Kidmin Talk #135 - April 27th, 2020


Duration: 00:36:36

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After COVID-19 - The Path Forward

Welcome to the 135th episode of Kidmin Talk!

After COVID-19 - The Path Forward

It's been a month since the COVID-19 crisis hit and church went online! Pastor Karl has been providing Kids Church Online lessons, training how to make your own, providing Zoom training and iMovie editing and more. In this episode of Kidmin Talk, Karl answers questions, shares a new resource for training and communicating and talks about the way forward as we anticipate when ministry can return to the building.

FEATURED RESOURCE: ServeHQ exists to Equip and Engage Your Whole Church. There are two apps - you can use both or whichever one meets your current need:

HuddleUp: Mass email & texting, plus safe group-chat for everyone in your ministry
TrainedUp: Offer online classes for new members, new volunteers, and developing leaders.

ENJOY: Kidmin Talk #135



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