Okay Magic

OKAY Magic Inc. - Magic for Anyone, Anywhere

Welcome to OKAY Magic Inc. - brought to you by the "World's OKAYest Magician!"

These easy-to-do magic tricks are designed especially for teachers, leaders, and pastors who never thought they could pull off a magic show. Whether you're welcoming new kids to class, breaking the ice in a new group, or looking for a creative object lesson, these tricks are here to help YOU look amazing!

This magic collection ranges from simple card tricks and mind-reading feats to slightly bigger stage illusions that will leave everyone amazed. The best part? They're all true foolers, but easy enough that anyone - no matter how bumbling - can master them in no time!

Each trick comes with both a DEMO VIDEO and INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO so you can watch Micah, the World's Most OKAYest Magician, demonstrate and teach the trick to you!

Make every child you minister to feel welcome, create moments of wonder, and teach unforgettable lessons with OKAY Magic. If the "World's OKAYest Magician" can do it, so can you!

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