Humor Zone

A happy heart makes the face cheerful...the cheerful heart has a continual feast...A cheerful heart is good medicine. (Prov. 15:13, 15; 17:22)

Here are some reasons to smile. Perfect for personal enjoyment, or to lighten up that otherwise drab church meeting. Use these in your sermons and training. Also great content to add to your kids church lessons! People who are smiling are learning as well!

NOTE: There are a lot of wholesome things we can laugh about - please limit submissions to those things which are related to children's ministry or kids or family or church even if it is a bit of a stretch. And please use wisdom. Humor should build up, never cut down or hurt. (Rule of thumb: if everyone will think it is funny!)

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter Members
Level Title Topic
Starter Bible Jokes

Some fun jokes that show that the Bible is an interesting book!

Bible related Humor

Here are some humorous lessons on life - great quoteables you can use in teacher training.

Kids and Life
Starter What Are Kids Learning in Sunday School?

Here are some funny quotes from kids on what THEY believe abour the Bible, or at least what they wrote.

Kid's Bible Facts... sorta
Plus Bible Story Mad Lib Idea

This is a super fun idea to teach on how amazing the Bible is by using a very fun introduction of creating a "mad libs" Bible story. It is funny, but has a teaching point on how God's Word came to be and what it means to be "inspired" by God.

The Good Samaritan / Inspiration of Scripture
Free Billy Didn't Do It!

Bible Teaching Humor
Free Children's Pastor's Language Guide

It has come to our attention that Children’s Pastors see the world a little differently than most others. This handy reference guide will help bridge the language gap that so often divides them from the rest of society. We recommend this guide be kept for ready reference at all staff and board meetings so as to help understand your children’s pastor and his/her perspective.

Plus Video: The Kidology Handbook and You!

Why do you need the Kidology Handbook? Maybe it will help you solve the Rubix Cube or Catch a Crocodile!

Product Info
Plus Father's Day Jokes

A collection of jokes relating to dads

Father's Day
Free 10 Things You Should Never Do to Lead a Child in Salvation

A humerous look at what NOT to do to lead a child to Christ

Humor, Salvation
Starter 20 Funny Signs

20 photos of funny road signs

Free Dysfunctional Families of the Bible

Does your family feel dysfunctional? Turns out you're in good company. You could even be Biblical ... 

Humor, Families
Free Famous Last Words of Former Children's Pastors

Ever had one of those moments where you wished you could take back what you just said? Children's pastors, beware ...

Children's Ministry, Humor
Plus Funny Kids Story:

Funny story of a conversation between a kid and a Pastor.

Service Times
Free Holiday Diet Secrets

A humorous look at dieting during the holidays.

Holiday Diet Tips
Plus How We Know Santa Was Once A Children's Pastor

OK, let’s be honest. Santa Claus has a little bit too much in common with a children’s pastor. Coincidence? I don’t think so. It seems clear he used to be a Children’s Pastor. Think about these similarities!

Children's Ministry, Humor
Free Ministry Leaders Who Didn't Make the Cut

Everyone needs a good laugh! It’s time for you to have a few of them. Take a look at this report and see how no one would be truly ready to serve God in ministry, except for God’s grace.

A Laugh for the Kidmin Leader
Plus Saying Goodbye

A lighthearted way to say goodbye to a Lead or Staff Pastor

Plus St. Patrick's Day Riddles & Jokes

A good laugh is always helpful, especially, when you might be feeling a little, uh, green.

Starter Thanksgiving Jokes

Some Thanksgiving themed jokes to help with your teaching, skits or puppet routines.

Thanksgiving Jokes
Plus The Parrot

A humorous story of a reformed parrot.

Change in Attitude
Plus Things Kids Say

Speaking about kids? Here are some great 'kid quotes' you can use. Who knows if they are really true, but they are funny!

Kids Humor
Plus The Tale of Billy and Bob: Words of Wisdom

Billy gets a parrot and Bob talks to him about the importance of choosing his words.

Plus Easter / Palm Sunday Jokes

A variety of Easter related jokes.

Plus Getting into Heaven

Salvation - Death
Starter Knight Humor

Just some funny knight jokes for a Medieval themed lesson or event.

Medieval Jokes
Plus Preaching in the Future

Palm Pilots
Plus A Day in the Life of a Children's Pastor

OUCH!!!! Can i just tell you that my youth pastor is feeling a great deal of pain at the moment?! Let me explain. Sit back and enjoy the story...

Plus A.A.A.D.D. (Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder)

There's finally a diagnosis for those of us suffering!

Plus Bible Theme Songs


Theme songs
Plus Buzzing Ears

This is something that happened last week to one of our new church families.

God talks to us
Plus Choir Proficiency Test

In order to measure your level of proficiency as a choir member, the following test has been carefully developed by experts. Read and reflect on each situation and then select the option that will enhance the quality of the performance.


CHRISTIAN BUMPER STICKERS - or catchy witnessing sayings (mostly for sake of humor)

Plus Church Jokes 1

Various church jokes

Palm Sunday, Church, Kids
Plus Church Jokes 2

Various church jokes

Church, Kids, Humor
Plus Church Jokes 3

Various church jokes

Humor, Kids, Church
Plus Clean Fish

A little girl speaks to the fish

A kid and a fish
Plus Fun Things to do During the Sermon

Fun Things To Do During Boring Sermons

Plus Funny, Isn't It?

A humorous look at how priorities change when it comes to our spiritual life.

Contradcitions in life

Scientist can never duplicate God

Plus Kids Science Theories

Funnt things kids wrote in science papers.

Plus Laws Concerning Children

How parents might edit the old testament...

Old Testament Humor
Plus Lessons Learned from a 6 Year Old

For those who already have children past this age, this is hilarious. For those who have children this age, this is not funny. For those who have children nearing this age, this is a warning. For those who have not yet had children, this is birth control.

young children
Plus Memorial Plaque!

Alex was staring up at the large plaque that hung in the church foyer....

church service
Plus Office Inspirational Posters?

Top 20 Sayings we'd like to see on those office inspirational posters...

Surviving in the office
Plus Things kids say

Kids think in creative ways - especially when asked to answer questions on a test! Here is a collection of things kids have written. They are both humurous and teach us a lot about the mind of a child.

Plus Understanding Scripture

The wages of sin
Plus Unusual Books and Authors

The Tragedy on the Cliff, by Eileen Dover, and many more!

Humor with Names

Some fun at the oddities of our language - great for missions training on learning other languages

English Language
Plus WWJD: What Would Jesus Drive?

Most people assume WWJD is for "What would Jesus do?" But a few enlightened individuals think the initials really stand for "What would Jesus drive?"  

Plus Butt Dust

Sometimes kids take things a little too literally!

Literal Understanding
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck YouthCheck Guitar 2025 FUNtastic Bible Activity Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 17 - Global ToyBox Tales Kidology Store
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

Kidology on Facebook