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DiscipleTown All About Spiritual Growth 3-Pack Collection

3 Units for just $99.95! - Units 1, 5, 6

The All About Spiritual Growth Collection features 3 months of DiscipleTown curriculum for just $99.95! This special release is only available for a limited time and includes 3 popular teaching units that revolve around the common theme of spiritual growth.

How To Follow God's Plan
DiscipleTown Unit #5
Though the world offers fun and excitement, only the Lord's plan promises deep, rich fulfillment. This unit will help your kids discover God's will for their lives! They will learn that growing in Biblical knowledge, in Christlike character, and in godly conduct are key to fulfilling God's wonderful plan.

How To Worship
DiscipleTown Unit #1
Worship is not a new concept to children, but it is often misunderstood. Too often, kids do not realize the significance of worshiping the one, true God. Children assume that "worship" is synonymous with "singing." This unit provides an understanding of what true worship is -- and it offers some very practical ways that children can incorporate worship into their lives.

How To Make Good Choices
DiscipleTown Unit #6
This unit will help your children understand the power they have to choose between right and wrong. They will learn how to win the spiritual battle that rages inside, as well as what to do after they make a bad choice — as we all do far too many times.

This download resource is available instantly after purchase by clicking on My Downloads at the top of any page.

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