Bible Sword Drills Zone

Teaching kids to "Rightly Divide the Word of God" is an important skill!

One of the best ways to do this, AND introduce your topic in Kid's Church, is to have the kids do a Bible Sword Drill as you introduce the topic of the day.

Below you will find a collection of topics and verses that go with the topic.

Here are some instructions on how to lead a Sword Drill, or a Bible Dash, as Karl (the Kidologist) calls them in DiscipleTown, which includes one with every lesson.

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Level Title Topic
Plus How To Do a Bible Sword Drill

Are you interested in learning how to do a Bible Sword Drill? Here are some clear instructions for how to effectively do a Bible Sword Drill in your children's ministry!

Bible Sword Drills
Plus Bible Numbers and Facts

This is a fun activity for helping kids learn some amazing facts about the Bible!

Bible Facts
Free Facts About Psalm 118

Some things you likely never knew about Psalm 118 that are pretty cool!  

Psalm 118
Plus What Happened to the Bible?

A tragedy is happening! The Bible is a rare object in most children's ministries today. What are the steps for action that we need to take?

Using Bibles in Children's Ministry
Plus Who's Missing?

Webster's Dictionary defines memorizing as "committing (something) to memory," or "learning (something)by heart." Use this simple game to introduce a time of Scripture memory or show children the importance of memorizing Scripture.

Scripture memory
Free Worship (Part 1)

Bible Sword Drill on Worship being a "Show of Worth"

Worship - Part 1
Starter Worship - (Part 2)

Bible Sword Drill on Worship - "One on One with God"

Worship - Part 2
Starter Worship (Part 3)

Bible Sword Drill on Worship - "To Give or to Get"

Starter Worship (Part 4)

Bible Sword Drill on Worship - "Worship God by Serving People"

Worship - Part 4
Plus The Bible (Part 1)

Bible Sword Drill on the Bible - "A One of a Kind Book" 

The Bible - A One of a Kind Book
Plus The Bible (Part 2)

Bible Sword Drill on the Bible - "Exploring God’s Word"

The Bible - Exploring Gods Word
Plus The Bible (Part 3)

Bible Sword Drill on the Bible - "Cool Bible Tools"

The Bible - Cool Bible Tools
Plus The Bible (Part 4)

Bible Sword Drill on the Bible - "My Guide for Life!"

The Bible - My Guide for Life!
Plus Fruit of the Spirit (Part 1)

Bible Sword Drill on Fruit of the Spirit - "The Seed of Salvation"

Fruit of the Spirit - The Seed of Salvation
Plus Fruit of the Spirit (Part 2)

Bible Sword Drill on Fruit of the Spirit - "Growing Up Godly"

Fruit of the Spirit - Growing Up Godly
Plus Fruit of the Spirit (Part 3)

Bible Sword Drill on Fruit of the Spirit - "Abiding in Jesus"

Fruit of the Spirit - Abiding in Jesus
Plus Fruit of the Spirit (Part 4)

Bible Sword Drill on Fruit of the Spirit - "The Fruit God Produces"

Fruit of the Spirit - The Fruit God Produces
Plus Friendship (Part 1)

Bible Sword Drill on Friendship - "My Best Friend, Jesus"

Friendship -
Plus Friendship (Part 2)

Bible Sword Drill on Friendship - "Being a Good Friend"

Friendship -
Plus Friendship (Part 3)

Bible Sword Drill on Friendship - "Choosing Good Friends"

Friendship -
Plus Friendship (Part 4)

Bible Sword Drill on Friendship - "Growing Godly Friends"

Friendship -
Free 10 Mom Trivia Questions from the Bible

Here is a trivia game for your children's ministry on Mother's Day!

Mother's Day, Trivia
Plus 15 Fun and Easy Bible Verse Games for Kids

Download this PDF with 15 games to use in your Kidmin to help them learn bible verses

Plus 5 Tips for Helping Kids Navigate the Bible

How can God’s Word truly plant itself in a kid’s heart if they don’t know how to read it for themselves?

Bible Study
Plus How do you teach children Bible verses?

5 Easy Ways to Help Children Learn Bible Verses

Plus Making Memorization More Memorable with Icons

Scripture is inspired, contains authority over our lives, is a guide in spiritual matters, is significant in knowing God and His will, and is useful for explaining and defending our beliefs. But having kids memorize scripture is crazy hard. Read how the use of a mnemonic tool really works in helping get God's word memorized.  

Scripture Memorization
Free Robert Munch 17:17 - Teaching Bible Skills - The Reference

Steps for teaching your kids how to use the Bible--by Book, Chapter and Verse.

Bible References
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck Curls 2025 Gospel Colors Kid Conversation Cards Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 20 - Love God The Great Adventure Cards Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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