Easter Zone

We all know that Easter is more than bunnies and Marshmallow Peeps! But how do you help your kids comprehend Christ's resurrection? Grab some fresh ideas eggsploring our collection of Easter resources. There's still time to pull everything together for Easter Sunday.

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Level Title Topic
Plus Foretold Easter Single Lesson

Easter lesson by Karl Bastian & Stanley Mearse exploring the fulfilled prophesies that prove Jesus IS the Messiah.

Plus Easter Egg Hunt Outreach Plan

TONS of ideas/advice for planning an Easter Egg hunt.

Plus Easter Egg Puzzle of Life

Jesus rose from the dead to fix the problem of death once and for all.

Plus Easter EGGstravaganza Show

Overview of Karl's Easter Outreach Family Game Show

Easter Outreach
Plus EGGbert the Egg

A funny, MESSY story that illustrates the importance of being "hidden" in Christ instead of living for what the world offers.

Starter Foot Washing Activity

This is a fun activity for little learners to practice washing feet. 

Serving Others
Plus My Easter Comic Book

Your children can now create their very own Easter Comic Book! You provide the comic, they provide the illustrations!

Easter Activity
Plus Un-Hang Man

Interactive lesson with a powerful teaching twist for upper elementary kids! Follow these instructions carefully and you will have a lesson filled with fun and laughter that ends with a somber challenge both for salvation and a surrendered life for kids already saved!

Starter An EGGcouraging Note at Easter (for workers)

An 'egg' themed appreciation note for your volunteers at Easter.

Thank you note
Starter The Story of God's Trees

This is a retelling of the classic story of The Three Trees written by Karl Bastian, provided here in three different formats. The original author is unknown. This is Karl's version of the beautiful fable. Ideal for Christmas or Easter.

Free 4 Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Kids at Easter

It is our privilege to share the good news of the Gospel with the kids in our children’s ministries! Here are 4 tips for sharing the gospel with kids at Easter.

Easter, Sharing the Gospel
Plus Candy Land Style Cards for Egg Hunt

To ensure that all kids fare equally in your next egg hunt, use these Candy Land style cards. Each child gets one card and finds the one egg to match each color square. Also included a reverse egg hunt.

Easter Egg Hunt
Starter Candy Rain - Balloon Release

Dropping candy from a fire truck ladder and balloon launch!

Balloons, Candy,
Plus Creative Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

Have fun this Easter by changing up your egg hunt!

Easter, Games
Plus Dead Sea Audio Files

Easter Scripture Readings in a whole new way!

Easter Audio Files
Starter Easter Memory Verse Egg Game

An easy fun Scripture Memory game for Easter!

Scripture Memory
Plus Easter Sunday

What is the purpose of Easter Sunday? Use this skit to explain it to children.

Skit, Puppet Skit
Plus Easter Trail

Put the focus back on hope in your kids lives.

Hope, Death, Life
Plus Easy Easter Song

This is a great Easter song sung to the tune of Jesus Loves Me.

Starter Egg Object Lesson

Use an egg to teach children about being a sinner.

Sin, Salvation
Free Five Easter Games for the Classroom

Celebrating Easter is an essential part of Christian ministry and when you do it “kids’ style” you will need Easter games for the classroom. Holiday Easter games maintain the flow of the theme and add excitement to your sessions. Since I have kids ages 6 to 11 usually, I like to keep things as uncomplicated as possible. Take a crack at these Easter-themed games and let the fun begin!

Easter Games
Plus Flatman and Bobbin - The Grinch who stole Easter

Flatman and Bobbin rediscover Jesus' death and resurrection

Plus Free Easter Coloring Page

Download these free printables to use this weekend!

Crafts, Easter
Plus Going Green

Save $$ and get better Easter Egg candy!

Recycling, Plastic Eggs, Easter,
Starter Good Friday Family Service

Our Good Friday Service plan to equip parents to talk to their kids about salvation.

Equipping Parents
Plus He Took My Place

An easter experience your congregation will not forget.

Cross, Crucifixion
Plus How old was Jesus when he died for us?

We played a guessing game to start with. I started with one of the younger children and worked my way up to a very young-looking spry older lady in the choir.

Easter Children's Sermon
Plus In and Out of the Tomb

This game encourages Listening Skills and could be used at Easter for teaching about the Resurrection of Jesus or Lazarus.

Friendly Competition
Free Is Your Easter Hollow? Chocolate Rabbit Object Lesson

Is your Easter hollow? Show the kids in your ministry how to not feel empty this Easter. 

Easter Object Lesson
Plus Jesus Died and Jesus Is Alive!

Here are two Easter lessons designed for kids church or a midweek kids club outreach event.

Outreach Lessons, Easter
Free Make Your Easter Egg Hunt a Family Event

Involve the parents with your next Easter egg hunt!

Easter, Family
Plus More Than Just a Chocolate Bunny

Kids travel through four different rooms to meet important people in Jesus' life and to experience the reality of what Easter is really about.

Plus Paper Gospel Illusion for Easter

This is a great Gospel Illusion and Object Lesson for Easter to show how Jesus was killed and rose three days later! It uses a paper and pen to visually demonstrate this important truth.

Easter Object Lesson
Plus Preparing for Special Needs Kids

Are you prepared for special needs kids in your ministry? Here are 10 tips to help you!

Special Needs
Plus Proof!

Did you know Paul used a legal argument to prove Jesus rose from the dead?

Evidence for Jesus Resurrection
Plus Reverse Easter Egg Hunt: Great for Older Kids (Even Teens)

Are your preteens getting too old for Easter egg hunts? Here's a creative way to get them excited about Easter.

Easter, Tweens, Preteens, Game
Plus Scripture Eggs

Because Easter Egg Hunts are so very secular, our Children's Ministries Department decided to "put Christ in the Easter Egg"...

Starter The Barren Cross

We used this as an introduction and mood setter for our Easter Lesson. The kids learned about the origin of the cross and saw how it turned into something beautiful

Cross, Life

Easter eggs are a great way to tell the Easter story. This is a game that leads into a powerful lesson.

Plus The Egg, er, the Tomb is Empty!

A hollowed out egg is smashed, to the surprise of the children, to illustrate the surprise of Mary when she found the empty tomb.

Plus The Great Egg Drop

An exciting event you can plan for your church to celebrate Easter.

Easter Idea
Plus The Impression

A young boy learning how to be an ironsmith learns about Jesus in a powerful way.

Plus Trinity object lesson

Plus What Is Easter All About?

A host asks three panel guests the question "What is Easter all about?"

Plus Why Jesus Had to Die

God the Father loved us so much that He let His son die for our sins.

Easter and the Crucifixion
Starter Easter Ideas that Worked

We had a community outreach event where we prayed with people and talked about God/Jesus and the true meaning of Easter.

Event, Party, Outreach
Plus Family Easter Ideas

The following ideas are intended to help families make the celebration of Easter more meaningful. We believe that Christians are in the best position to proclaim the “real” meaning of holiday, beyond Easter eggs, candy baskets and new clothes.

Starter Fun with Resurrection Eggs

A fun way to present the resurrection eggs.

Resurrection, Jesus
Starter Kidmin Flash Mob

Make Easter Sunday memorable for the kids and the adults.

Dance, Worship, Budget
Plus Ressurection Celebration 2003

Easter Sunday is a special day for God’s children. In this children’s church program, the children look BACK at what Christ has done. They look AHEAD at what is prepared for them in Heaven. They look IN at their heart and make sure that Jesus is there. They look OUT at others who need to hear the message of God’s great love!

PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck Toddler 2025 Gospel Colors 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 16 - Truth U-Turn Cards Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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