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Starter Salty Speech

Using a saltshaker as an object lesson, this teaching emphasizes the importance of speaking wisely and graciously, as instructed in Colossians 4:6. 

Using Words Wisely
Starter The IF ONLY's of Kids Ministry

Let’s be honest. Kids Ministry is TOUGH. Yes, it is full of joy, but it seems equally loaded with challenges.

Equipped for Ministry
Plus Interview Questions for a Children's Pastor

Here’s a basic list of Questions for a Children’s Pastor, designed to assess their theological understanding, pastoral calling, ministry philosophy, and practical approach to children’s ministry. These questions ensure that the candidate is spiritually prepared and doctrinally sound for the role. Adapt, add or edit according to the needs of your unique ministry. Can also be used for Ordination.

Children's Pastor Interview Questions
Starter Use the Real Thing

This object lesson uses a plastic golf ball and a real one to show the importance of praying genuine, heartfelt prayers.

Starter Thriving in Ministry: Lessons Learned from Decades in Ministry

7 lessons Karl has learned that can help you sustain your ministry without losing your soul, your family, or your joy.

Ministry that Endures
Starter Defying the Impossible

Discover how trusting God's promises can transform your perspective, just like trusting science reveals the impossible—an engaging object lesson that connects faith and action.

Trusting God
Plus The Abyss Rescue Relay: A Gospel Game

A fun interactive team game that illustrates reaching others to rescue them by sharing the Good News of Jesus!

A Gospel Game
Starter Kidology Lab Notes: Abraham Lincoln - An Example for Today's Children's Ministry Leaders

5 practical applications that can inspire us to be “Honest Abe’s” for the children of this generation.

Kidology Lab Notes - Abraham Lincoln
Starter How Well Can You Spell Your Name?

How easy is it to write your name? Should be fairly easy but this lesson complicates it and has a surprise ending for a volunteer.

Object Lesson: Trusting God
Starter Kidology Lab Notes: A Rational Faith - What I Learned from Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell’s story is compelling. A former atheist, he set out to disprove Christianity.

Kidology Lab Notes - Josh McDowell
Free Karl Honored in Moody Alumni Magazine

Pastor Karl Bastian, children's pastor and founder of Kidology.org - and graduate of Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Illinois, was honored in the Moody Alumni Magazine in the Winter 2025 edition.

Moody Alumni Magazine - Winter 2025
Free Why Yosemite Summit?

Why did Pastor Karl start his UN-Conference called Yosemite Summit for men in children's ministry?

Yosemite Summit
Starter Kidology Lab Notes: D.L. Moody - A Life Devoted to Reaching the Lost, Starting with Children

Dwight L. Moody is a name that stands tall in the history of evangelism.

Kidology Lab Notes - D. L. Moody
Starter Stuck in Sin

This object lesson is a different take on the egg in the bottle effect. Instead of an egg, it uses a balloon that gets sucked in a bottle to teach the importance of saying no to temptation.

Say No to Temptation
Plus Armor of God Activity Sheet + Mini Lesson

A Mini Lesson on the Armor of God featuring an Activity Sheet with BOTH a male and female soldier in the Armor of God and the armor listed (out of order) so the kids have to draw a line to match the armor name with the correct armor on the Soldier of God.

Armor of God
Starter Kidology Lab Notes: Corrie ten Boom - Lessons in Ministry Courage

Corrie ten Boom's story is a powerful reminder of what it means to live a life of faith, courage, and conviction.

Kidology Lab Notes - Corrie ten Boom
Plus George and the Umbrella

George learns that an umbrella doesn't work unless you open it. The same is true of God's Word.

The Importance of Reading God's Word
Starter Kidology Lab Notes: Tina Houser - A Creative Champion for Children's Ministry

Tina Houser was one of the most creative and prolific content creators I have ever known.

Kidology Lab Notes - Houser
Starter Kidology Lab Notes: Henrietta Mears - Pioneer of Modern Sunday School and Children's Ministry

Henrietta Cornelia Mears was one of the most influential Christian educators of the 20th century, shaping the future of Sunday School and profoundly impacting children’s ministry.

Kidology Lab Notes - Mears
Plus Finished and Home

A short lesson plan on “Finished and Home,” inspired by Hebrews 12:2, along with a short lesson to help you prepare and present this wonderful illustration of Jesus’ work on the cross and His place as King of Kings.

Crucifixion and Resurrection
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer 2025 FUNtastic Bible Activity Book PastorKarl.com Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Old Testament/New Testament Combo U-Turn Cards Kidology Online Training
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