Fathers Day Zone

Here are a bunch of ideas for Father's Day! Not only will you find new ways to appreciate dads, but also ideas for teaching who really is the World's #1 Dad!
Find crafts, lesson ideas, jokes and more!

Dad Jokes:
Three boys are in the schoolyard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, "My Dad Scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50." The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100. "The third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon. And it takes eight people to collect all the money!"

Or remember the 3-year-old who prayed, "Our Father, Who does art in heaven, Harold be His name."

Be sure to check out: Father's Day Ideas by Barney Kinard

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Plus Creating Fun Family Memories

Good ideas to keep in touch with your children and encourage them.

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Plus "A Little Girl Needs Daddy"

A little girl needs daddy for many, many things

Father's Day
Plus "What Makes A Dad"

Dads are special

Father's Day
Plus Brag on Your Dad Contest

A contest for Father's Day

Father's Day
Plus Coupon book for dad

Have the kids in your class make a coupon book for their dad.

Father's Day
Plus Daddy Dice

A simple hand made dice that kids can make and roll to make Father's Day Extra Special!

Father's Day
Plus Fathers are Wonderful People

We can count on our dads

Fathers Day
Plus Father's Day Footprint Craft

A craft for Father's Day

Father's Day Craft
Plus Father's Day Jokes

A collection of jokes relating to dads

Father's Day
Plus Handprint craft for Fathers Day

Father's Day Craft

Father's Day
Plus LEGO Frame Craft

Here's a fun craft for Father's Day

Father's Day Craft
Plus Scented Soap for Dad Craft

A craft for Father's Day

Father's Day
Plus Songs for Father's Day

Songs you can sing with your kids around Father's Day

Father's Day
Plus Special Card for Dad Craft

A craft for Father's Day

Father's Day
Plus Tee Shirt for Dad

A craft kids can present their fathers on Father's Day

Father's Day Craft
Plus The History of Father's Day

Here's a little bit of the background behind this special holiday. Will help you talk to the kids about this day.

Father's Day
Plus The Little Chap Who Follows Me

A good poem for Father's Day

Father's Day
Plus The things dads say

Here are some famous sayings that dads say.

Father's Day
Plus The World's Best Dad Story

A story contest for kids to write about their dads to give to him on Father's Day.

Father's Day
Plus Things Kids Can Do For Their Dad

There are lots of things kids can do to make Father's Day special for their dad.

Making Father's Day Special
Plus Video for dad

Make a memory with your video camera

Father's Day
Plus What I Thought of Dad

We can learn a lot from our fathers

Father's Day
Plus "Abba! A Father Who Provides" Father's Day Bible Lesson for Kids

GOD is the our Father. Use this simple Bible lesson to teach kids on Father’s Day. Download the teaching notes below. We’ve included crafts, game ideas, and other printable coloring pages to help you prepare and teach this important truth from God’s Word.

Father's Day
Free 4 Cool Father's Day Craft Ideas

Keep little hands busy with these four cool Father’s Day craft ideas.

Father's Day Craft Ideas
Plus A Gift for Dad

What does Dad want for Father's Day? Here is a great puppet skit to illustrate this to children.

Skit, Puppet Skit, Father's Day
Plus A Parent Can Only Do So Much

This is a simple poem from the heart of a parent telling the difference between what they can and cannot do as a parent ... children ultimately must decide the character of their life.  

Plus Does your church disciple single dads?

How does your church disciple the single dads in your community?

Divorce Care
Plus Fathers Day Card

PDF of a fathers day card to be used in your kids ministry

Fathers Day
Plus Father's Day Concentration Game

This is a fun game to make! Then kids can take it home and play it with Dad - anytime they please!

Father's Day
Plus Father's Day Fun Facts Activity Sheet!

This fun children's activity sheet will give children the chance to tell Dad what they really think of him!

Father's Day
Plus Father's Day Fun Sticks

A great way to honor dads this Father's Day.

Father's Day, craft
Plus Father's Day Ideas

A collection of ideas that you might try in your family Maybe just one of these ideas will help someone in your family better celebrate “Father’s Day.”

Father's Day
Plus Father's Day Poem

A Father's Day Poem about how a dad can be one of your very best friends!

Father's Day
Plus Helping Kids to Honor Their Dads

As children's ministers, we must help kids honor their fathers. Here are some ways that kids can honor their dads, and ways that they don't honor their dads.

Father's Day
Plus Helping Kids... To Honor Their Dads

A huge list of ideas that can help kids honor dads

Fathers Day, honor, parents
Plus His Shoes Don't Fit

How do children view their dads? Use this skit to explain a bad example of a dad, and what the Bible says about being a father!

Skit, Puppet Skit, Father's Day
Plus How Young Is Too Young

When should the Gospel be presented to a child?

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Plus Match the Ties

A tie matching game for your class

Father's Day Game
Plus My Heavenly Da Da

How do you address God the Father?

Relationship with God
Plus Preparing for Special Needs Kids

Are you prepared for special needs kids in your ministry? Here are 10 tips to help you!

Special Needs
Plus Some Quick Ideas for Father's Day

Some Random Father's Day Ideas!

Fathers Day
Plus The Dad in the Daniel's Den

Daniel and the Lion's Den? Father's Day? Time for a skit from Creative Ministry Solutions!

Skit, Puppet Skit, Father's Day
Plus The Very Best Father

Who's the best dad, and how much does He love us? Use this skit to tell children about the very best Father!

Father's Day, Skit, Puppet Skit
Free Why Our Churches Need More Fathers and Fewer Teachers

There is no shortage of hired teachers in the Christian community. Our culture doesn’t need more tutors.  It doesn’t lack for knowledge. It lacks for fathers. It lacks for people who lay down their lives because they would rather see their sons do more and be more than them.

Fathers, Teachers
Plus Fifty Nifty Parenting Ideas for Dads

50 every day simple and practical ideas for dads - little things that can make a BIG difference!

Free Father's Day Ideas

The following are a collection of ideas that you might try in your family. Maybe just one of these ideas will help someone in your family better celebrate Father's Day.

Father's Day
Plus Jesus Never Told A Mean Joke

Those mean jokes hurt! Some kids think they are funny; some fathers think they motivate. Here's a lesson for both of them.

Mean jokes
Plus My Dad's Better than Your Dad Show

The puppets debate whose father is the best. Then one of them says how great his Father is and that his father is God. No Matter What You Do, No Matter What You Say, God Loves You.

God's Love
Plus surprise the guys!

Dad's Rootbeer encourages our dads!

Father's Day
Plus Why God Loves You

A puppet show for father's day, using the parable of the lost son.

Father's Day Puppet Show
PLUS Membership 2025 Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Toddler 2025 Gospel Colors PastorKarl.com Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 22 - Holy Spirit ToyBox Tales Kidmin Talk Podcast
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