Leadership Zone

Ministry rises or falls on leadership. You may have entered into kids ministry because you were good at, well, ministry to kids. But now that you are in charge, you need to grow as a leader. Kidology is here to help!

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Level Title Topic
Plus Am I In a Toxic Church Environment?

What does a toxic church environment look like, and when should you leave?

Free Are Parents Really the Primary Spiritual Leader of Their Kids?

Are you relying on the parents to be their kids' primary spiritual leaders? Read why this may not be what Christ intended. 

Leadership, Evangelism, Spiritual Leadership
Free Are You a Carbonated Geyser?

Remember the parched and thirsty deer that yearns for a drink at the cool waters? Maybe it's time to rethink that imagery in light of New Testament teaching.

Ministry Direction, Change
Plus Are you a Preacher Who Pastors or a Pastor who Preaches?

Do you preach or do you pastor?

Pastoring vs. Preaching
Plus Asking a Volunteer to Step Down

Learn to 'fire' a volunteer while maintaining their dignity and yours. 

Discipline, Volunteers
Plus Be Proactive

You can be the victim in your ministry. Or you can be proactive with your ministry.

Leadership, Struggles
Plus Be Wise

As a pastor, you need to seek God's heart, and then tailor things to fit your ministry. 

Plus Best Ways to UPGRADE Your Kid's Worship Service

Does your kids worship need to be updated? Check out this list to see!

Plus Bible Verses to Encourage Sunday School Teachers

Encourage your Sunday School teachers with these 5 Bible verses. 

Sunday School Burnout
Free Bringing Families Together

There's a reason why some families would choose to skip church for sports or other activities. The church needs to learn how to bring families together.

Families, Programming
Plus But Will They Come Back??

How do you retain visitors to your church?

Return Visitors
Free Can a Pastor Take a Day Off?

Can a Pastor take a day off? Yes, you CAN get a day OFF. And it can be Amazing!

Leadership, Mistakes, Recruitment
Free Choose to Speak Life

God brings many people (staff, volunteers, parents and children) into our circle of influence. Pray for them, and choose to speak life into their lives. 

Encouragement, Inspiration
Plus Classroom Management Tips

Some advice on how to manage your classroom at all age levels. 

Classroom management
Plus Disciplers and Specialists

The Acts 6 Model makes it possible for a local Family of God to provide a ministry to children that meets each child’s individual needs.

Discipleship, Church Leadership
Free Do You Apologize Too Much in Recruiting?

Saying "sorry" is a good thing, but not when your goal is to win volunteers to your ministry and vision.

Leadership, Mistakes, Recruitment
Plus Do You REALLY Know What You're Doing?

There’s no question that ministry can be difficult and we all face times when doubt sets in and we think quitting may be easier.

Encouragement, Leadership
Plus Don't Be Batman!

Stay intentional in your connection with others. 

Leadership, Involvement, Discipleship
Plus Effectively Starting A New Ministry Position Will Keep You Out of Trouble

Advice on how to jump start your new ministry position.

Success in a New Job
Plus Expecting Much From Jesus

What are you expecting of Jesus today?

Plus Gaining Leadership Support for Child Safety - Part 1

Learn about the steps to take to help get leadership support to improve child safety in your organization. 

Improving Child Safety
Plus Gaining Leadership Support for Child Safety - Part 2

Information to help you find champions to support your child safety strategy and tips on how to be prepared and present it.

Improving Child Safety
Plus Healthy Leadership Self-Talk: It's Not What You Are Called, It's What You Answer To

Learn to live with brokenness, not in it. 

Healthy Leadership
Free Hitting the Mark and What to Do When You Don't

Learning the skill of writing effective goals will go a long way towards accomplishing them. Janelle Hoos of the Well Equipped Volunteer blog provides a strategy of writing goals, accomplishing them, and knowing what to do when you fail to hit your goals.

Leadership, Goal Setting
Free Horribly Embarrassing Ministry Mess-up? Here's What to Do When It Happens to You

Sometimes it seems like some mistakes signal the end of your ministry! Fear not. Here's how your ministry gaffes can lead to growth.

Leadership, Mistakes, Growth
Plus How Curiosity and the Tenth Man Will Make You a Better Leader

When is it right to be wrong? Questioning the majority can lead to greater growth.

Leadership Development
Plus How I Do Small Groups for Kids

One of the things I have found over the years is that it is important that we teach God’s Word, but also create a place for kids to interact with each other and make friends. I do that through Small Groups.

Small Groups
Plus How I Turned My Ministry into a Family Ministry

When the church and the home are working together, we will have more success in making disciples of our kids.

Family Ministry
Free How Self-Evaluations Help Predict the Future

What questions should you be asking yourself at the end of each day?  

Personal Growth
Free How Setting Goals Doesn't Have to Be as Bad as You Think

Time waits for no man, and definitely not for the leaders who have set goals to reach. Here are three tips to hep you work toward your objectives.

Planning, Success, Leadership
Plus How To Become An Effective Team Member

Use these tips to become a better team member that will benefit not only your team, but the kids in your ministry.

Team Work
Plus How to CRUSH your Goals This Year

6 ways you can succeed in reaching your goals, any time of year!

Goals, New Year
Starter How to Deal with a Burnt Out Volunteer

Discover 3 ways to help your volunteers through burn-out. 

Volunteer Burn Out
Free How to Develop a Volunteer-Training Program

Use your current volunteers to develop volunteers.

Volunteers, Training
Plus How to Lead a Team to Excellence

Do you struggle with leading your team to excellence? What does that even look like? What should it look like?

Leadership, Excellence
Free How to Raise Christian Kids in Public Schools

Christian beliefs and public school might seem contradictory on many fronts. But here's some timely advice for parents on how to raise our kids Christian even if they are attending a public school.

Public Schools, Parenting
Plus How to Set The Right Goals For the New Year

How are you tackling your goals for the New Year?

Goals, New Year
Free Is Excellence Killing the Church?

Why we need more good churches and fewer excellent ones.

Relationships, Discipleship, Leadership
Plus Is it Time to "Fire" That Volunteer?

Firing someone is not an easy job. But sometimes it IS necessary. 

Volunteers, Leaders
Free Is Your Calling Changing?

God is good at clarifying your calling.

Ministry Direction, Change
Plus Jesus Isn't White

Does race or skin color matter when it comes to Jesus?

Free Keep It Short

Do your volunteers need training, but don't have time to attend training? Don't fret. Here's a practical tip for you.

Leadership, Volunteers, Training
Free Kid Volunteers: The Welcome Table

Are you looking for creative ways to get kids involved in serving in your ministry?

Getting Kids Involved in Serving
Free Leading from the Middle

David wasn't always the top dog. Mark Harper shares five lessons from David's life on how to lead from the middle.

Leadership, Influence
Plus Lessons Learned... or Learning

When you go through a rough patch, do you turn FROM God, or TO Him?

Struggles, Relying on God
Plus Ministry Goal Fails - What Now?

What To Do When You Fail to Accomplish Your Children’s Ministry Goals

Ministry Goals
Free Ministry Lessons Learned from Underwear and a ToyBox

What does shopping for underwear and a toybox full of toys teach us about ministry and welcoming people? 

Ministry, Environment, Welcoming People
Plus Ministry Problems--Is It Plugged in?

Call a tech helpdesk and one of the first questions asked is “Is it plugged in?” Duh, yes. But, oh wait, let me make sure ...

Personal Growth, Relationships
Plus My Top Failures As A Kids Pastor

We all make mistakes. But it's never too late to fix them. 

Free No More Making Time for Family

Why I will NEVER make time for my family ever again!

PLUS Membership 2025 Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer 2025 Gospel Colors U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 15 - Respect The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Online Training
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