Administration Zone

Articles and Resources for Leaders and Administrators

So, you're in charge of the Children's Ministry?! HELP IS HERE!

Whether you are a Children's Pastor, Director, Coordinator, or Hold-it-all-together-er, the fact is you need ideas, and you need them fast!! If you're looking for a sample policy manual, or permission slip, or other administrative help, this is the place!

If you have a question or issue you would like to see addressed here, please contact us. We have a team of veteran children's ministry administrators ready to help.

ALSO: We would be interested in any contributions you may have for this section.

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter All Access
Level Title Topic
All Access Show Me Your Work!

Learn to show your work, so you can become more effective at the important ministry that you do.

Strategy, Review
All Access Sisyphus, Eternity, and Anchoring Change

Make change in your ministry effectively and learn to help your volunteers get on board.

All Access Six Types of Lost Kids

Create more effective strategies for reaching the lost, by gaining an understanding of the types of lost kids.

Lost, Evangelism,
All Access Sixteen Steps to the Next Level

Move your ministry to the next level with these 16 steps.

Coaching, Leadership
All Access Small Group for Kids: Tips for Building Community

Learn how to help kids build relationships in small groups

Small Groups,
Free S-T-R-E-T-C-H Your Ministry Dollars

People all across America waited in long lines on Black Friday for good deals, then searched again on Cyber Monday. The bottom line here is that just like those shoppers, we are looking for great deals to stretch our dollars a little further. This is nothing new for those of us in Children’s Ministry. It really doesn’t matter how big or small our churches are; children’s ministry leaders want to get the most bang for our limited bucks.

Ministry Budget
All Access Stuck in a Volunteer Training Rut?

There is nothing wrong with having a favorite training method. But you can be much more affective when you use multiple methods in training your volunteers. 

Volunteer Training
All Access Summer Camp Manual

This is an amazing planning manual compiled by CP Team member Scott Phillips to help those tasked with the job of planning a summer camp.

Summer Camp Planning
Free Summer Lovin: Recruiting Volunteers

Short on volunteers this summer? Here's what we did to recruit volunteers to step in and serve!

Recruiting Summer Volunteers
All Access Task Management is for Everyone

4 Reasons you may be having an issue with Task Management.   

Task Management
Free Task Management: Obstacles & Solutions

Which of these obstacles are keeping you from managing your tasks well? The solutions are here!

Task Management, Leadership
All Access Teach your children to S.L.A.N.T.

Want your kids to pay attention better in class? Teach them to S.L.A.N.T.

Discipline, Listening
All Access Teaching Kids a Biblical View of Work

Teach kids that they can honor God in all walks of life, no matter their career when you download this free curriculum!

Working for God
All Access Teaching Kids Doctrine

Doctrine can be taught to children! Here are eight basics that every Christian church can agree on and should teach to all of their members, beginning with the children.

Doctrine, Teaching
All Access Technology in Ministry, Do We Need It?

How important is technology to our ministries? How important should it be to the decisions we make?

Technology in Ministry
All Access Ten Ways to Engage Parents in Children's Ministry

Some of the best advocates for our ministry are the parents who are directly impacted by the ministry. Parents have a natural desire to involve their children in a ministry that is first rate.  Our goal should be to take their interest and turn it into involvement. Today I would like to share 10 of my favorite ways to engage parents in ministry.

Parents, Children's Ministry
All Access The 2 Asks It Takes to Build a Great Volunteer Team

Use the power of 2 to build a great volunteer team. 

Volunteers, Team Building
All Access The Art of Restart

When we stop doing what works in our ministry, we go adrift, get stuck, or stall out in our effectiveness. The solution? A Restart! Check out this article for Ten Areas in your leadership that might need a restart.

Leadership, Restart
All Access The Beauty of Approachability

If you're only focused on ministry and not people, then you're missing one of your greatest callings.

Welcoming, Attitude
Starter The Benefits of a Volunteer Meeting

Here are a few of the benefits of holding a volunteer meeting every week.

Free The Benefits of Rebooting Your Children's Ministry

Can your kidmin use a reboot?

Ministry Reboot
All Access The Cutting Edge Children's Pastor

Oftentimes, Pastors call me when they begin looking for a Children’s Pastor. In recent years, those searching for a Children’s Pastor have described their dream person as someone that is “cutting edge.” When I question the prospective pastor as to what he means, I get all kinds of answers. WHAT DOES 'CUTTING EDGE' REALLY MEAN?

'Cutting Edge' Leadership
All Access The FAST Acronym

How does your ministry or you as a ministry leader handle the occasional unhappy or frustrated church attendee?

Relationships, Parents
Free The Forgotten Value of Asking Questions

Do you help lead in a children's ministry? Don't forget the value of asking important questions like these!

All Access The Hardest Word You Will Ever Say

Do you have a case of the "yesses"? Do you have a hard time saying no? Not everything you are asked to do are you meant to do...

Saying No, Prioritizing
All Access The Key to Discipline: Give Students What They Want!

We know it seems contrary to everything you’ve ever been taught about nurturing children, but the quickest way to achieve a well-disciplined classroom is to give your students (of any age) exactly what they have been wanting all along.

Children's Ministry
Free The Key to Limitless Creativity

I know so many people who sell themselves short when it comes to creativity.  Many have decided that “creativity is a gift reserved for the few.”  This is simply not true – not if you serve GOD!

All Access The Kid-Helper Credo

35 Declarations that comprise the benefit package of your ministry.

Benefits, Vision, Goals
All Access The KidMin Event Checklist

Make planning your next event a snap with this easy-to-follow checklist!

Event Planning, Volunteers
All Access The Measure of Success

Do you want to do great things for God? Perhaps that's simpler than you think...

Success, Obedience
All Access The Most Important Quality of a Good Leader

As strange as this sounds, everything a good leader needs to learn and do is gained by being a good follower. First and foremost, a good leader must follow God and His word. Here are just a few things taught in the Word of God that help us be good leaders.

All Access The Multimedia Tool Box

Need some technology help? Check out this resource list with over 125 different children's ministry technology resources!

Ministry Resources
Free The New Deal

What do you bring to the table when it comes to partnering with parents? Maybe it's time to renegotiate your terms.

Partnering with Parents
All Access The Quick Quiet: Get Them Listening!

Every teacher or Children’s Ministry leader needs a few “quick quiet” tricks to help tame an unruly class. Here are a few methods that you should keep readily at hand.

Classroom Control, Management
All Access The Role of Inclusion

Learning to care for and include the marginalized in our ministries

Inclusion, Caring, Marginalized
All Access The Top Six Safety Benefits to Screening Candidates

It’s important to invest time in getting to know those applying to work directly with children. Screening candidates is the first step in increasing child safety.

Child Safety, Screening
Free The Undeniable Benefits Of Longevity In Ministry

What are some of the benefits to longevity in ministry?

Free Things I No Longer Say: Healthy Things Grow

Is your ministry a success? How do you measure success? By the size of your church? Sam Luce explains why growth is not always beneficial. 

Ministry Goals
All Access Think like a Kidmin

Learn how to think like a kidmin so you can come up with great ideas for your ministry

Brainstorming, Creativity
All Access Thoughts on Departing Volunteers

How to cope when you lose a key volunteer in your ministry.

Departing Volunteers
All Access Threading the Pearls

Ways to help make your trasnitions seamless.

All Access Three Keys to Successful KidMin Communication

Whether it’s with parents, volunteers, core leaders, or staff, communication is critical. Here are a few things I’ve learned about communicating effectively in children’s ministry.

Children's Ministry, Communication
All Access Three Practices to Beat Busyness

Here are three practices that will help you overcome your tendency toward busyness.

Leadership, Delegation, Busy-ness
All Access Three Questions for a Healthier Children's Ministry

Here's a few questions to help you gauge the health of your Children's Ministry.

All Access Three Ways Chess Can Help Us Lead Change

One time our boys were playing chess. After watching them for a few minutes, my mind shifted gears to a leadership moment. Here are three ways I believe chess can help us lead change.

Leading Changing
Free Time To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

It is the new year and change is in the air. Everyone is talking new goals, habits, routines and more. All systems are a go; time to get out of your comfort zone! Here are some ways to start.

Stretching Yourself
All Access Time to Write A Resume? 10 Things NOT To Do

Resume, Job Search
Free Top 10 Worst Ministry Philosophies of All Time

What ministry philosophies have you adopted that may need to be changed?

Ministry Philosophies, Humore
All Access Top Five Benefits of Effective Communication with Families

Learn more about the benefits of effective communication.

Starter Top Traits of High-Functioning Teams

What do you do to plan as a team?

Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Toddler Gospel Colors 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 23 - Rewards The Great Adventure Cards Kidmin Talk Podcast
Need Curriculum?

Check out Bible Basics
Kidology's 3-Year Curriculum

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