history of our world, and a guide to how we can live the life our Creator intended for us to live. Every story in the Bible, no matter how short, seemingly insignificant, or even boring – is there for a reason and we can learn something valuable from it. The purpose of this lesson is to stir up a fresh curiosity in children as to how the Bible can help them in their daily lives. They should go home more eager to read the Bible for themselves.

The Bible
Plus Seeing God in the Mirror

God created us to be like Him. We daily must choose: God's way, or our own? Part of the "Kids in the Word" Kids Church Series by Karl Bastian, the Kidologist.

Image of God
Plus Foretold Easter Single Lesson

Easter lesson by Karl Bastian & Stanley Mearse exploring the fulfilled prophesies that prove Jesus IS the Messiah.

Plus Adam and Eve: The Biggest Boo-Boo Ever

This lesson introduces children to the origin of sin into our world, but also touches on the appeal of sin that remains even today. The creation lesson laid the foundation for our creation and our being made ‘free’ and the last lesson on being made in the image of God that is stained, this lesson will bring them together with Adam and Eve’s fall with a two-fold application. First, that Jesus has provided salvation, and secondly, that we need to fight temptation daily so that we don’t also make mistakes (sin) that can have long lasting consequences.

Origin of Sin
Free Andy and the Ants Companion Lesson

A parable of the incarnation of Christ, Andy becomes an ant to warn his ant friends that a bulldozer is going to destroy them. He offers a way for them to escape. Some listen and others don't believe. A powerful story that makes the incarnation of God-to-man understandable to children.

Incarnation; Parables
Plus Ask, Seek, Knock

Have son or daughters asking for a certain need of theirs. Then give them the complete opposite. Teaching that God would not do this to anyone of us.

Needing God
Plus Barnyard Scramble

Help children understand how, in a church, everyone needs to find out what their spiritual gift is and use it together with others in the Body of Christ.

Games, Spiritual Gifts
Plus Bible Formulas

A fun way to spark interest in the Bible or review Bible books.

Bible books, Games, Science VBS
Plus Bible Story Mad Lib Idea

This is a super fun idea to teach on how amazing the Bible is by using a very fun introduction of creating a "mad libs" Bible story. It is funny, but has a teaching point on how God's Word came to be and what it means to be "inspired" by God.

The Good Samaritan / Inspiration of Scripture
Plus Clean Teeth

A fun game that takes an ordinary daily chore (brushing your teeth) and provide a spiritual application on obeying God's Word.

Games, Teamwork, Obeying God's Word
Plus How to be an AWESOME Small Group Leader

Many churches today use a Large Group / Small Group format. For small group leaders, here are FIVE TIPS to make your time as effective as possible.

Small Group Training
Starter How to Study the W.O.R.D.

A way to help kids (and adults) get more out of their Bible reading time.

Bible Study
Plus Jesus in My Neighborhood? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 3 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access members) on JESUS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD. The video features Jesus visiting a boy for his bedtime prayers and giving him a surprise answer to prayer!

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (3 of 3)
Starter Kid's Praise Service - Grade School

Grade school lesson with songs about PRAISE.  

Plus Kid's Praise Service - Preschool

Preschool service complete with songs you can make as overhead graphics.

Plus Let's Learn About WORSHIP

Lesson on Worship, including a collection of verses about worship

Free Operation: Thanks Thanksgiving Super Sunday

A Thanksgiving lesson by Karl Bastian & Tom Bump that challenges kids to show thanks in creative ways. 

Starter Scope and Seekwhat?

Educators have long called it a Scope and Sequence. Every thoughtful Bible curriculum has one. If it doesn’t, you might want to re-evaluate the quality of the material or the intentionality of its creators. If there is no scope and sequence, then it is a haphazard approach to education, and that is dangerous.

Curricululm Writing
Plus The Gifts of the Puzzle

Kids will learn how spiritual gifts by themselves are incomplete and missing something. They are designed to  fit together within the church and the Kingdom of God around the world.

Spiritual gifts, The church
Plus The Heaven Express

This draft of Scott Phillips adaptations of my lessons is available for you to use/edit/change as needed.

Heaven / Polar Express
Plus The Salt Lesson

Lesson on how we are the salt of the earth

Starter The Ultimate Bible Guide for Kids: Bible Basics

Over 20 ideas for helping kids learn how to use their Bibles and learn the Books of the Bible, including Karl's Rap "Kids in the Word!"

The Bible
Free The Ultimate Birthday Party for Jesus Planning Pack Super Sunday

A FUN Party Plan for Celebrating the Birthday of JESUS!

Fun, Stand-Alone Birthday Party Plan for Christmas
Plus We Know This Story Already!

How can you teach the standard Bible stories and still engage those kids who "already know this one"?

Bringing Stories to Life
Plus Who is Jesus? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 1 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access Members) on WHO IS JESUS. The video has puppets answering the question, "Who is Jesus?"

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (1 of 3)
Plus Who is My Neighbor? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 2 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access members) on WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR. The video has puppets answering the question, "Who is Your Neighbor?"

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (2 of 3)
Plus Who's Missing?

Webster's Dictionary defines memorizing as "committing (something) to memory," or "learning (something)by heart." Use this simple game to introduce a time of Scripture memory or show children the importance of memorizing Scripture.

Scripture memory
Plus Your Salvation Story

This is a guide on how to prepare a written salvation testimony with the Kidologist's as a sample. Written for kids, but good for all ages. See the PDF for printing and the sample.

How To Write a Testimony
Plus Armor of God Activity Sheet + Mini Lesson

A Mini Lesson on the Armor of God featuring an Activity Sheet with BOTH a male and female soldier in the Armor of God and the armor listed (out of order) so the kids have to draw a line to match the armor name with the correct armor on the Soldier of God.

Armor of God

Here is a great lesson for children on the story of Balaam's talking donkey. Through this story, kids will learn that they need to listen for God's guidance.

Children's Lesson
Free 3 Reasons Why Kids Need Systematic Theology

Times have changed. As children's pastors and parents, we need to realize that our kids need more than what we're teaching.

Theology, Teaching, Culture
Plus 3 Steps for Taking Ownership of Your Curriculum

The curriculum we use should not set the direction of our children's ministry. As a #kidmin leader, you should tell the curriculum the direction of your ministry.

Curriculum, Planning, Leadership
Plus 5 Exciting New Ways To Teach The Nativity Story

It’s almost Christmas time, aka one of the two times of the year where what you’ll be teaching in Sunday School is firmly locked in place. Of course, therein lies the problem. How do you make a story that all the little ones know by heart exciting again? Fret not, Kid Mins. I have scoured the big ol’ interwebs and found 5 ridiculously awesome (and inexpensive) ways to liven up your nativity teaching.

Nativity Lesson Plans
Starter A Fidget Spinner Bible Lesson

Fidget Spinners: What's the Big Deal? If you've never heard of a fidget spinner, then chances are, you've never made contact with someone between the ages of 6 and 16 in the past two months. Here is a fun devotional to tap into that fad! (While it lasts)

Pursue What Lasts!
Plus Applying God's Word to Our Lives

Take the DIY project you've been working on and use it to teach a valuable lesson in applying God's Word.

Application, Obedience
Plus As Unique As a Snowflake

This simple Bible lesson for preschoolers is perfect for those Sundays when you have snow on the ground. It could be used in Sunday School or Kids church. Some families could also use it as an outline for a family devotion.

Plus Baskets for Jesus!

He drives, he shoots, he scores! The Lord wants us to be active, working for Him in this lost world, serving others and sharing the Gospel to win souls. When we put our hands to God's work, the rewards are great. We are on the winning team!

Christian Life
Starter Bible Character Museum

Bible Character Museum is a simple way to bring Bible characters to life, using either adult/teen volunteers, or older children. This can be used for just about any context, so read on!

Live Action Theater
Free Bible Lesson: Putting God First

Here is a Bible Lesson from Haggai about putting God first.

Lesson about Putting God First
Plus Bitterness, Loyalty, and Family Drama in the Story of Ruth

God wants us to be loyal and faithful to our friends and family; even when things seem challenging, He will work things out for good.

Lessons, Ruth, Loyalty
Plus Blessed are the Losers

Lesson on Unexpected Heroes (Matthew 5:1-12) 

Free Children's Lesson Plan Template

Here is a great lesson planning worksheet for children's lessons, which includes both a blank template and an explanation for how to use it!

Lesson Plan Template
Plus Christmas Worship Stations

 A four station journey to search for, discover, follow and share the Light this Christmas.

Christmas, Evangelism, Gospel Message
Plus Easter Sunday

What is the purpose of Easter Sunday? Use this skit to explain it to children.

Skit, Puppet Skit
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck Curls 2025 FUNtastic Bible Activity Book 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure The Voyage of the Dawn Treader ToyBox Tales Kidology Online Training
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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