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Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza - Wood Carving

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Author/Source: Nicki Straza

Topic: Object Lesson - Honoring God with our Skills

Pastor Nicki Straza presents short Object Lesson Videos you can use in your services, online, or just to train yourself in a simple object lesson you can use!

Object Lesson Videos with Nicki Straza: Short, sweet and ready to use in your ministry!

Learn more about Nicki and her object lessons at

VIDEO 11: Wood Carving

Skills take practice, and often times practicing isn’t fun, but when we practice the right skills, those skills help us become who God wants us to be. In fact, there are skills and characteristics that God wants us to have, and he disciplines and trains us in his ways so that we can live a life that honors God.

Recommended Scripture: Hebrews 12:11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

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