Puppetry Zone

No Strings Attached!

Puppets remain the #1 ministry tool for engaging, entertaining, and educating kids. The simple fact is, KIDS LOVE PUPPETS, and while other teaching techniques come and go, puppets are here to stay! Here you will find help for puppet teams as well as solo puppeteers.

See Also: Introduction to Solo Puppeteering

#1 Rated Puppet Script:
Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

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Plus A Letter from a Friend (Solo)

Teaching to accept and read God's messages to us.

God's Word
Plus A Roof Over Your Head

Just as a roof over a house protects the inside of a house from damage, so obedience to God's commands protects us from the harmful things of this life that can pour down upon us.

Plus Confession List... For Others?!

As a lesson intro on Confessing Sin, a puppet (or actor) has a list of sins to confess... only they are OTHER people's sins!

Plus Cookie Caper

A girl thinks she won't go to Heaven because she stole a cookie. Dog helps her to find forgiveness.

God's Love
Plus Friends Forever

Arnie finds out that you can be forgiven and have a friend in Jesus forever.

Forgiveness / Salvation
Plus God's Recipe

Cindy learns that following directions is like following God's recipe for our lives.

God's Word
Plus Going Overboard

Funny script about Jesus calming the storm

Plus Grezelda Gets Mad

Grezelda finds out that anger does not get you many friends.

Starter Grumpy Gill's Quest for Joy

Grumpy Gill learns that the rottenness he enjoys about spiders and their webs is actually a beautiful work of art, turning him from Grumpy Gill to Glad Gill.

Plus Jesus' Gift to You

Peter wants to give gifts and hopes they will be accepted, but doesn't realize he has yet to receive the best gift - Jesus' gift of life.z

Plus Jesus is your Shepherd

A girl learns that Jesus is her perfect Shepherd.

Jesus, our Shepherd
Plus Mirror, Mirror

Andy learns from his mirror that honoring your parents can impact how long you live on the earth! Our words and attitudes should reflect our life with God.

Honoring Parents
Plus Old McPharaoh had a frog

A frog and a mouse have a discussion about the plague of frogs in the story of Moses and Pharaoh.

Moses and Pharaoh
Plus Sin Stains Our Image

Sin stains the image God gave us. Puppet believes that she has zits all over her face and then realizes that there are just spots on the mirror.

Plus Terrible Tongue

Mouse tells a lie about Tough McRuff and ruins a friendship.

Telling lies
Plus The Good Shepherd

A lamb finds that safety with the shepherd is better than freedom with danger.

Matthew 18:12,13
Plus The Lost Puppy Puppet Script

... I had gone camping and seen a lost dog (with a collar). We tried to get him but he wouldn't come to us. I felt really bad about that dog. And then it was as if God said to me, "That's how I feel when I see My children lost in their sin and not coming to My Son." The resulting puppet script is what God gave me to use...

Plus The Prayer of Jabez Skit

The prayer of Jabez puppet skit (1 Chronicles 4:9-10)

Plus The Prayer Pair

The first puppet demonstrates the good way to pray, while the other prays for his own good.

Starter What can I do with money?

Part 3 of 10 - Puppet learns that we can save, spend, or give our money.

Ways we can use money
Plus Who is my Shepherd?

A little girl wishes to be a lamb because she wants her own Shepherd. She finds out her parents are her Shepherds.

Starter Why Can't I Do Whatever I Want with MY Money?

2 of 10 Puppet learns that her money is actually God's money, since God created everything.

Everything is God's
Plus Choose Your Friends

A Game Show on Choosing Friends Wisely. Contestants get to choose between friends that are rich and those that are loyal. This shows the outcome of each selection.

Starter Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

Two bumbling superheroes find a pamphlet with the words "The Gospel" written on it. They put it in a decoder and heed the message.  

Plus Michael Jordan's Nose

Based on Matthew 18:12 A puppet is searching frantically for a puzle piece that is missing. (It is a puzzle of Michael Jordan, and the missing piece is his nose.) A friend asks what he is doing and the result is a conversation about why he is willing to leave the other 99 pieces to search for this one. "The other 99 are made complete when the missing one is found."

God's Love
Plus Pebble Mountain

A puppet brags about his climbing exploits, but trips over a pebble and is humbled.

Plus The Seven Magic Letters!

Saying, "I'm sorry" instead of arguing saves this puppet some trouble.

Plus Flatman and Bobbin #2 The Dynamite Donut Detonator!

The bumbling superheroes are back and find out that a criminal they had put in jail has been released. They first are convinced that he must have tricked the guards. They later learn that he is helping out a soup kitchen feeding the poor, thus learning that nobody is beyond hope.  

Starter Puppet Training Part 1 - Types of Puppets

Part 1 of Karl's Puppet Training Series shows you different Types of Puppets available.

Puppet Training
Plus Puppet Training Part 2 - Developing a Personality

Part 2 of Karl's Puppet Training Series explains the importance of Developing a Personality!

Puppet Training
Plus Puppet Training Part 3 - Creating a Puppet Voice

Part 3 of Karl's Puppet Training Series helps you with Creating a Puppet Voice all your own!

Puppet Training
Plus Puppet Training Part 4 - Ideas for Using Puppets

Part 4 of Karl's Puppet Training Series shares Ideas for Using Puppets

Puppet Training
Plus Flatman and Bobbin #3 The Destructo!

The Bumbling Duo save Messyopolis by discovering the secret to defeating The Destructo and learn that everyone needs encouragement!  

Plus A Letter From a Friend

Puppet gets a letter from a friend, is excited, but doesn't open it. Silly huh? Kinda like Christians who are excited about their Bibles, but don't read them. Silly huh?

Bible is Like a Letter from God
Starter Aaron and Hur

A 'who's on first' style puppet show. Copyrighted, but you are welcome to use in local church ministry.

Moses and Aaron
Plus Basic Puppet Techniques

Here is a training outline explaining basic techniques in puppetry.

Puppetry Training
Plus Choose Your Driver - Part 2 of the Spiritual D's

Gus and Molly are going on vacation - they have now chosen a destination, but are fighting over who is going to drive, and in the process, break the steering wheel! We need to let Jesus be the 'driver' in our life.

Putting Jesus in Charge
Plus CONsequences - Break it Down

A brother and sister discuss the meaning of the word 'consequences.'

Starter Cover those heads!

Everyone loves to laugh at the Peeking Puppeteer Heads, except the puppeteers who are doing the show. Here is a creative way to eliminate that!

Peeking Puppeteer Heads!
Plus Docking Bay 94

The Intrepid crew of the USS Procrastination are back in a hysterical puppet show that involves never before seen interaction between the puppets and the leader, who is suprised by the puppet show and the way it goes. Perfect for a lesson on Abram GOING when God said to go!

Plus Flatman and Bobbin Save Mother's Day! (#4)

The bumbling duo saves the world from a mother who was forgotten on Mother's Day—and all children are warned to love their mothers.

Mother's Day
Plus Good News!

An Interviewer is asking several puppets what they think "Gospel" means while a paperboy in the background is selling a GOOD NEWS Newspaper.  

Plus I Will Gladly Pay You on Tuesday

Harry the Hotdog lover is always promising to pay for his hotdogs on Tuesday... but what if "Tuesday" never comes?

Plus Introduction to Solo Puppeteering

Puppet Training on doing a puppet all by yourself - ventriloquism NOT required! (Although the AVC's of Ventriloquism are included!) Tips and Advice on how to do a puppet by yourself, how to develop a character, and things you can do to enhance your lesson with a solo puppet.

Puppetry Training
Plus It's All About Me!

A girl has written a play called "It's All About Me" and finds she doesn't need her friends, because she can do everything herself better. In the end, she is all alone.

Plus It's Not My Fault!

FUNNY ROUTINE where a puppet accidentally admits to something he did – without realizing it. Then tries to blame everything and everyone but himself.

Admitting Wrong
Plus Jesus in My Neighborhood? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 3 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access members) on JESUS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD. The video features Jesus visiting a boy for his bedtime prayers and giving him a surprise answer to prayer!

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (3 of 3)
Plus List of Worries!

This is a humorous list of worries that a puppet or character has made. A leader talks them through it and challenges them to 'cast their cares upon Jesus.' (1 Peter 5:7)

Worry Trust Faith
Plus Meet Gus!

Pictures and info on the Kidologist's main puppet character, Gus! (For ideas for creating your own puppet character and personality)

Puppetry Training
Plus Noduh the Wise One on the Spiritual Disciplines

Enjoy Pastor Karl's classic video series on Spiritual Disciplines starring Noduh the Wise One - not to be confused with his cousin Yoda of Star Wars fame. This 10-part series includes an introduction video.

Spiritual Disciplines
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck Toddler 2025 FUNtastic Bible Activity Book Kid Conversation Cards Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Old Testament/New Testament Combo The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Online Training
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