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Ministry OUTSIDE the Walls of the Church

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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Evangelism

Karl's Workshop Notes and Audio for "Ministry Outside the Walls of the Church"

Below is linked my workshop presentation for "Ministry Outside the Walls of Your Church."

If we want to reach the kids who never attend church, we have to get more creative than just offering amazing Sunday mornings.

Every year that goes by, is a year that kids get closer to 14, the year after which, it gets almost impossible to reach them with the Good News of the Gospel!

In this workshop, I share a challenge I got from my youth pastor, asking how many UNchurched kids the children's ministry had led to Jesus in the past year. While the kids ministry can boast of more salvations, the youth pastor noted that while they had less salvations, they tended to be from unchurched teens. It was a challenge I took to heart, and it transformed our ministry to targeting UNchurched kids. The results were exciting!

From Backyard Bible Clubs to Kid's Crusades - when you target creative ways to reach kids who otherwise might neve come to church, the results for salvations are always better and more exciting!

You are reaching kids!

I hope you find the attached presentation inspiring and challenging!




Download the workshop audio and PDF with your All Access Membership!


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