Kidologist's Zone

This is the place to find things written or submitted by the creator of, Karl Bastian.

Use Karl's creativity to your advantage! Browse his ideas, plans, games, and more. Use them as is or adapt them for your ministry!

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Level Title Topic
Free Kidmin Talk #122 - October 29th, 2019

In this 122nd episode of Kidmin Talk, Pastor Karl Bastian, founder of, is getting ready for Christmas! WIN a free Christmas Clue Hunt game, find out what Karl is teaching in December, and more!

Christmas is Coming! Are you ready?
Plus Crazy Countdown 46 - PEZ 1 Minute

Kids will love the PEZ characters popping in and out of this 1 minute countdown!

1 Minute PEZ Countdown
Plus Crazy Countdown 45 - PEZ 10 Minute

Kids will love the PEZ characters popping in and out of this 10 minute countdown!

10 Minute PEZ Countdown
Plus Crazy Countdown 44 - PEZ 5 Minute

Kids will love the PEZ characters popping in and out of this 5 minute countdown!

5 Minute PEZ Countdown
Plus Crazy Countdown 43 - PEZ 3 Minute

Kids will love the PEZ characters popping in and out of this 3 minute countdown!

3 Minute PEZ Countdown
Free Recruiting Tool: Turkey Jokes Postcard

Download these funny postcards to encourage your volunteers this season!

Free Kidmin Talk #121 - October 23rd, 2019

In this 121st episode of Kidmin Talk, Pastor Karl Bastian provides six principles for impacting every child on Sunday. Also, Karl offers an insiders review of KidCheck, the premiere children's ministry check-in system.

IMPACTing Every Child, Every Sunday, Plus KidCheck
Plus The 3 Penny Missionary Game

This simple, fun game helps children understand how a church is planted on the mission field.

Missions - Planting a Church
Free Kidmin Talk #120 - October 16th, 2019

Kidmin Talk #120 - Karl Bastian, founder of, shares a musical outreach tool, a crazy object lesson, updates on conferences he'll be at and his first Kidology Kidminism. Listen to be Equipped and Encouraged!

Outreach Tool, Object Lesson, Conferences, & More!
All Access Ministry Management Part 12 - Ministry Management

Part 12 in Karl's Ministry Management Series - The most important part of Ministry Management IS the Ministry

All Access Ministry Management Part 11 - Budget Management

Part 11 in Karl's Ministry Management Series - Learn the Five Proactive Actions Required for Ministry Budgeting

Plus Crazy Countdown 42 - Vintage: Self-Control

It's a Vintage Toybox Tale Countdown where Davey and Goliath learn about self-control.

Vintage TBT - Self-Control
Free 50 Life Lessons Learned in 50 Years

For my 50th Birthday I wrote out 50 life lessons I have learned in my 50 years. Enjoy!

Free The Good Friend List

Fun puppet or skit routine that bring the Golden Rule to life!

Golden Rule
Free Mission Possible Assignment

A fun take home slip when teaching on the Golden Rule. (Luke 10:27b)

Golden Rule
Plus Perplex - The Last Shall Be First GAME

Kids hear "the last shall be first," this game helps them experience it!

Service - Selflessness
Plus Crazy Countdown 41 - Vintage: Running the Race

It's a Vintage Toybox Tale Countdown where Kermit and a host of toys compete in the Indianapolis 500 Inches to learn about how to WIN in the Race of Life!

Vintage TBT - Running the Race
Plus Crazy Countdown 40 - Vintage: Spiritual Health

It's a Vintage Toybox Tale Countdown where Kermit heads to McDonald's with Miss Piggy and Doctor Bunson Honeydew to find out what is healthy!

Vintage TBT - Spiritual Health
Plus Crazy Countdown 39 - Vintage: Faith

Its a Vintage Toybox Tale where Buzz Lightyear learns to fly through faith!

Vintage TBT - Faith
Plus Crazy Countdown 38 - Vintage: Kindness

It's a Vintage Toybox Tale Countdown! It's a Star Wars Special where the Power of Kindness is discovered

Vintage TBT - Kindness
Free Recruiting Tool: Don't Fear Kidmin Flyer

Give this fun flyer to your volunteers and have them give to a friend to invite them to serve in kids ministry.

All Access Ministry Management Part 10 - Marketing Management

Part 10 in Karl's Ministry Management Series - Learn the Four Arenas of Marketing and the Top Four Methods for Messaging.

All Access Ministry Management Part 9 - Event Management

Part 9 in Karl's Ministry Management Series - The Why, What, When, Where, Who and How of Event Management

Event Management
Plus Crazy Countdown 37 - 10 Commandments: 9 & 10

It’s Peeper Time! The Peeps are learning about the 10 Commandments in this three minute Crazy Countdown! In this 5th and final episode they discover the 9th and 10th Commandments. Do not Lie and Do not Covet.

Commands 9 and 10
Plus Crazy Countdown 36 - 10 Commandments: 7 & 8

It’s Peeper Time! The Peeps are learning about the 10 Commandments in this three minute Crazy Countdown! In this 4th episode they discover the 7th and 8th Commandments. Do not commit adultery and Do not Steal.

Commands 7 and 8
Plus Crazy Countdown 35 - 10 Commandments: 5 & 6

It’s Peeper Time! The Peeps are learning about the 10 Commandments in this three minute Crazy Countdown! In this 3rd episode they discover the 5th and 6th Commandments. Honor Your Mother and Father and Do no Murder.

Commands 5 and 6
Plus Crazy Countdown 34 - 10 Commandments: 3 & 4

It’s Peeper Time! The Peeps are learning about the 10 Commandments in this three minute Crazy Countdown! In this 2nd episode they discover the 3rd and 4th Commandments. Do not misuse the Name of God and Keep the Sabbath Holy.

Commands 3 and 4
Plus Crazy Countdown 33 - 10 Commandments: 1 & 2

It’s Peeper Time! The Peeps are learning about the 10 Commandments in this three minute Crazy Countdown! In this 1st episode they discover the 1st and 2nd Commandments. Do not worship any other gods or make any idols.

Commands 1 and 2
Free Recruiting Tool: Join Me

Give this fun flyer to your volunteers and have them give to a friend to invite them to serve in kids ministry.

Plus Pick a Fruit Game

A simple fun intro game for Fruit of the Spirit or Adam and Eve's Fall

Fruit of the Spirit / Adam and Eve
Free Kidmin Talk #119 - August 1st, 2019

Kidmin Talk #119 - It's Back to School Time! Karl talks about getting ready for the fall, the launch of his preteen ministry and creative recruiting tools!

Adventure Bible, Preteen Ministry, and Recruiting
Plus Crazy Countdown 32 - Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show

It's Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show, where the beloved Miss Piggy interviews characters from the Bible. In today's episode she welcomes Abraham back who brings his nephew Lot to share their story.

Abraham and Lot
Plus Crazy Countdown 31 - Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show

It's Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show, where the beloved Miss Piggy interviews characters from the Bible. In today's episode she welcomes Abraham and teaches him the song Father Abraham!

Plus Crazy Countdown 30 - Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show

It's Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show, where the beloved Miss Piggy interviews characters from the Bible. In today's episode she welcomes some of the builders from the infamous Tower of Babel.

Tower of Babel
Plus Crazy Countdown 29 - Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show

It's Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show, where the beloved Miss Piggy interviews characters from the Bible. In today's episode she welcomes Noah of Ark fame to the show along with some random animals!

Noah and the Ark
Plus Crazy Countdown 28 - Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show

It's Miss Piggy's Talk to the Pig Show, where the beloved Miss Piggy interviews characters from the Bible. In today's episode she welcomes both Adam and Eve, and a special surprise guest on to the show!vv

Adam and Eve
Free Recruiting Tool: Back-To-School Checklist

Use this fun back-to-school checklist to recruit parents into the kids ministry. 

All Access Ministry Management Part 8 - Task Management

Part 8 in Karl's Ministry Management Series - The Truth, the Tools, the Tasks and the Techniques for keeping on top of your ministry.

Task Management
Free Recruiting Tool: Super Volunteer Poster

A fun poster highlighting the traits that make a Super Volunteer! 

Recruiting SUPER Volunteers
All Access Ministry Management Part 7 - Crisis Management

Part 7 in Karl's Ministry Management Series - Seven Principles that will help you turn Crises into Ministry Opportunities!

Crisis Management
Plus Crazy Countdown 27 - Kids Church Rally

It's a President Trump Kids Church Rally! Mr. Trump is making Countdowns Great Again! Kid's Church is gonna be YUGE! The kids are in for a Bigly Sunday when they start out with this funny countdown video!

President Trump Kids Church Rally!
All Access Ministry Management Part 6 - Document Management

Part 6 in Karl's Ministry Management Series - Secrets to Managing Your Documents, both Paper and Digital.

Document Management
Plus Crazy Countdown 26 - Who Zat? Game Show

Welcome back to "Who Zat?" Game Show, where the kids try to guess the Bible Character being described on the show! Who could it be?

Guessing Game
Plus Crazy Countdown 25 - Who Zat? Game Show

Welcome back to "Who Zat?" Game Show, where the kids try to guess the Bible Character being described on the show! Who could it be?

Guessing Game
Plus Crazy Countdown 24 - Who Zat? Game Show

Welcome back to "Who Zat?" Game Show, where the kids try to guess the Bible Character being described on the show! Who could it be?

Guessing Game
Plus Crazy Countdown 23 - Who Zat? Game Show

Welcome back to "Who Zat?" Game Show, where the kids try to guess the Bible Character being described on the show! Who could it be?

Guessing Game
Plus Crazy Countdown 22 - Who Zat? Game Show

Welcome to The "Who Zat?" Game Show, where the kids try to guess the Bible Character being described on the show! Who could it be?

Guessing Game
Free Recruiting Tool: Parent Survey

Parent Survey print-outs to encourage volunteering in the Children's Ministry.

Free Doodle, Noodle, Shape or Show it! Super Sunday

A super fun Bible Game that is a blend of Charades, Pictionary, Bible Quizzing, and even Play-Doh!

Interactive Bible Story Game Show
Starter Ingredients for a GREAT Volunteer Meeting

Create volunteer meetings your people will WANT to come to!

Volunteer Training
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck Girl 2025 FUNtastic Bible Activity Book Kid Conversation Cards Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 23 - Rewards The Kids Church Cooking Show - Episode 5: Stories Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

Kidology on Twitter