it BIBLE Curriculum from

You've found it!


it is a Super FUN, Scripturally SOLID Children's Church Curriculum for Creatives like YOU!

it is DIFFERENT because it includes everything you WANT in a kids church curriculum without all the fluff and extra work.

it offers you a fully-packed curriculum along with the flexibility to use what you want!

it is designed for Elementary: Kindergarten through 5th Grade 

Find Details on All Available Units
Purchase All Units and Super Sunday Lessons Here!

Had an Amazing time with the kids this past Sunday. After 28 years of children's ministry,
I have tried a lot of curriculum and I am really enjoying 
it BIBLE Curriculum.

- Paul Anglemyer 


  • FUN themes kids will love!
  • Solid Scriptural content
  • The Biggest Bible Stories
  • Funny Intro Videos
  • Practical Life Principles Kids Need
  • Disciple Skills Kids Need
  • 3-Week, 4-Week, 8-week and 9-Week Series' to Choose from Each Year, Plus Easter and Christmas (even Halloween!)
  • PLUS Super Sunday Bonus Weeks! 

I love that it is the complete package but still allows
the teachers to use their creativity to make it all happen!

~ Cyndi Martinez


  • Fun and Creative Teaching Ideas!
  • Many 8-Week Series available so you aren't redecorating every month! 
  • Kids need their Bibles!
  • Variety of Content focus:
    • The Gospel
    • Old and New Testament stories
    • Practical Life Principles kids need
    • Bible Skills kids need for Life
    • Integrated Bible use and memorization

SAVE 50-75% on units with a All Access Membership! (More details below.)

I like that it Curriculum gives more material than we can use on a Sunday morning!
And it keeps moving so kids don’t get bored!

~ Amy Goble


THE it - The big idea or main point, the it of the lesson that everything else will reinforce and build upon. 

INTRO it - Launch with a fun engaging introduction that will capture the attention and interest of the kids. Out of the gate the kids are into the lesson! 

PLAY it - Games with a purpose that help introduce it.

WATCH it - A fun video kids will enjoy that sets up the lesson.

TELL it - A creative method to tell the Bible Story.

TEACH it - The core teaching of it for the lesson.

SHOW it - An object lesson or activity that illustrates it.

FIND it - Kids use their Bible to search for verses that will expand on it.

HIDE it - Every series has a passage kids will work to memorize during the unit.

LIVE it - A practical life application challenge so kids can live it this week!

TAKE it - Take home tool to help parents review it with the kids (paper and/or digital version).

Is your kid’s ministry missing the 
it factor? Now you can purchase it.
it has everything for your classroom to make it the place to be every week

- Gordon Lanpher  


Browse all available units of it Bible Curriculum! 

If you're looking for some great Preschool Curriculum, check out Kidology's Stickers Through the Bible!


Created by real-life full-time children's pastors, it has what you are wishing for!

it provides a yearly scope and sequence, planned out to allow for holidays and extra weeks. Each year generally includes 6-8 themed series' plus 4-6 Super Sundays, dependent on how the holidays fall on the calendar. You can always find the current year's suggested scope and sequence by visiting our Annual Scheduling Page. Or create your own by using our Calendar Creatorit Bible Curriculum is flexible, each series independent, so they can be used in any order at any time, allowing you to create a schedule that fits YOUR needs!


Teach kids Basic Bible Skills so they can learn how to use their Bibles as their Adventure Guide for Life. The New Year is a great time to review how to use the Bible and basic spiritual disciplines.
Our Bible Skills titles include Secrets of the Ancient Scrolls, Rock Solid, and Bible Boot Camp.

Use Spy and Riddle themes to help kids better understand stories of the Bible and how they relate to our lives today. 
Our Mystery Adventures include Agents of Acts, Undercover Queen, and Riddle Me This.

Teach Practical Life Principles that kids need in order to live in, but not of, the world.
Our Summer Sports titles include Power Up and Xtreme Livin'.

Teach your kids some of the major Big Bible Stories from the Old Testament!
Our Big Screen Adventures feature Big Bible Beginnings, Joseph: A Hero's Journey, and Mission Moses

Teach kids about some of the lesser-known stories and characters of the Bible with Life Applications for Christian Living.
ur Time Travel Adventure, Zany Zootopia, introduces kids to animals of the Bible who played a key role in God's Story. Eternity 500 leads kids down the Romans Road with a powerful Salvation lesson.  

In our Spiritual Gifts Series, kids learn from stories of Biblical Heroes on how to not only discover but also strengthen their own spiritual giftings! Teach your kids about the Mighty Kids of the Bible and how they can be mighty for God, too! 

Each year a new Easter Series teaches kids about the death and resurrection of Jesus in a new, interesting and exciting way! 
Available Easter titles include: Undefeated!, Miraculous, and The Great Rescue!

December celebrates the season with a Christmas Series. The story may be familar, but it's presented with a fresh perspective every time! 
Christmas titles include: Wise Kids Seek Him, Hark! from the Herald, and Angel Sightings.

BONUS SUPER SUNDAYS! Occasionally, there is a need for a "filler week" between series due to 5th Sundays. These are amazing even for churches not using it when they need that "in-between" lesson to bridge units.
The following Super Sunday Events are available: 
Bible Boot Camp
Bible Ninja Warriors
Candy Pancake Breakfast
Doodle, Noodle, Shape and Show It
Operation: Thanks!
The Great Escape

The Ultimate Birthday Party for Jesus
Xtreme Fruit Games

Find Details on All Available Units
Purchase All Units and Super Sunday Lessons Here!


While a schedule is suggested, these units work just as well independently. While it is designed for Sunday Morning Children's Church, every unit stands alone and can be used for midweek or other times when you need a fun series for your kids!


All Access Members get the NEXT it unit in the provided Schedule for FREE! The unit will be free for one month prior to its start date. 

Find a different theme you want to teach next? All other units can be purchased in the Kidology Store! All Access Members always save 50% and Plus Members always save 25% on all units! 


I love that it covers all you need for a lesson and is so adaptable.
You have done so much work to make it fun and great for diverse learning styles.
- Sarah Parks  



Browse all available units of it Bible Curriculum! 

If you're looking for some great Preschool Curriculum, check out Kidology's Stickers Through the Bible! has existed for almost 30 years to provide fun, creative, biblical content for churches of all sizes.
Bible Curriculum can be purchased in the Kidology Store by all members (including Starter), but is deeply discounted for our Kidology All Access Members. You can easily join today

Brought to you by Pastor Karl Bastian, founder of, full-time children's pastor, and respected curriculum developer, writer, and teacher. Karl has collaborated with various kids pastor friends and leaders to bring you this fun and engaging curriculum series! 





PLUS Membership 2025 Easter Expedition KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer 2025 Gospel Colors 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 20 - Love God Order of the Ancient Kidology Store
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