Object Lessons Zone

Getting children to understand spiritual truth is like threading a needle. In fact, it can be easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle...

I don't mean to string you along, or hem you in, but the point of this Zone is to thread together all of the object lessons we've knitted together on this site. So don't get all wound up! Just cut loose and tie these object lessons into the next yarn you teach. I know these puns are piercing, but like the man of the cloth said, "You reap what you sew!" Or sew they say!

See also: Why I Believe In Object Lessons by Barney Kinard

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Level Title Topic
All Access Hope That Does Not Disappoint Us

A simple puppet/skit needing only 2 people to perform.

The meaning of Christmas
All Access How Christians are like Pumpkins

How Jesus cleanes us up.

All Access How God makes sin dissapear!

This great Children's Church experiment will drive home the lesson of God's forgiveness.

All Access It's Not the Outside, but the Inside that Counts

Jesus doesn't look at the outward appearance, He looks at our hearts.

A Heart of Jesus
All Access Jelly on Your Face

An excellent object lesson illustrating the power of the Word of God as a mirror to show us our sin and the need to ask for forgiveness

Confession of Sin
All Access King David Slimes Himself!

Even King David, a man after God's own heart, fell into sin. When he took another man's wife, he made his life really gross and nasty! But God (and only God) can fix that...

Sin, Forgiveness
All Access Leap of Faith

God has the strength. You have the faith. Together these can do anything. In this experiment, you will make a leap of faith and walk on water. Just as Peter had a chance to demonstrate his trust in God, so you can show your faith. You are not alone. Jesus is with you, always. You can be brave with Jesus.

You Can Be Brave with Jesus
Free Lemonade, Can't have One Without the Other

An object lesson to teach kids how to find that balance in sharing the Gospel without leaving anything out.

Sharing the Gospel
All Access Making the Right Decision

This object lesson illustrates that kids can be led by the Spirit of God, how to listen, and the results of following.

Being Led by the Spirit of God
All Access Measuring God’s Love

God's love is immeasurable

God's Love
Starter New Life in Christ

This idea is from our Awana time lessons. It kept the attention of the clubbers and proved to be a fantastic example for them to relate to based on 2 Corinthians 5:17- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

New Beginning
All Access Nothing Else Will Satisfy

The world tries to make us think that riches, possessions and things are what truly satisfy, but Jesus is the only one who can truly and fully satisfy. The Three Amigos DVD clip, “the canteen scene,” illustrates how a trek through the burning desert turns into a desperate search for water. Sadly, nothing else will satisfy, but a refreshing drink of water.

Jesus brings salvation to Zacchaeus’s home
Free Nothing Gold Can Stay

A Savior has come with the power to turn water into wine, to shed His blood for our salvation.

Gospel Presentation
All Access Object Lesson

Taking something as simple as a potato and teaching a lesson on appearance in a way that kids will remember.

God Looks at the Heart
All Access On Sale

The Sabbath is for worshiping God and resting.

All Access One 'Cent' Missionary

An introduction to the Great Commission.

Great Commission
All Access Only the Penitent Man Shall Pass

One can spend their whole life doing good deeds to get into heaven, but no matter how much they tell the truth, how much money they give to charity, or how many people they help, in the end without faith in Jesus they are empty.

Good Works Will Not Save
Starter Opening Doors

Lesson Introduction for 3-5 year olds, who try to open boxes while learning about the figure of speech, "open doors"

All Access Parable of the Talents Experience

Imagine your children getting a chance to live out the Parable of the Talents. Some will be wise, some will be foolish, but none of them will forget the lessons they will learn.One of the best ways for children to learn is when they experience something for themselves. Here is a great idea for your children’s church, kids club or special event where children get to act out the “parable of the talents”.

Lesson Reinforcement
Starter Peter the ROCK

Lesson Introduction for 3-5 year olds, who will relate building with rocks to the building of the Church

Peter, the Church, Jesus' divinity
All Access Pretzel Sunday

A unique idea to use on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. It can be a reminder to others of the meaning of Lent.

Sunday before Ash Wednesday
All Access Putting out Anger's Fire

An object lesson on what to do with angry feelings. Don't pour fuel on the flame - put it out!

All Access Salvation Message via a Science Experiment

Heating a balloon with a candle pops an empty balloon, just as one sin hurts our connection to God. But a balloon filled with water will not pop, even when put directly into a candle flame. The protection conferred from the ‘living water’ is similar to protection from salvation; both priceless yet free, both available to everyone, and both necessary for life, physical or eternal.

All Access Salvation Slime Message

This Gospel presentation lesson involving slime could be used any time of year, but we used it for the "Wow" factor at Easter.

All Access Satan lives, Jesus reigns on High

A PowerPoint on the subtle messages of Satan and how to combat them.

Don't be fooled by satan
All Access Satan's Lies and God's Truths

Object lessons, discussions, and game dealing with human temptation and perspective.  

All Access Sin will catch you!

Learn how sometimes we can get away with sin, but sooner or later it will catch up with you.

All Access Smells of Eden

One of the amazing thing about Eve must have been the smells. Let your kids sniff and retain this passage about our beginning.

Smells to discuss Adam and Eve
All Access Strong as a Water Balloon

Every person was born with a desire to sin, but the Holy Spirit can help fight against sin. The Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible and He can use that to help you know the right way to live.

Holy Spirit
All Access Teaching he Trinity Concept to Children

It is interesting the many ways we can illustrate the Trinity to children. Here are several creative ways that present this doctrine in simplicity.

All Access Tearing the Wrappings Off the Present

God was tearing open the heavens on his gift to us. Opening up His present to us and telling us Jesus was His son and He was very happy with Him.

The Baptism of Jesus
All Access Ten Apples A Day

This object lesson is simple yet powerful in impressing on children the need to give God what’s due to him.

All Access Thank God for the Big and Small

The Bible say's in Ephesians 5:20 "Always give thanks to God for everything. This lesson reminds us how blessed we truly are and that we must give thanks to God for all things both big and small.

Thanksgiving Object Lesson
All Access The Amazing Disappearing Coin Trick

This is not a magic trick...it is a hilarious object lesson that points out the need to follow the directions and make the right choices.

Follow the Directions, Make Right Choices
All Access The Anger Bomb

An object lesson/short talk about anger.

All Access The Assumption Test

The world is constantly judging everything on the way it looks and it is easy for kids to fall in this same pattern. This object lesson is a good reminder that God looks at the heart and we need to do the same.

God Looks at the Heart
All Access The Best Gift

The best gift is not always the one that looks the best!

Christmas, Giving
All Access The Death of Salsa

This is a great object lesson idea that I heard from Rob Bell once. The main point is to illustrate how death in so many cases actually brings us life.

Fear of Death
All Access The Faith of a Mustard Seed

In this exercise, several unbelievable tasks will be performed that will be viewed as miraculous. However, these tasks are but tricks of science. The miraculous events in the Bible, though, are true miracles, that by definition exceed scientific explanation. The belief that these biblical events occurred as written in the Bible is pivotal to building a connection to God; our faith in God is only as strong as our faith in the bible as God's Word.

The Bible is God's Word.
All Access The Holy Spirit Helps Us When We Pray

A series of object lessons on how the Holy Spirit can help us in our everyday lives.

The Holy Spirit
All Access The Power of The Cross

This is a great Children's Ministry object lesson to use when demonstrating the power of the Blood that Jesus shed on the cross.

Blood of Jesus - the Cross
All Access The Race of Life

This object lesson was written for an Awana Grand Prix devotional to be used while the judges were determining the winner.

Awana Grand Prix Devotional
All Access The Real Thing

Object lesson for teaching kids about having an authentic relationship with God. Can also be used for discussing false prophets, the one true God, and such.

Being Real
All Access The Shepherd Knows His Flock

Many people spend their lives trying to convince others they are worthy of the kingdom of heaven. While we may look alike and even act alike, only Jesus really knows us. It is our personal relationship with Jesus that saves us, for the shepherd knows His flock.

Judging Others
All Access This Little Light of Mine

We all need to let the light of Jesus shine. If we let it extinguish, we become more susceptible to worldly things coming in to fill the void. The same is true in science. A lit candle that sits is a pool of water is extinguished when a vase is placed over it. The loss of the flame (heat) creates a void that is filled by the rising water. But having this light is not enough to fulfill God’s plan, for many are needed to provide sufficient power to change the world. The same is true for science. This is called synergism and can be demonstrated using both a rubber ball and a bag experiment.

Transforming with Jesus
All Access Transform and Evangelize

God wants every Christian to live a different life than those who do not believe in Him. When we accept Him we transform into a new image, a new form. Letting others actually see what Christ has done for us helps spread the message of Christ to others.

Personal Transformation and Evangelism
Starter Two Crowns

3-5 year olds will construct a king’s crown and a crown of thorns.  

Crucifixion, Jesus' Trial, Pilate
All Access We Can Take the Heat

With balloons and fire, kids learn that with the Holy Spirit's help, we can do the right thing even when it's hard.

Doing what is Right, the Holy Spirit's help
Starter What does it mean to be poor?

3-5 year olds will understand the concept of being "poor" as an introduction to 1 Kings 17, God's provision for the widow.

Poverty, generosity, God's provision
All Access When the Heat is On: Relying on God Through Tough Times

In this wonderful Children's Church lesson we will use the Children of Israel as an example to show the kids how God was leading them to the Promised Land; and how they stopped trusting God when the water ran out. Use 2 balloons, a candle, and an optical illusion.

Trusting God
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