Articles Zone

Practical and insightful articles about Children's Ministry.

Looking for some expert advice? This Zone is a treasury of Children's Ministry expertise from the Kidologist and other veterans in children's ministry.

Some of the most popular articles are:

Getting into the Home | Mailbox Ministry | Discipline that Disciples | Entering the World of Kids | First Steps for a New Children's Pastor | The Great KID Mission |

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Level Title Topic
All Access Put On Your Oxygen Mask First

Take care of yourself so you can help take care of others.

All Access Put Yourself First, Others Second

Are you taking care of yourself? Or just your ministry?

All Access Putting Christ into Every Holiday

All of this got me wondering, does it really make any difference? Perhaps the bigger issue is how we, who know Jesus, celebrate every day of our lives! In fact, instead of watching the world take Christ out of Christmas, what if we put Jesus into every holiday? Why not try celebrating a bit differently in 2013!

All Access Questions Kids Ask About God

Kids have questions, naturally. One of the best ways to interact and lead them closer to God is by engaging with their questions.

Worship Stations, Questions
Free Quick Lessons Learned Not So Quickly

Here's a quick lesson in how to learn lessons quickly.

Free Quotes That Inspire Me

Quotes have a way of succinctly summing up what we are all thinking. Hopefully some of these quotes resonate with you. 

Inspiration, Success
Starter Racing to the North Pole

Help the kids see we are all far from God's kingdom and need His forgiveness.  

Forgiveness, Grace, Salvation
Free Raising Boys in a #MeToo World

How can we raise our boys to respect women in a sex-saturated culture.

Parenting, Relationships
All Access Read the Story, Again!

What do you do if you want to teach a story that the children in your ministry have heard before many times?

Teaching Methods, Children's Ministry
All Access Real Love

What is real love? Love can be shown through words, but those words need to be backed up by our actions!

Puppet Skit
All Access Recalculating

Improve your ministry performance and become a better leader by evaluating yourself and your ministry.

All Access Recruiting Volunteers: Who and How to Recruit

Learn 3 important steps to take when recruiting volunteers. 

Recruiting, Volunteers
All Access Red Light on Sin

Object lesson that integrates with the Gospel Message, showing how Jesus sees us as sinless.

Gospel, Sin, Restoration
Free Reflections of a Follow-Upper

Follow-up ministry is so important for children's ministry. Whether it's camp ministry or church ministry, kids need to be discipled year round. Kendra shares her story about her own experience at camp and how follow-up plays a key role in her life now.

Follow-up Ministry
All Access Registration Cards

Simple registration card, to make signing up new families even easier.

All Access Reminding Your Face to Smile

Sometimes our faces need a friendly reminder to smile. It impacts the adults, youth, and children we lead far more than we might recognize.

Importance of Smiling
All Access Reminds Me of Jesus

Here is a Powerpoint presentation that gives several different object lessons, each illustrating a Christmas item and why it reminds us of Jesus!

Christmas Object Lessons
All Access Resolved: No Resolutions!

I have a resolution for you: Don't make Resolutions! Here is a tried-and-true method for getting things done, the non-resolution way!

Setting Goals in Ministry
All Access Responding to Negative Feedback

A negative comment about you have said or done is not the end of the world, but it often feels like it. Craig Jutila encourages you to move on and make something constructive out of the situation.

Leadership, Criticism
All Access Rites of Passage: A Father's Blessing Book Review

"Rite of Passage: A Father's Blessing" Book Review

Book Review, Fatherhood
All Access Rites of Passages for Children of Divorce

How important are rites of passages for children of divorce?

Rites of Passage
All Access Running and Repainting

Have you ever seen the Sydney Harbour Bridge? Sometimes running a children's ministry can feel like repainting this extensive bridge!

Endurance in Ministry
All Access Running on Empty

Here are 10 red-light warnings that your fuel gauge is getting low and you are “running on empty.” Fuel up!

All Access Sacred Pathways Overview for Volunteers

A resource to help teach your volunteers the Sacred Pathways

Serving, Worship, Relational
All Access Safety Actions for Child-Centered Organizations

Here are some security topics being talked about and some of the actions organizations are taking to address them.

Child Safety and Security
All Access Safety Beyond CheckIn

An active duty law enforcement officer, SWAT operator, and former pastor gives advice on how to best protect the kids in your ministry.  

Child Safety,
All Access Saying Goodbye

A lighthearted way to say goodbye to a Lead or Staff Pastor

All Access Scheduling Your Day When There's Not Enough Time

Get tips on how to better manage your time. 

Schedules, Time Management
All Access Securing Your Children's Ministry

Make your Children's Ministry an even safer environment with these suggestions from safety and security experts.

Child Safety, Security, Volunteer Safety
All Access See How They Grow

Here is a fun Scripture game that will chart your children’s growth in God whether in your classroom or at home.

Preschool Scripture Game
Starter See: Using Visuals for Greater Impact

… paint a power-packed picture for all those visual learners out there. ~ Aaron Reynolds "Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light." ~ Jesus (Matthew 6:22)

Teaching Tips, Using Visuals
All Access Seed Pictures

Children in Tanzania must create their own fun and toys, since many families have little money. Let your kids be creative with this fun project!

All Access Seeing God in the Normal and Everyday

Sometimes we get so focused on our normal routine, we forget to look for God.

Focusing on God
Starter Set Up Your Volunteers for Success

When preparing for fall, here is a list of wants and needs for your rooms.

Fall Room Prep
All Access Seven Steps to Screening Youth Working with Children

Taking the time to thoroughly screen is an important step in identifying youth that are a good fit and keeping child safety a priority.   

Child Safety, Screening
All Access Seven Things Parents Need You To Know

Here are some things I believe that parents need you to know as you lead them at church.

Knowing Parents
All Access Sexting: A Digital Topic to Talk About With Your Teen

Five points for talking to your teen about sexting.

Family Ministry
All Access Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Here is a preschool lesson on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the Fiery Furnace.

Preschool Lesson, The Fiery Furnace
All Access Sharing the Gospel with Kids

4 steps to simply sharing the Gospel with the kids in your mnisttry

All Access Sharing the Gospel: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Use this large group/small group lesson to demonstrate the importance of sharing your faith.

Evangelism, Salvation
All Access Shepherding Children Safely in the Church

This article aims to provide a conversation starter to motivate church leaders to look beyond the minimum requirements for child safety toward developing a fully orbed approach. It is not exhaustive, but it does touch on major important points commonly missed in local churches.

Child Saftey,
All Access Should I Let My Teenager Date?

 Friendship with others starts with understanding whose we are.

Dating, Teens
All Access Should I Say In Jesus Name?

Why do we pray in Jesus' name? The Answer Guys are here to show us the importance of our heart's attitude in prayer!

Puppet Skit
Free Should Kids Ministry Take the Summer Off?

Here are a few reasons why we DON’T take a Summer Break for Kids Ministry.

All Access Should My Preteen Have a Facebook Page?

Should you allow your preteen to have a Facebook page? Here are some things that you need to think about before making your decision.

Social Media, Preteens
All Access Should We Teach Kids To Trust Their Conscience?

Every person, including children, has a conscience and knows right from wrong.

Conscience; Trust in God
All Access Show Me Your Ways

Studying the wisdom of Moses and our relationship with God

Encouragement, God, Relationship
All Access Show Me Your Work!

Learn to show your work, so you can become more effective at the important ministry that you do.

Strategy, Review
All Access Simple Ways to Serve Your Local Community

Teach your kids how they can reach out to their community.

Service, Community
Starter Simplicity: Fertile Soil for Trusting Relationships and Teachable Moments

An essay highlighting the value of simplicity and depth of relationship in producing teachable moments.

Classroom Teaching
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