Holiday Ideas Zone

We have several Zones specifically for various holidays, but we've compiled ALL the holiday ideas in one place so they can be found year round, since many holiday ideas have applications throughout the year.

(After all, we should be thankful all year, and love our moms all year, and celebrate Jesus all year, right?)

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter Members
Level Title Topic
Starter Candy Pancake Breakfast Super Sunday

Host a CANDY PANCAKE BREAKFAST for the kids! It’s something they will LOVE, TALK ABOUT, and LOOK FORWARD TO, and even BRING A FRIEND!

Fun, Stand-Alone Lesson on Thankfulness
Plus Holiday Bake-Off

Advance sales bake sale gets moms and daughters working together.

Plus Mean Mums

Because of our mother we missed out on lots of things other kids experienced. None of us have ever been caught shoplifting, vandalizing other's property or ever arrested for any crime. It was all her fault.

Mother's Day
Plus The Best Christmas

A child finds love at christmas

Christmas at an orphanage
Starter The MOMstacle Course! Could You Handle a Mom's Day?

Do you have what it takes to be a mom? Find out with this fun obstacle course for kids!

An Obstacle Course for Mother's Day
Plus The Story of Christmas

The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for God has found great delight in you. You shall have a child and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High.

Starter King of Hearts Card Trick with Video Demonstration

This is a super easy and impressive trick that requires no sleight of hand.

Gospel Magic
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 10: Penguin

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 17: Pumpkin

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 18: Ghost

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 19: Turkey

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 20: Reindeer Hat

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 21: Snowman

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 22: Balloon Displays (Part 1)

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 23: Balloon Displays (Part 2)

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 24: Balloon Stands (Part 3)

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 25: Frog

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 26: Dragster

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 27: Horse/Unicorn

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 28: Object Lessons

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 29: Crab

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 30: Headbands

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 31: Pumpkin with a Treat

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 32: Spider

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 33: Turkey Leg

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 34: Gingerbread Man

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Plus Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 35: Candy Cane

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Starter 100 Ways to Show Your Kids LOVE!

100 EASY (and FUN) ways to show LOVE to your kids

Loving Kids
Plus An Emoji Christmas Story

Tell the Christmas Story with Emojis!

Emoji Christmas
Plus Batty Fears

A game to help kids address the fears they face.

Plus Broken Toaster

Using a toaster to demonstrate to children that Christians do not need to be afraid of death!

There Is No Need To Fear Death
Plus Candy Cane Tags

Print these tags and attach to Candy Canes to remind the children of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. For greater impact, use along with the Candy Cane Relay Race!

Plus Cereal Sunday Lesson

Written for Time Change Sunday where the kids are allowed to come to church in PJ's and eat cereal! This FUN cereal lesson helps kids learn spiritual applications from their favorite cereals!

Time Change Lesson
Plus Christmas Envelope Prediction Trick!

In this fun trick, the leader says they have predicted which envelope the kids will choose. Kids pick a number from 1 to 6, and the leader shows that they will choose Jesus every time!

Starter Christmas SAY WHAT PowerPoint Game!

This is a 'guess a letter' PowerPoint game that introduces Christmas and the theme of God's love through the gift of Jesus.

Popular Christmas Sayings
Plus Don't Blink!

We do not need to be afraid, because Jesus is our helper in times of need. Use this object lesson to communicate this important truth to children!  

Jesus, Fear
Plus Easter EGGstravaganza Show

Overview of Karl's Easter Outreach Family Game Show

Easter Outreach
Plus Flatman and Bobbin Save Mother's Day! (#4)

The bumbling duo saves the world from a mother who was forgotten on Mother's Day—and all children are warned to love their mothers.

Mother's Day
Starter Foot Washing Activity

This is a fun activity for little learners to practice washing feet. 

Serving Others
Plus Galactic Christmas Carol Downloads

Download Karl's Galactic Christmas Carol Muppet Parody, available only to All Access Members.

Christmas ToyBox Tale Downloads
Plus Kidologist's Christmas Songs

Christmas songs written by Karl Bastian to the tune of other popular children's church songs.

Christmas Songs
Plus Kid's Church Top 10 - Christmas

What are the Top 10 Toys that DIDN'T make it to market? This is a FUNNY lesson intro for Christmas time.

Power Point Christmas
Plus Looking for Jesus

Encourage Families to Look for Jesus this Christmas.

Christmas, Jesus
Plus My Easter Comic Book

Your children can now create their very own Easter Comic Book! You provide the comic, they provide the illustrations!

Easter Activity
Plus Narnia Entrance Banners

Banners for use while teaching the Narnia series. 

Narnia room decor
Plus The Complaining Game

Help kids turn complaints around and see the positive.

Free The Ultimate Birthday Party for Jesus Planning Pack Super Sunday

A FUN Party Plan for Celebrating the Birthday of JESUS!

Fun, Stand-Alone Birthday Party Plan for Christmas
Plus This is Love... Picture Presentation

Love isn't just the mushy stuff, it's putting others above yourself. This is a presentation with pictures of love in action!

Love, Valentine’s Day
Plus Top Ten Patriotic Jokes!

Need some FUN patriotic jokes? Here ya go!

Patriotic Jokes
Plus Vote for Jesus! A FUN Patriotic Lesson

This is a FUN interactive lesson about how we "Vote for Jesus" every day by the choices we make!

Fruit of the Spirit
PLUS Membership 2025 Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl 2025 Gospel Colors Kid Conversation Cards Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure The Voyage of the Dawn Treader ToyBox Tales Kidmin Talk Podcast
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Kidology's 3-Year Curriculum

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