StoreTweens › JumpStart3 Church Resource Kit - Volume 3: Romans Road - Download

JumpStart3 Church Resource Kit - Volume 3: Romans Road - Download

The definitive scripture memory tool for kidmin!

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If you find that your kids are having trouble memorizing their bible verses, but remember the words to music, TV, and movies, JumpStart3 can help!! With a style of music they want to listen to and lyrics straight from the bible, JumpStart3 is a great way to get kids to hide God's Word in their heart.

Church Resource Kits are designed for use at church, school, camp or anywhere groups of kids are found.
All scripture songs in this kit are based on the theme of ROMANS ROAD.

  1. Romans 10:9 - You Will Be Saved
  2. Romans 1:16 - I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel
  3. Romans 3:23-24 - All Have Sinned
  4. Romans 5:8 - Christ Died For Us
  5. Romans 8:28 - God Works For The Good
Watch a demo video and see what's included in this complete ministry kit!

This download resource is available instantly after purchase by clicking on My Downloads at the top of any page.
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