Preteen Zone

Here you'll find a collection of resources that were actually created by preteen leaders! Plus, you can contribute by submitting your own ideas as well!

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Guest Starter Members
Level Title Topic
Plus Reverse Easter Egg Hunt: Great for Older Kids (Even Teens)

Are your preteens getting too old for Easter egg hunts? Here's a creative way to get them excited about Easter.

Easter, Tweens, Preteens, Game
Plus Secrets to Communicating to Preteens

Begin effectively communicating to preteens and capturing their attention.

Communication, Teaching
Plus Should I Let My Teenager Date?

 Friendship with others starts with understanding whose we are.

Dating, Teens
Plus Should My Preteen Have a Facebook Page?

Should you allow your preteen to have a Facebook page? Here are some things that you need to think about before making your decision.

Social Media, Preteens
Plus What's Unique About Developing a Team of Preteen Leaders?

Lead your preteens more effectively by understanding what's different about leading them.

Leading, Recruiting
Plus Why I Don't Tell My Kids They Can Be Anything They Want To Be

Parents should be far more worried about how God has designed their child and think more about how we can make our kids more God-conscience and less self-absorbed.

Living as Christ
Plus I Use 10 Sheets - Game for Preteens

This is a fun game for preteens (4th-6th grade) that allows them to express their creativity, while getting them to laugh along the way.

Plus Tweeners: PreTeen Ministry

This is a seminary research paper on the topic of ministry to preteen, 10-14 year old children in today's culture and church.

Plus 3 Things You May Have Overlooked

A visual object lesson - the audience misses the obvious. Do we miss out on the most important thing in life?

Christian Life
Plus The Power of an Effective Preteen Ministry

If you don't yet have specific programming for preteens, be encouraged to launch something!

Preteen Ministry
Starter FREE Bible Memory Songs from Alan Root

FREE MP3s! FREE Bible memory songs, plus three CD cuts from Alan Root!

Free Music Downloads
Plus Be Different - Be An Alien!

A preteen lesson from Karl Bastian featuring David and Goliath and what it means to be an alien in this world! Small Group hand out included.

The Power of the Gospel
Plus Bible Numbers and Facts

This is a fun activity for helping kids learn some amazing facts about the Bible!

Bible Facts
Plus CHURCH Escape Event Plan

By popular demand, here are ALL the files you need to plan a fun Escape Room event, but using your entire church!

FUN Event

Purchase all the files and information on how to host a Nerf Wars event for the preteens in your ministry!

Preteen Event Details
Plus Listen to the Holy Spirit Game

A fun game that illustrates the need to focus to listen to the Holy Spirit over other "voices" in our lives.

Holy Spirit
Plus Pinterest Get to Know You Game

This is a "Get to Know You" game based on the popular website It helps a large group of kids or teens quickly find people with common interests.  

Ice Breaker Game w/ Pinterest
Plus T.A.L.K. Talk - The Power of Words

The way we use our words can have a lasting impact on the people around us.

Think Before You T.A.L.K.
Plus Teen Training Session

Here is everything you need to hold a Teen Training Volunteer Session to inspire, instruct and instill confidence in your youth volunteers.

Teen Volunteer Training
Plus Ticket to Heaven Game

A FUN interactive game by Karl Bastian that visually illustrates the eternal impact of sharing your faith. Watch a complete video of the game in action!

The Gospel
Plus Tips for Teaching Preteens (Middle Schoolers)

Karl Bastian provides some practical tips on engaging and keeping the interest of middle schoolers when teaching. (Bonus: Comes with a sample middle school lesson.)

Teaching Preteens
Plus Ultimate Rock, Paper, Scissors

Everyone knows Rock, Paper, Scissors - this large group version is a LOT of fun and teaches teamwork, encouragement and the power of prayer!

Fun Game / Power of Prayer
Plus Flash Class: How to Edit in iMovie

Pastor Karl Bastian, founder of and creator of Kids Church Online, did a LIVE EDIT of his next Kids Church Online service while explaining so you can see how it's done!

Online Ministry
Plus Karl Explains Fortnite

Karl explains what Fortnite is and how to use it to better connect with your kids.

Plus Controlled Chaos

Learning to deal with the reality of Choas in a preteen ministry.

Choas, Discipline
Starter Four Steps to Form a New Habit

Form healthy habits with your family now so you can enjoy long term results. 

Healthy Habits
Plus Get Real with Preteens

Learn to share part of your life with preteens in order to grab their attention.

Testimony, Stories, Authentic
Plus Get to Know ME Middle School Version

An easy form for getting to know your Middle Schoolers.

Getting to Know Preteen
Plus Good to Great

Take your preteen ministry to the next level and begin making an even bigger impact.

Relationships, Programing
Plus Halloween Movie Outreach Kit

This time of year is notorious for its association with darkness, but Jesus says we are the light of the world! So, let's get out there and shine with Operation Flashlight!

Outreach, Halloween
Plus How Do You Encourage Preteens to Grow and Develop

Ever thought of where to start when it comes to getting your preteens to develop and own their faith? It all starts with encouraging them. Check out what FourFiveSix has to say about this very topic.

Preteens Growing
Plus How To Keep The Attention of Preteens, Part 1

Use interactive elements to engage your preteens and hold their attention.

Interactive, Illustrate, Experience
Starter Listen Like a Parrot!

How well do you truly listen to the kids in your ministry?

Listening, Discipling
Plus Parent Meetings + Talking about Technology

In this episode, Sean Sweet talks about 2 different things that can give anxiety when it comes to preteen ministry. First he talks about how to have percent meetings, and then he talks about Technology and how we can help parents understand what their kids are dealing with.

Partnering Parents
Plus Presenting the Gospel Part 1

Sean Sweet and Patrick Snow from CIY start discussing ways to talk about the Gosple to Preteens.

How to present the Gospel to Preteens
Plus Presenting the Gospel Part 2

Sean Sweet and Patrick Snow from CIY finish discussing ways to talk about the Gosple to Preteens.

How to Present the Gospel to Preteens
Plus Preteens Seeing God in Creation

Get your markers out and learn to draw your preteens into worship with this creative idea.

Worship, Creation
Plus Read the Story, Again!

What do you do if you want to teach a story that the children in your ministry have heard before many times?

Teaching Methods, Children's Ministry
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck YouthCheck Guitar 2025 FUNtastic Bible Activity Book U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 9 - How to Build Character The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Store
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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