Baptism Zone

"Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” (Peter 3:21)

When we enter the waters of baptism, we proclaim the gospel message. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and lives again. By joining in holy baptism, we're identifying ourselves with Him. It would be a shame to deny children the same identity in Christ.

Kidology is a non-denominational ministry, providing resources and ideas for practical kids ministry application. Each denomination will handle the baptism of children in their own way. Use what fits your church's practice, and leave the rest for others who may benefit. We hope you will find some helpful resources and encourage you to leave some behind as well!

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Plus Baptism Comic for Kids

This is a short comic I created for parents to use to help explain water baptism to their children.

Water Baptism
Plus Am I Ready to be Baptized? - Kids and Parents Baptism Booklets

I found this Baptism Packet at LifeBridge Church in Longmont, Colorado and asked their children's pastor, Craig Wilson, if I could make it available on - as it was so well done.

Baptism Resources
Plus Your Journey Baptism Follow Up Booklet

Craig Wilson, the children's pastor at LifeBridge Church in Longmont, Colorado has provided this excellent follow up booklet for kids who have recently been baptized.

Baptism Resources
Starter 5 Questions to Ask if Your Child Wants to be Baptiized

This article gives practical advice to parents wondering if their child is ready to be baptized.

Plus Baptism and Kids

A Question and Answer Time with the Kidologist! How do you know when a child is ready for baptism? How do you explain the meaning of baptism? How do you make a child's baptism memorable?

Plus Baptism Booklet

Here is an excellent Baptism Booklet for you to use with your kids!

Baptism for Kids
Starter Baptism Class Notes pt. 1

Helpful notes on how to run a Baptism class for 3rd graders and up.

Baptism, Salvation
Starter Baptism Class Notes pt. 2

Small Group Leader Guides used in Baptism Classes for kids.

Baptism, Salvation, Small Groups
Plus Jesus' Baptism and Significance (Matthew 3:1-17) Sunday School Lesson

When and why should children be baptized? This lesson can help explain it.

Plus An Important Seal

When we're sealed with the Holy Spirit, people should be able to see that we belong to the Lord.

Christian Living
Plus Jesus Makes us Clean

This lesson presents the Salvation message with a craft project that will bring home the point. With simple adaptations, it could be used with a wide variety of age groups.

Plus Sample Baptism Class

Understanding what it is to be in God's family and why Baptism is important.

Baptism Class
Plus The Baptism Game

In this game, kids learn more about John the Baptist while having fun too!

Plus Baptism Class for Children

Need a pre-baptism class? Have we got a material for you! This course will take a child through the basic Christian beliefs that our church felt were important for children to know before the were baptized.

Basic Christian Beliefs
Plus Baptism Class for Parents and Kids

A Baptism curricula for kids interested in being baptised

Plus John the Baptist 3- A River, A Dove, A Voice

Jesus was baptized in the water by John the Baptist. He did this to be an example for us. When we are baptized we show people that we have decided to follow Jesus and become His child. God wants each of His children to be baptized.

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