Illusion Videos from David and Teesha Laflin

In this series, Illusionists David and Teesha Laflin will walk you through a new illusion each episode. These videos will help you learn the skills of Gospel Magic by showing you the full trick, then walking you through the explanation.  

Let's Learn Some Magic!

Starter Members can watch the Presentation Videos for FREE! All Access Members can watch the Presentation and Explanation Videos for FREE on (See link below each episode.)

Or you can purchase the Laflin Illusions via the Kidology Store to download the videos.

The Lord is Our Healer

A match is broken but restored.
God will restore us when we ask. Psalm 34:17-19

Starter Members can watch the presentation video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video 

How Sweet It Is

A dollar bill, representing a person’s life, is marked by a volunteer and then vanishes. It later reappears inside a sugar packet chosen freely by the volunteer.
Don't hold onto your life too tightly. Matthew 13:44

Starter Members can watch the presentation video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video 

Envelope Prediction

A prediction is made and sealed in an envelope. A volunteer chooses a number. After two quick steps, the final number is revealed to be exactly the same as the prediction in the sealed envelope. We can't really predict anything, but there is one thing we can know! 1 Thes. 4:17

Starter Members can watch the presentation video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video 

Answer the Call

Random numbers are added together, and when dialed, it will call your phone! We have each been called by God! Make sure you answer! Mark 16:15

Starter Members can watch the presentation video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video 

Shielded by Faith

A pencil (representing the flaming arrows of the evil one) is repeatedly shoved through a dollar bill (representing our lives). The audience can clearly hear the paper tearing, yet when the bill is displayed at the end, it is shown to be unharmed. Eph. 6:10-17

Starter Members can watch the presentation video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video 

The Right Choice

Three volunteers are given a free choice of four numbered envelopes. The remaining envelope is kept by the performer. When the envelopes are opened, it is revealed that the ultimate prize is in the hands of the performer. Joshua 24:15

Starter Members can watch the presentation video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video 

Messed Up Money

A stack of bills are mixed up, but then are 'magically' put in the right order. God's Word will help keep our life in order. Psalm 119:105

Starter Members can watch the presentation video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video 


A price tag is slid onto a rope but is removed without harming it. The price has been paid so we can escape the captivity of sin. Romans 5:8

Starter Members can watch the performance video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video 

Magic Paper Bag

An empty paper bag is shown as an illustration of an empty life. That “life” is then filled with pieces of paper representing the difficulties and problems of this world. Each piece of paper has a different negative word written on it. The words on the paper are then transformed from negative things, into the fruits of the spirit as a representation of how our lives can be filled with the good things of Christ. Galatians 5:22

Starter Members can watch the presentation video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video

The Meaning of Life

A volunteer chooses an envelope. The one they choose contains the true meaning to life.
Don't try to gain the world and lose your soul in the process. Matthew 16:26

Starter Members can watch the performance video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video

In a Moment

A ring is displayed and wrapped inside a handkerchief. The ring is then vanished and later shown to have reappeared hanging on a pencil in the middle of a paper bag.
We could be in Heaven in the twinkling of an eye. 1 Cor. 15:52

Starter Members can watch the performance video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video

Paper to Money

A blank piece of paper is shown, folded into a small pack, and then opened back up to reveal it has changed to a dollar bill. 
You may not have a lot, but you can give what you have. 2 Cor. 8:12

Starter Members can watch the performance video.
All Access Members can also watch the explanation video


LICENSING INFORMATION: These videos are provided for YOUR USE in your local church ministry. They are not to be uploaded publicly to any video sharing website or platform where they can be used outside of your church or group. Thank you for respecting the Laflin's copyright and intellectual property.

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