Become a Kidology Champion!

What is a CHAMPION?

  • An ardent defender or supporter of a cause or team.
  • A person who fights for or defends a person or cause.
  • To support, defend, protect and maintain a cause.

Will YOU be a Kidology Champion?

If you find Kidology a blessing to your ministry - or you just want to BE a blessing to our ministry - HERE IS HOW: 

1. SIGN UP for the Kidology Champion E-mail List

This unique newsletter is different from our regular monthly newsletter. These are personal updates from our founder, Karl Bastian, to let our Champions know timely and specific needs for prayer. It is sent periodically on an as needed basis, but never more than a few times a month. No membership or donation is required to subscribe to this e-list. Sign Up Today! (If you already get the Kidology Newsletter, follow the instructions to update your profile. You will then be able to add the Kidology Champions list to your subscriptions.)


Consider becoming one of Kidology's Champion Donors! These are individuals who step out of the crowd and give to become one of those who say, "I believe in Kidology - I want to support what you are doing and enable to you to do more!" so they become a Champion Donor.

Ways to Support Kidology Financially:

1) Become a One-Time Champion with a $125 Champion Gift. We'll send you a nice gift as a reminder to hold us up in prayer!

2) Become a Monthly Supporter with $25, $50 or $100 or whatever God's leads you to do.

If God nudges you, we hope you'll respond.

Your donation is tax deductible. Kidology is a 501c(3) non-profit registered in the state of Illinois. We have an independent audit conducted each year to ensure that donations are handled with the utmost care and accountability. We value your support and hope you'll become a Kidology Champion. Donate Today! 
Let us know if you'd like to set up a monthly auto-payment. 

OUR MISSION: To equip and encourage those who minister to children.

Kidology Champions are those who want to say, "I believe in Kidology and want to support the staff and development of Kidology by going that extra mile!"

Your support tells us: "Rise Up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it." (Ezra 1-:4)

Thank You for your prayer and support,
The Kidology Team

You may make a donation of any size on our donation page or by mailing a check (made out to Kidology Inc.) to our office:

Kidology Inc.
15615 Carob Circle
Parker, Colorado 80134

Thank You for your Support!

Because Jesus Loves Children,

Pastor Karl Bastian

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written by the Kidologist!

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