Gospel Zone

Jesus is alive!
And he looooooves kids!

Looking for some great ways to communicate the Gospel with kids? This Zone has Gospel presentations and other helps for reaching kids with the Good News!

Have an awesome Gospel Presentation? Don't keep the good news to yourself!

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All Access Leading Children to Know and Follow Jesus

What are the best ways to share your faith with children?

All Access Leading Your Child to Christ

The greatest contribution you can make to your child’s well being is instilling a fervent love for Jesus Christ. But how does this happen? What steps must a parent take in order to lead their child to Christ? How can you ensure that what happens at church is a supplement and not a replacement for spiritual guidance at home?

Child Evangelism
Starter Mudville - Children's Book FREE Download

Download this book from 289 Design for FREE.

Free Book Download
All Access Now What? Salvation Follow Up Booklet

Review of Salvation decision following a child's surrender to Christ.

All Access Parent Meetings + Talking about Technology

In this episode, Sean Sweet talks about 2 different things that can give anxiety when it comes to preteen ministry. First he talks about how to have percent meetings, and then he talks about Technology and how we can help parents understand what their kids are dealing with.

Partnering Parents
All Access Praxis of Nurture in Small Churches

Glen Woods is well known as thoughtful practitioner of children's ministry. Here he offers his doctoral dissertation on family ministry especially as it relates to small church ministry. For those willing to dive into the topic seriously, they will find this engaging, challenging and thought provoking.  

Partnering with Parents
All Access Proof!

Did you know Paul used a legal argument to prove Jesus rose from the dead?

Evidence for Jesus Resurrection
All Access Sharing the Gospel with Kids

4 steps to simply sharing the Gospel with the kids in your mnisttry

All Access Six Types of Lost Kids

Create more effective strategies for reaching the lost, by gaining an understanding of the types of lost kids.

Lost, Evangelism,
All Access Social Distancing & The Church - WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

How do I teach “Go To Church” when the church doors are closed?

Being the Church
All Access Stewards of the Story

How do we best preserve God's story through the generations?

Stewardship, God's Story
All Access The Most Misunderstood Concept about God

God is not Santa Claus. His grace is unlike Santa's gifts. It's way better.

God's Character, Grace
All Access The Problem of Second Generation Christianity

Do “Second Generation Christians” really understand the Gospel message?

Discipleship, Family Ministry, Gospel
All Access The Problem with Second Generation Christianity

Is spiritual knowledge enough to believe your child is 'saved'?

Free Think Like a Missionary

What methods do we use to teach our kids to be missionaries?

All Access Three Ways Going Pro Helps Kids Grow Spiritually

Teach your kids to 'go PRO' in their spiritual growth.

Spiritual Growth
All Access What Should We Teach Our Kids?

Children are open to hearing the Gospel. Are you speaking it?

Sharing the Gospel Message
All Access Who is Responsible to Disciple my Kids?

Who is Responsible to Disciple my Kids - the church or me?

All Access Why Are We Still Losing Kids?

How can you help your children encounter God personally?

Spiritual Formation
All Access Why is Loyalty Important?

What's the big deal about being loyal to others?

All Access Why Isn't It Working?

Despite all our best efforts, the kids in your ministry sometimes still stray from the faith. How can we as leaders help keep kids on the right path?

Salvation, Evangelism
Free Why Online Church is Not Church

Is church still church if it's online?

What is the Church?
All Access Rethinking Follow-Up of Child Converts

A children’s evangelist gives us five steps that might just change the way you think about the follow-up of child converts. Drawing upon over 30 years of full-time evangelism experience with children, Rev. Barney Kinard challenges us to rethink what we are really doing with follow-up. These insights are not only thought provoking, but they can provide a framework to develop your own follow-up program.

Free Come Here, Kids!

Jesus offers this instruction to His disciples as though they really needed this clear word to remove any doubt about His attitude about children. The word “suffer” means literally to “Let.” It would be better read, “Let the little children come.” It carries the idea of being commanded to welcome the children to come to Jesus!  

Starter E.A.S.T.E.R. Eggs Lesson

An Easter presentation that uses the letters of EASTER to tell the real meaning of the holiday.

All Access How to Become a Christian

This card is meant to be used as a tool to help explain the plan of salvation in a simple way to a child. It references our "Second Birthday" in Christ, making it a good tool if you do "Birthday Night" at AWANA. There are cards per page, front and back.

Leading a Child to Christ
All Access Who's at the Door

We can be ambassadors for Jesus Christ and shine our lights for Him as we witness to others of His salvation on our lives. We can pray and share the Good News.

All Access 3 Things You May Have Overlooked

A visual object lesson - the audience misses the obvious. Do we miss out on the most important thing in life?

Christian Life
All Access Bridge to Heaven

Gospel Presentation
All Access Easter-In-A-Box Neighborhood Outreach

This is a creative way for people in the church to form relationships with those in their community around Easter time.

Easter/Neighborhood Outreach
All Access Evangelism Hole-in-One!

Sharing the good news about Jesus is the most important thing we as Christians can do. Since it is the most important thing we can do, we should learn how to do it in the best possible manner.

All Access How to Fish for Christians

You need to reach out to others, and when they are ready, they will bite!

All Access Jesus Makes us Clean

This lesson presents the Salvation message with a craft project that will bring home the point. With simple adaptations, it could be used with a wide variety of age groups.

All Access Knock Knock

It's important to know what behaviors are Godly and what behaviors are a result of a sinful nature.

All Access Leading a Child to Christ

This is a short overview of how to lead a child to faith in Christ. It is the outline used by the Kidologist in his workshop by the same name. Includes the classic 'star fish story.'


This game show skit will get your kids involved, and put them on the floor laughing. You can perform it as a puppet skit or as a live skit using your drama team. Or you could take it to the streets and get a community involved. You will need the following: Jesus and costume, three contestants and the voice of the Holy Spirit. Enjoy!

All Access The Disciple Link

We may never be the person to start a church. BUT we may be the person who claims Jesus as our savior which will cause a sequence of events which will lead to great things for the glory of the Kingdom!

Sharing your faith will effect others
All Access Cafe Poetry

This event is a creative twist for kids where children are guided into different literature stations to explore and celebrate creative literature kids-style.

Exploring literature with God
All Access Christmas Through The Years

Christmas Through The Years is a skit about the emptiness of chasing our own dreams. Molly Richards becomes the Queen of Rock and Roll, only to find that inside she's the Queen of Emptiness. After running from God for years, when she reaches rock bottom she final gets saved.  

All Access Dive In Movie

Great summer community outreach idea!

All Access Dora the Explorer & Forgiveness

This highly interactive skit uses familiar characters from Dora the Explorer to teach about forgiveness and the plan of salvation.  

Forgiveness, Gospel
All Access Evangicube Rap

This is a rap song that goes along with the Evangecube or can stand alone.

Salvation Message
All Access Extra Extra Read All About It: A KIDS Church Musical

"Extra Extra Read All About It" is a musical that takes place in a high energy Advice Column (The I Witness News Team) office.  

Christian living: evangelism
All Access God Loves You, No Matter What

God Loves You, No Matter What is a sermon which I preached to boys and girls in a Youth Detention Center. It's evangelical and deals with Jesus washing Judas' feet during the last supper.  

Prison Ministry/Evangelism
All Access If You Bring a Friend You Can Pick My Nose

I offer prizes to all of the kids who bring guests and to their guests using a giant foam nose. Both the guest and the child who brings the guest get to pick from prizes that I've inserted in the giant foam nose.

All Access Price is Right

Use this Price is Right game show format to invite friends and neighbors to COME ON DOWN for a morning filled games, prizes, and to see if the PRICE is indeed Right. 1 Corinthians 6:20a

Salvation Message
All Access Saul, Paul & Paul

This is a scripted "game show" which interviews three very different people - a devote Jew, a blind man and a dynamic Christian. At the end of the game show, the kids find out that all three are the same man - Saul/Paul of Tarsus. The skit concludes by telling the story of Saul's conversion and presenting the gospel.  

Evangelism; Paul's conversion
All Access Spring Eggstravaganza

This is a special event that is done around Easter. This is like a festival with low-key fair-type game booths, bounce houses and egg hunt plus a special creative method to tell the Easter story.

Easter Outreach
All Access Stuck on Christmas

The Sandwich Shop & Stuck on Christmas are two skits designed to introduce Awana T&T clubbers to all of the verses in T&T's Start Zone. Stuck on Christmas is is a wacky Christmas special, which is designed to be performed at any time of the year.  

All Access The Sandwich Shop

Sandwich Shop was designed to introduce Awana T&T clubbers to all of the verses in T&T's Start Zone. The Sandwich Shop is an evangelical skit which takes place in a sandwich shop.  

Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl Gospel Colors 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 24 - Victory The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Online Training
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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