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Noduh the Wise One on the Spiritual Disciplines

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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Spiritual Disciplines

Enjoy Pastor Karl's classic video series on Spiritual Disciplines starring Noduh the Wise One - not to be confused with his cousin Yoda of Star Wars fame. This 10-part series includes an introduction video.

Welcome to the home of Karl's "Noduh" videos! Noduh, the Wise Ones has fans all over the world! Originally filmed "live on location" at beautiful Devil's Lake State Park in Wisconsin, the backstory is pretty fun. Pastor Karl was speaking at a high school camp and the teens who had grown up in his ministry were requesting that he use a puppet, but he knew that the other teens, who didn't have a sentimental attachment to Pastor Karl and his puppets, wouldn't respond to a puppet on a mountain rock climbing trip. So, to appeal to both, Pastor Karl decided to bring a Yoda puppet and name him Noduh, the Wise One. Turns out, everyone loved Yoda and the character was a hit!

Karl ended up using the videos in conjunction with the God's Team unit in the Kid's Church Lessons Zone. Later, another children's pastor added them to a Star Wars themed series, Jesus Disciples Training Academy.

Whether you use either of these series or just use the videos in your own lessons about Spiritual Disciplines, your kids will LOVE Noduh, the Wise One.

The videos are all on YouTube now, but the download links are a higher resolution that can be used in your ministry setting.


Log in with your All Access Membership to view or download the entire collection!
OR, you can PURCHASE all 11 Noduh Videos in the Kidology Store.

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