Articles Zone

Practical and insightful articles about Children's Ministry.

Looking for some expert advice? This Zone is a treasury of Children's Ministry expertise from the Kidologist and other veterans in children's ministry.

Some of the most popular articles are:

Getting into the Home | Mailbox Ministry | Discipline that Disciples | Entering the World of Kids | First Steps for a New Children's Pastor | The Great KID Mission |

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All Access What Does the Devil Look Like?

Have you ever wondered what the devil looks like? The Answer Guys are here to help!

Puppet Skit
All Access What Happens After Sunday School?

People in your church may not realize that the bulk of ministry to children and families happens after church ends on Sunday.

Leadership, Kidologist
All Access What is Family Ministry?

What is family ministry? That is the question of the day! Here is an introduction to a basic biblical model of family ministry.

Family Ministry
All Access What Is Heaven Like?

What is heaven like? Looks like it's time for the Answer Guys!

Skit, Puppet Skit
All Access What Kids Really Need

What do today's Christian Kids REALLY need? They need Discipled.

All Access What Kind of Fruit Did Adam and Eve Eat?

Does the Bible really say that? We should never assume we know what the Bible says. We need to read it, study it, and teach it properly!

Presumptions of What the Bible Says
All Access What Makes You Cry?

Do you cry? You should. Read why.

Crying Righteous Tears
All Access What Should I Wear?

Here is a fun Bible memory verse activity to help your little ones learn this verse, along with clothing items that will help show ways to be kind.

Bible Memory Verse Activity
All Access What the Church Can Learn From Apple

How do you honor those who work for you? How do you honor those who leave?

Honor, Volunteers
Free What the Gospel Demands of Parents

What does the Gospel require of parents? Here are four lessons that parents should be modeling in their homes.

Gospel, Parenting
All Access What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?

Here is the classic children’s game called “What Time Is It Mr. Fox?” I have provided the instructions below for how to play this game. To make this game even more interesting, try playing the three different variations to the game I have included below. Have fun!

Children's Games
Free What Type of Kids Pastor Are You?

Do you know your strengths and weaknesses in ministry? Are you surrounded by people who can fill in where you lack? This is how you build a strong kids ministry. 

All Access What Type of Kids' Pastor Are You?

Kids Pastoring
All Access What Would You Do With This Screaming Child?

How do you calm a distraught child? Read these tips from Divorce Care for Kids. 

Divorce, Handling Emotions
All Access When is it Time to Move?

19 things to ponder while considering moving churches

Switching Churches, Moving
All Access When KidMin Breaks Your Heart

Ministry has its rewards, but it can also break your heart. 

Kingdom Impact
Free When Kidmin Breaks Your Heart

God reached down and touched our hearts thru Jesus. He wants us to do the same for the hurting families and children in our midst.

Leadership, Caring
All Access When Should the Significant Other Start Disciplining the Kids?

Many children's pastors and children's ministry volunteers want to help single parents and families. Here's helpful advice on who should discipline and how.

Divorce, Single Parenting, Discipline
All Access When Technology Fails

Technology is great... until it isn't. What do you do when your tech fails?

All Access When You Just Want to Quit

What steps do you take when things aren't going well in the classroom? If you don't have a plan, maybe these ideas will help.

Classroom Control, Preparation
All Access When You Wake Up On the Wrong Side of the Bed

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Divorce Ministry
All Access Where Do I Belong?

Here is a fun Bible School activity to help your preschoolers continue to grow in their knowledge of Scripture!

Pre-schoolers, knowledge of Scripture
All Access Where Do You Place Your Hope?

Do we place our hope in God, or in man?

All Access Where is the best place to worship God?

True worship from our heart can happen anywhere.

All Access Where You Live Makes a Difference as a Leader

Do you live in the regret of the past? The worry of the future? Or are you living in the contentment of the present?

Leadership, Hearing God's Voice
Starter Who Are These Kids?

Do you know how to connect to today's device- and media-saturated kids?

Connecting with Today's Kids
All Access Who is Responsible to Disciple my Kids?

Who is Responsible to Disciple my Kids - the church or me?

All Access Who Said It?

A fun activity where the kids try to guess which charecter of the Bible said a quote.

Quotes, Bible Charecters
All Access Who Wants to Be a Volunteer?

When you ask a group of adults to volunteer, the crickets start chirping and everyone in the audience tries especially hard not to make eye contact with the person asking the question. But children have an inate desire to serve. Let that eagerness inspire you. 

All Access Who's Holding Your Ladder?

In children's ministry, it's easier to get help with the big issues and neglect the easier, smaller things that we feel competent in doing. Going at it alone can get you in real trouble!

All Access Why Are We Still Losing Kids?

How can you help your children encounter God personally?

Spiritual Formation
All Access Why Are You Here?

What is God's plan for your life? Where has God placed you?

God's Plan, Leadership
All Access Why Bible Games Work With Kids

Every children’s ministry should maximize Bible review games. They are essential to an exciting program.

All Access Why Children's Ministry Is So Hard

Ministry is hard.  If you’re in a pastoral-type position, you know it’s hard, and studies have proven it.  Aside from the senior level (Senior/Lead/Executive Pastor type positions), I believe leading in Children’s Ministry is the most difficult pastoral position to serve in.

Difficulty of Children's Ministry Position
All Access Why Collections Are Important to Children of Divorce

Here are some important reasons why children like making collections.

All Access Why Discipleship is Important for Children

You. Me. Every Christian. We are all called to make disciples. Most of us can look back on our lives and name at least several Christians who either discipled us or had a significant impact on us. How many children do you know who are being intentionally discipled by a mature Christian? The children in our ministries need to be discipled, and they need to have several different “disciplers” in their lives.

All Access Why Do Bad Things Happen?

It is the inevitable question that your children will ask you: Why do bad things happen? This creative puppet skit will help explain it to them!

Bible Skit, Puppets
All Access Why Do Behavior Problems Escalate When There is a Divorce?

Read the causes of unruly kids during and after divorce. 

Behavior, Divorce
All Access Why Do Some Bible People Have the Same Name?

The Answer Guys bring you another excellent children's puppet script to help children learn about names of people in the Bible!

Bible Skit, Puppets
All Access Why Family Night?

A quick look at the current need for Family Nights

Family, TV, Statistics
All Access Why Games

Three ways we can use games to teach kids

Games, teaching,
Free Why Gospel Centered Curriculum Matters

We should be filtering everything we tell our kids though God's story.

Free Why I Celebrate Halloween

We are only days away from the spookiest holiday of the year... and I can’t wait. I would like to give a few reasons why my family and I (as the pastor) choose to participate in this holiday.

Reason for Participation in Halloween
All Access Why I Don't Tell My Kids They Can Be Anything They Want To Be

Parents should be far more worried about how God has designed their child and think more about how we can make our kids more God-conscience and less self-absorbed.

Living as Christ
All Access Why I Never Liked January

Since when are goals only for January? You can set goals any time of year... like now!

Goal Setting, Leadership
All Access Why is a Philosophy of Ministry So Important?

Why is a Philosophy of Ministry so important? What is a Philosophy of Ministry? Check out this article to find out!

Philosophy of Ministry
All Access Why is Loyalty Important?

What's the big deal about being loyal to others?

All Access Why Isn't It Working?

Despite all our best efforts, the kids in your ministry sometimes still stray from the faith. How can we as leaders help keep kids on the right path?

Salvation, Evangelism
Free Why Online Church is Not Church

Is church still church if it's online?

What is the Church?
Free Why Our Churches Need More Fathers and Fewer Teachers

There is no shortage of hired teachers in the Christian community. Our culture doesn’t need more tutors.  It doesn’t lack for knowledge. It lacks for fathers. It lacks for people who lay down their lives because they would rather see their sons do more and be more than them.

Fathers, Teachers
Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Boy 2024 Kid Conversation Cards Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 8 - How to Pray The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Online Training
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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