Object Lessons Zone

Getting children to understand spiritual truth is like threading a needle. In fact, it can be easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle...

I don't mean to string you along, or hem you in, but the point of this Zone is to thread together all of the object lessons we've knitted together on this site. So don't get all wound up! Just cut loose and tie these object lessons into the next yarn you teach. I know these puns are piercing, but like the man of the cloth said, "You reap what you sew!" Or sew they say!

See also: Why I Believe In Object Lessons by Barney Kinard

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Level Title Topic
Starter Baptism Illustration

3-5 year olds will see how baptism is a picture of what happens when we become Christians – our sins are washed away when we trust Christ for forgiveness.

Plus Can we trust our senses?

Much in this world is unreliable, even our own senses can fool us. But God's Word IS reliable.

Plus Discovering Your Gifts

God has given us all many different gifts, talents and abilities. Here is a lesson to help children understand about discovering those gifts.

Spiritual Gifts
Plus Do you believe?

We can believe in Jesus and what He did for us even though we can't see or feel Him.  

Thomas didn't believe
Plus Facing Trials and Troubles

Children particularly enjoy any lessons involving fire, water or balloons. The following object lesson involves all three, so it should be a big hit!


This is an object lesson demonstrating the fall of Adam and Eve using candy bars where volunteers get to choose a candy bar. If they follow the advice given, they get a tasty treat, but if they disregard the advice, they're in for a surprise.

Free Jesus Like Vanilla

Ingredients needed to live a christian life more like Jesus. A hands on cooking activity for 3-5 graders (Can also be done with any age above Kindergarten).

Christian Life
Plus Musical Glasses

We are all given gifts and talents from the Lord that we are to use in the Church Body. This could be a good object lesson for a family service, to teach the importance of every age group in the church.

Spiritual Gifts
Starter Play Doh Heart

As we sin, we corrupt and break up our hearts, but when we ask God to forgive us he puts us back together and even makes our hearts new.

Plus Sin Grows Rapidly

Learning that little sins build until they tie you up.

Free Squished Satan

Demonstrate with playdough that God & the Devil aren't equally matched.

devil, demons
Plus The Black Dot

God can change what we see as a "black dot" in our life into something beautiful!

Plus The Seriousness of Sin

There are no "little" or "big" sins in God's eyes.

Plus Treat Others as You Would Want to be Treated

Things you do and say in anger hurt others. Ask God to help you control your behavior.

Plus Virtual Bible Place Field Trips

Many Bible places can still be found AND amazingly seen right where your at using on-line satelite maps and/or Google Earth. This article give coordidates that be entered in these websites or Google Earth program to teleport you to these amazing places.

Bible places
Plus What do you want on your Tombstone?

Think about what you want people to say about you someday! See what was said about a Bible character at the end of his life!

Plus Working Together Is A Blast!

This object lesson uses the Popsicle Stick Chain Reaction to demonstrate the body of Christ working together.

Working Together
Starter King of Hearts Card Trick with Video Demonstration

This is a super easy and impressive trick that requires no sleight of hand.

Gospel Magic
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - Cookie Recipe

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - God Has the Perfect Recipe: LOVE
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - God Protects Me

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - God Gives Tools to Protect Us
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - God's Dictionary

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - Nothing is Impossible with God
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - God's Whiteboard

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - God Forgives Our Mistakes!
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - Grumpy Glasses

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - Attitude
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - Heart Mitt

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - God wants us to Guard our Hearts!
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - Paw Prints

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - Remembering Scripture
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - Promises are Sticky!

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - Promises
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - Shine for Jesus

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - Be the Light
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - Snow Globe

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - Do Good Things for God
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - Wood Carving

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - Honoring God with our Skills
Plus Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - You Are Valuable!

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson - Value
Plus 100 Bible Names Magic Trick

This is an EASY but AMAZING magic trick using 100 Bible names.

Magic Trick
Plus A Book of Books

Show kids that the Bible is many books combined.

Plus A Letter From a Friend

Puppet gets a letter from a friend, is excited, but doesn't open it. Silly huh? Kinda like Christians who are excited about their Bibles, but don't read them. Silly huh?

Bible is Like a Letter from God
Plus Amazing Easy Prediction Magic Trick!

This is a classic easy magic trick where you can predict a choice that a child makes.

Prophesy or Choices
Plus An Easy Choice

Sometimes the things of the world appear to be more attractive than the things of God, but we have to remember that in the long run, choosing God’s Way will always be better!

Plus Ask, Seek, Knock

Have son or daughters asking for a certain need of theirs. Then give them the complete opposite. Teaching that God would not do this to anyone of us.

Needing God
Plus Awesome Mind Reading Trick

This trick will make it look like you can read kids' minds! However, you can then talk about how only God can really read our minds.

Mind Reading
Starter Back To School Object Lesson

Here is a great 'back to school' lesson that shares the Gospel using school supplies.

Christian Life - Back to School
Plus Backwards Room

A visual way to teach your kids what repentance means.

Salvation, Repentance,
Plus Balance the Plate

Engage your small group with this activity that teaches them to stay focused on Jesus.

Plus Being Connected to God Gives You Power

Being connected to God gives you power.

Plus Bible Story Mad Lib Idea

This is a super fun idea to teach on how amazing the Bible is by using a very fun introduction of creating a "mad libs" Bible story. It is funny, but has a teaching point on how God's Word came to be and what it means to be "inspired" by God.

The Good Samaritan / Inspiration of Scripture
Plus Broken Toaster

Using a toaster to demonstrate to children that Christians do not need to be afraid of death!

There Is No Need To Fear Death
Plus Bungee Cord

Imagine you are all alone and lost in the woods and a giant monster is chasing you and you trip....

Christian Living
Plus Does Ivory Soap Float?

Don't buy the lie of evolution.

Plus Don't Be Fooled by the Wrapper

The world and our Enemy try to deceive us by making sin look yummy, but in the end it tastes horrible!

Bible, Sin
Plus Don't Blink!

We do not need to be afraid, because Jesus is our helper in times of need. Use this object lesson to communicate this important truth to children!  

Jesus, Fear
Plus Easter Egg Puzzle of Life

Jesus rose from the dead to fix the problem of death once and for all.

Plus Gifts Make An Impact!

Help your kids understand gifts and the impact they make when you receive them at the right time.

Gifts, Need
Plus God As Father

God is the perfect Father.

Christian Living
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