Articles Zone

Practical and insightful articles about Children's Ministry.

Looking for some expert advice? This Zone is a treasury of Children's Ministry expertise from the Kidologist and other veterans in children's ministry.

Some of the most popular articles are:

Getting into the Home | Mailbox Ministry | Discipline that Disciples | Entering the World of Kids | First Steps for a New Children's Pastor | The Great KID Mission |

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Level Title Topic
Free The Big Lie Evangelicals Tell Christian Parents

Proverbs 22:6 is an important Scripture, but does it provide a guarantee for parents that training kids "in the way they should go" will result in children not departing from their faith? 

Parenting, Discipline, Salvation by Grace
All Access The Birthday Message

Need a children's skit or a puppet script for your children's ministry? This week's script helps teach children that Christmas isn't about Santa Claus and presents, but it's about the birth of Jesus!

Christmas, Children's Skit
All Access The Candle of the Lord - Object Lesson

Teach kids that they need to learn to obey their own conscience instead of relying on others to tell them what they should and should not do.  

Object Lesson
All Access The Cutting Edge Children's Pastor

Oftentimes, Pastors call me when they begin looking for a Children’s Pastor. In recent years, those searching for a Children’s Pastor have described their dream person as someone that is “cutting edge.” When I question the prospective pastor as to what he means, I get all kinds of answers. WHAT DOES 'CUTTING EDGE' REALLY MEAN?

'Cutting Edge' Leadership
All Access The Dad in the Daniel's Den

Daniel and the Lion's Den? Father's Day? Time for a skit from Creative Ministry Solutions!

Skit, Puppet Skit, Father's Day
All Access The Development of Preschoolers and Salvation of Children

This paper discusses the various developments of preschoolers and the salvation of children.

Preschoolers, Salvation, Development
Free The Enemy's Victory: Darkened Homes and Harvest Parties

The biggest trick played on Halloween is Christian kids and adults being bottled up inside churches or homes all night.

Halloween Hiding?
All Access The FAST Acronym

How does your ministry or you as a ministry leader handle the occasional unhappy or frustrated church attendee?

Relationships, Parents
Free The Forgotten Value of Asking Questions

Do you help lead in a children's ministry? Don't forget the value of asking important questions like these!

All Access The Holy Spirit Helps Us

The Holy Spirit helps us put out the acts of the sinful nature and live instead filled with the fruit of the Spirit--demonstrated by a CO2 experiment.  

Acts of Sinful Nature vs. The Fruit of the Spirit
All Access The Importance of Gratitude During a Pandemic

Steps to take and activities to do to foster gratitude in kids. 

All Access The Importance of Preschool Ministry

Preschool Ministry is viewed in many churches as a glorified baby-sitting service. It is time we take another look at this important ministry and do what it takes to take it to the next level.

Preschool Ministry
All Access The Infiltration of Whirlwind Kids -- What Do You Do?

Children are active and have a lot of energy. But some kids are hyper all the time, it seems. Here's what you can do.

Divorce, ADHD, Grace, Discipline
All Access The Intimidating Volunteer

In children's ministry, it is easy to become intimidated by those who have years of experience in parenting, children's ministry leadership, and even advanced education.

Working with Volunteers
All Access The Key to Discipline: Give Students What They Want!

We know it seems contrary to everything you’ve ever been taught about nurturing children, but the quickest way to achieve a well-disciplined classroom is to give your students (of any age) exactly what they have been wanting all along.

Children's Ministry
Free The Key to Limitless Creativity

I know so many people who sell themselves short when it comes to creativity.  Many have decided that “creativity is a gift reserved for the few.”  This is simply not true – not if you serve GOD!

All Access The Kid-Helper Credo

35 Declarations that comprise the benefit package of your ministry.

Benefits, Vision, Goals
All Access The KidMin Event Checklist

Make planning your next event a snap with this easy-to-follow checklist!

Event Planning, Volunteers
All Access The Loneliest Whale in the World

What kind of song are you singing?

Free The Lost Art of Moment Making

Don't always try capturing the moment. Try living in the moment. 

Live in the Moment, Quality Time
All Access The M&M Nativity Legend

We wanted to complete our Advent study, and with a fifth Sunday, it seemed like a great idea to do something unique.  That’s where the M&M Nativity Legend comes in.

Nativity Object Lesson
All Access The Measure of Success

Do you want to do great things for God? Perhaps that's simpler than you think...

Success, Obedience
All Access The Most Important Quality of a Good Leader

As strange as this sounds, everything a good leader needs to learn and do is gained by being a good follower. First and foremost, a good leader must follow God and His word. Here are just a few things taught in the Word of God that help us be good leaders.

All Access The Most Misunderstood Concept about God

God is not Santa Claus. His grace is unlike Santa's gifts. It's way better.

God's Character, Grace
All Access The Mother's Day Gift

Here is a skit on what children can get their moms for Mother's Day. Hint: the gift will last all year long!

Skit, Puppet Skit, Mother's Day
All Access The Multimedia Tool Box

Need some technology help? Check out this resource list with over 125 different children's ministry technology resources!

Ministry Resources
Free The New Deal

What do you bring to the table when it comes to partnering with parents? Maybe it's time to renegotiate your terms.

Partnering with Parents
Free The ONE Rule that Saved My Ministry... and the Night that Almost Ended It

This valuable story could prevent you from great heartache and a ruined ministry career! A MUST-READ!

Safety, Leadership, Integrity
All Access The One Step That Leads To Leadership Success

Which step will lead to your leadership success?

Leadership, Success
All Access The Parable of the Persistent Widow

It takes persistence to get to the center of the lollipop! Just like with the lollipop, Jesus tells us to be persistent in our prayers.

Prayer, Persistence
All Access The Problem of Second Generation Christianity

Do “Second Generation Christians” really understand the Gospel message?

Discipleship, Family Ministry, Gospel
All Access The Problem with Second Generation Christianity

Is spiritual knowledge enough to believe your child is 'saved'?

All Access The Quick Quiet: Get Them Listening!

Every teacher or Children’s Ministry leader needs a few “quick quiet” tricks to help tame an unruly class. Here are a few methods that you should keep readily at hand.

Classroom Control, Management
All Access The Role of Inclusion

Learning to care for and include the marginalized in our ministries

Inclusion, Caring, Marginalized
Free The Single Greatest Recruitment Tool for Kidmin

After years and years of ministry, I have discovered that there is no greater tool for recruiting volunteers for children's ministry.

Leadership, Prayer, Recruitment
Free The Three C's of Leadership

Leadership requires the courage to challenge what is for the sake of what could be. Let me give you three specific expressions of courage that are essential for those of us who desire to be the leaders that God has called us to be.

All Access The Toggle Switch In My Brain

What do you do when you're caught between organization and creativity?

Organization, Creativity
Starter The Tongue

The tongue can be a powerful weapon. 

The Tongue
All Access The Top Six Safety Benefits to Screening Candidates

It’s important to invest time in getting to know those applying to work directly with children. Screening candidates is the first step in increasing child safety.

Child Safety, Screening
All Access The True Gift of Christmas

Here is an object lesson that uses a Christmas present to demonstrate that Jesus is the best gift of Christmas!

Christmas Object Lesson
Free The Undeniable Benefits Of Longevity In Ministry

What are some of the benefits to longevity in ministry?

All Access The Unseen Side of Parenting in a Divorced Home

We all know that there are many issues that a single parent has to deal with in a divorced home, but there is also an unseen side of parenting in a divorced home.

Unseen Issues, Single Parents
All Access The Very Best Father

Who's the best dad, and how much does He love us? Use this skit to tell children about the very best Father!

Father's Day, Skit, Puppet Skit
All Access There Is No Such Thing As A 'Pastor's Kid'

You need to treat the 'pastor's kids' the same as every other sinner.

Pastor's Kids
Free Things I No Longer Say: Healthy Things Grow

Is your ministry a success? How do you measure success? By the size of your church? Sam Luce explains why growth is not always beneficial. 

Ministry Goals
All Access Think like a Kidmin

Learn how to think like a kidmin so you can come up with great ideas for your ministry

Brainstorming, Creativity
Free Think Like a Missionary

What methods do we use to teach our kids to be missionaries?

All Access This Could Be the Most Important Thing You Do In 2013

You’re busy. I’m busy. We’re all busy. We all have our plates full of things to do and places to be. We all have a lot of things we have to remember, way more than we could possibly do on our own. In fact, we have so much we have to remember that we program our smart phones with daily reminders. Our calendars are full of things that remind us of what we should be doing next. So what I am about to say may seem difficult to some people, while to many people it may appear near impossible. It is not impossible, so I’ll go ahead and say it.

Bible Memorization
All Access Those Wow Moments

Be ready to help kids meet their "appointment" with the "WOW" Moments.

Teaching, Encouragement
All Access Thoughts on Departing Volunteers

How to cope when you lose a key volunteer in your ministry.

Departing Volunteers
Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Girl Kid Conversation Cards 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 16 - Truth ToyBox Tales Kidology Store
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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