Articles Zone

Practical and insightful articles about Children's Ministry.

Looking for some expert advice? This Zone is a treasury of Children's Ministry expertise from the Kidologist and other veterans in children's ministry.

Some of the most popular articles are:

Getting into the Home | Mailbox Ministry | Discipline that Disciples | Entering the World of Kids | First Steps for a New Children's Pastor | The Great KID Mission |

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All Access How to Start a Puppet-Team Ministry

Learn the Basics of starting a puppet ministry

Puppets, Leadership
All Access How To Stop Going Around In Spiritual Circles

Do we unintentionally contradict ourselves, leaving our kids confused and spinning in circles?

Free How To Talk To Kids About Tragedy

How do you talk kids through the tragic times in their lives?

Leadership, Tragedy, Counseling
All Access How to Talk to Your Kids About Scary Events in the News

Mr. Rogers gives great advice on how to talk to kids about scary events in the news. 

Communication, Parenting, Fear
All Access How to walk away from a power struggle with a child!

Find out why kids want to be in a power struggle, what not to do, and when to walk away.

Divorce Care, Strong-Willed, Power Struggles
All Access How To Win Your Pastor's Support for the Kids Ministry

Learn to work with your Pastors and stop feeling like they don't get it.

Leadership, Pastors
All Access How to Write a Philosophy of Ministry

Begin creating your Philosophy of Ministry, with a simple format to follow and attached examples.

Leadership, Strategy
All Access How We Know Santa Was Once A Children's Pastor

OK, let’s be honest. Santa Claus has a little bit too much in common with a children’s pastor. Coincidence? I don’t think so. It seems clear he used to be a Children’s Pastor. Think about these similarities!

Children's Ministry, Humor
Free How We Squeeze The Life Out Of Our Message

How do we keep the message fun and relevant, while making sure our message is clear?

Healthy Ministry
All Access How Young Is Too Young

When should the Gospel be presented to a child?

Relationship with God
All Access Huckle Buckle Beanstalk

Did you know that the game Huckle Buckle Beanstalk originated in Canada? Here's how to play!

Children's Game from Canada
Starter Human Worth: How to See the Good in Others

Here are some quick and powerful ideas for adding value in your family and with the children in your life.  

Value of Life, Human Worth
Free I Am a Minister to Children

Children matter to God. In fact, they represent the largest mission field in the world!

Ministry to Children
All Access I'd Cotton to Some Candy

A puppet skit on Daniel 3 that teaches that God is always God.

God is Always God
Free Improving Child Safety in Your Organization

Keeping your kids safe should be a top priority! Here is a child safety video and guide from Kidcheck to help you care for your children.

Child Safety
All Access In the Trenches Leadership

A brief essay about in the trenches leadership, where leaders labor alongside those they lead to execute ministry strategies.

All Access In Times of Trial...

You can talk to someone through times of trial.

Friends, Trial, Ministry
All Access Interview with Larry Fowler

An interview with Larry Fowler about developing a heart ministry and asking "How often do they come?"

Interview with Larry Fowler
All Access Interviewing 101

A few suggestions to help you make the most of your interview process

Interviewing, Hiring, Job
All Access Investing Your Time Wisely

Time. One of the most important resource you possess. How you invest it is critical, because unlike most other resources, you cannot recoup it once it’s gone. Is time investment a challenge for you?

Managing Time
Free Is Excellence Killing the Church?

Why we need more good churches and fewer excellent ones.

Relationships, Discipleship, Leadership
All Access Is it Time to "Fire" That Volunteer?

Firing someone is not an easy job. But sometimes it IS necessary. 

Volunteers, Leaders
Starter Is it True?

We have a generation that is ruled by their emotional response to any given situation, yet they have failed to stop and ask, “Is this true?”

Objective Truth
All Access Is The Church In Crisis?

How are you meeting the challenge of church closings?

All Access Is There One God or Three?

Does the Trinity mean that there is one God or three? Looks like it's time for the Answer Guys!

The Trinity
Free Is Tithing Biblical?

What's the deal with tithing? Do you have to do it? What if you don't?

Free Is Your Calling Changing?

God is good at clarifying your calling.

Ministry Direction, Change
Starter Is Your Children's Ministry Outwardly Focused?

Is your church outwardly focused? Are you reaching out to the people in your community?

Missions, Outreach
Free Is Your Kids Ministry Failing?

Is your kids ministry failing? Ask yourself these questions, and then make the changes needed to get your ministry back on track. 

Ministry Vision, Successful Ministry
Free It Takes Two

Here is an object lesson to demonstrate the importance of believing in Jesus and confessing Him as Lord.

Prayer of Salvation
Free It's All About Who You Know

Networking works wonders in ministry when we involve God in the process.

All Access It's Not About the Puppets

Reaching kids is not primarily about having the right physical tools. Remind yourself what it IS about.

Using your Gifts and Resources
All Access It's Your Choice, Everyday!

My dad used to say there is a reason “if” is in the middle of “LIFE,” because “life is what happens while you are making other plans.”

Our Attitude
All Access Jesus' Baptism and Significance (Matthew 3:1-17) Sunday School Lesson

When and why should children be baptized? This lesson can help explain it.

All Access Jesus Calms the Storm

How is your life's work pointing to Christ?

Pointing to Christ
All Access Jesus Died and Jesus Is Alive!

Here are two Easter lessons designed for kids church or a midweek kids club outreach event.

Outreach Lessons, Easter
All Access Jesus Isn't White

Does race or skin color matter when it comes to Jesus?

All Access Jocks, Freaks and Geeks

Sticks and stones may break our bones... but words can hurt, too. 

Using kind words
All Access Just Because I Can, Doesn't Mean I Should

How often do you volunteer for something that you really don't have time for? Are you feeling overwhelmed by trying to be everything to everyone? Do you know it's OK to say 'no'?

Saying No
All Access Keep Calm and VBS On!

Tips for Creating a Staffing Plan and Choosing Volunteers Wisely

Free Keep It Short

Do your volunteers need training, but don't have time to attend training? Don't fret. Here's a practical tip for you.

Leadership, Volunteers, Training
All Access Kicking It Into Gear

Discouraged? Start Kicking It Into Gear with these simple things you can do.

Encouragement, Motivation
All Access KidMin is Important... but you knew that!

Do you understand the value of Kidmin?

Value of Kidmin
All Access Kidmin Leadership by Santa Claus

Here are six things that I have learned from Santa about leading in children's ministry!

Leadership, Children's Ministry, Christmas
All Access KidMin: The Navy Seals of Ministry

A description of those in Kids Ministry and how they compare to the Navy Seals.

Ministry, Kidmin
All Access Kids and Conversion

Witnessing to kids can be tricky at times. Here are a few tips to staying on track and keeping things clear for the kids.

Conversion, Salvation, Counseling
All Access Kids Are Blunt: Parents Shouldn't Get Divorced

Do you know how the kids of divorce within your ministry feel about their parents splitting up? Have you asked them?

All Access Kid's Kook Book

Soon to be mom's favorite cookbook!

Mother's Day
Starter Kid's Pastor or Circus Master?

Take off your top hat and let someone else tame your ministry’s time-sucking “lions” so you can shepherd children. But how can we keep the main thing — shepherding young hearts —the main thing?

Leadership / Shepherding
Free Kids Who Worship

Here are three tips to take your children's music to the next level.

Music, Worship
Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Stars FUNtastic Bible Activity Book 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 23 - Rewards The Kids Church Cooking Show - Episode 5: Stories Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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