FREE Proactive Leadership Materials
Karl is passionate about leadership. At age 40, he was the youngest to be selected by Children's Ministry Magazine as one of the Top 20 Leaders in Children's Ministry over the past 20 years. He started leading and impacting in kids ministry at the age of 20! (In reality, he started at 10!)
He is the creator of the Kidology Online Training Leadership Labs and has spoken on Leadership at national conferences, as well as written on "proactive leadership" for Children's Ministry Magazine's Professional Edition.
Last year, Karl "spoke" at the CM Telesummit on Proactive Leadership. He'd like to give you FREE the MP3 from this exclusive training experience, not available anywhere else. Plus, you'll receive some great BONUS resources!
This hour-long session has the potential to transform your leadership from being one of REACTING to the things you are being constantly hit with, to one that is PROACTIVE and leaning into the things you need to be doing - not only with your ministry, but in your personal life too.
These are things that Karl has learned from over 20 years in ministry - and some of these lessons he has learned the hard (and painful) way. They are lessons so valuable that he doesn't feel right selling the sessions. He wants you to share it freely to any leader who is willing to take the time to LISTEN, take notes with the included outline, and allow God to use this powerful presentation to challenge and equip you to be a proactive leader.
HERE is what you are going to get:
A 54-minute (26MB) MP3 file
Proactive Leadership: "Grabbing the Remote and Taking Control of your Personal and Professional Life"- A PDF outline to use while listing
- PLUS 4 complete Children's Ministry Magazine Professional Edition publications (in PDF format), with the following articles from Karl included:
- Nov 2009 w/ "Proactive Leadership"
- Dec 2008 w/ "Dealing with Indifference"
- Feb 2010 w/ "Speak, Your Audience is Listening"
- April 2010 w/ "Right Responses to Personal Critism"
- BONUS: Something else he just wants to surprise you with!
- You'll need to be at minimum a Basic Member of (which is FREE)
- Sign up (or update your profile) for our these Kidology Newsletters:
- Kidology Newsletter (our main bi-weekly publication)
- Kidology Weekly Update (goes out on Mondays)
- Proactive Leadership Give-Away (Notification for these free resources)
- That's it!
Kidology gets the joy of ministering to you - and YOU get equipped with some amazing leadership training resources! We are going to promote and run this offer for about a month or so - then post the materials, send out an e-mail that the resources are there with a time limit to get them, and then they may be pulled down for a season until we do this again. After that, you are welcome to unsubscribe if you want! But, of course, we hope you'll enjoy our newsletters and find a blessing in many ways beyond this PROACTIVE LEADERSHIP TRAINING RESOURCE!
In order to access the free files and resources, you'll need to be a Basic Member, as they are stored on Additionally, by signing up for the newsletter notifications, I can alert you when new files become available.
If you are already a Member and/or Newsletter Subscriber, be sure to UPDATE your subscriptions to add the "Proactive Leadership Give-Away" list so we can confirm your eligibility for the give away when the time comes. (Hint: Probably end of April.)
JUST FOR FUN: (You stressed out CP's!)
Here is I'm Too Blessed To Be Stressed, an MP3 (3.6MB) featuring Karl's puppet Gus Rappin' from Karl's podcast on Stress. Enjoy! And don't laugh too hard!