PowerPoint Zone

Kids Today Are Highly Visual!

Bring your lessons to life with PowerPoint presentations. Worship, games, and teaching segments can all be improved greatly with PowerPoint presentations. Here you will find many ideas and sample PowerPoint Presentations from the Kidologist and other Kidology visitors that you are welcome to use in your local church ministry. A few require a purchase, but most are free! You will probably need to do some editing to customize to your situation and needs, but these will save you a lot of time!

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Plus A New Heart

A presentation you can show about getting a new heart.

Plus Club style lesson template

This template includes backgrounds, themes, and character artwork for a club style childrens program. It's set in a fun grassy hill area and introduces Sassy the Bible verse and clue finding dog.

Lesson Template
Plus Don't Monkey Around PowerPoint Game

Kidology's Don't Monkey Around PowerPoint Game was written to be used for a lesson on initiative. However, it can be used any time you want to help children review an important lesson in a fun way. The game allows kids to have fun while focusing over and over on review questions you want to emphasize.

Lesson Review Game
Plus Don't Wake the Mummy PowerPoint Game

Kidology's Don't Wake The Mummy PowerPoint Game was written to be used for a unit on the life of Joseph. However, it can be used any time you want to help children discover an important lesson phrase in a fun way. The game allows kids to have fun while focusing over and over on the phrase you want to emphasize.

Lesson Review Game
Plus Top 10 Excuse Why I Didn't Do My Homework

My kids had so much fun with the Top 10 Things You'll Never Hear Your Mom Say that we decided I should write some more!

Fun Opening
Plus Baseball and Christianity

This PowerPoint compares Baseball to Christianity. Was made as an introduction to a unit we are doing on spiritual disciples with a baseball theme. The lessons will be added to the Kids Church Zone.

Christian Living
Plus Better Than Bubble Gum, Chew on God’s Word

This PowerPoint introduces the concept of meditation to children. While realistic practical application of meditation may be beyond most children, it is still valuable to give them a fundamental introduction to the concept. Those with more spiritual maturity will benefit from it.

Plus Cheerleader for God

This lesson introduces the discipline of worship to children. Worship is more than singing and praying, it is anything we do to show God His worth to us. It is a Show of Worth.

Starter Christmas SAY WHAT PowerPoint Game!

This is a 'guess a letter' PowerPoint game that introduces Christmas and the theme of God's love through the gift of Jesus.

Popular Christmas Sayings
Plus Encouragement via Lego!

A Lesson on Encouragement from Legos! (Features a point by point PowerPoint)

Plus Jesus in My Neighborhood? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 3 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access members) on JESUS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD. The video features Jesus visiting a boy for his bedtime prayers and giving him a surprise answer to prayer!

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (3 of 3)
Plus Kidologist's Christmas Songs

Christmas songs written by Karl Bastian to the tune of other popular children's church songs.

Christmas Songs
Plus Kid's Church Top 10 - Christmas

What are the Top 10 Toys that DIDN'T make it to market? This is a FUNNY lesson intro for Christmas time.

Power Point Christmas
Plus Kid's Church Top 10 - Winter Retreat

This is just a fun "Top 10" power point to promote a winter retreat.

Power Point Event Promo
Plus Live to Give!

This PowerPoint introduces the concept of giving as a spiritual discipline.

Plus Me For King

This powerpoint shows the classic visual model of 'who is sitting on the throne of your life.'

Plus Spiritual Discipline: The Bible

This PowerPoint introduces the Bible, how to read it, and a challenge to be disciplined in reading and studying it.

The Bible
Plus Talkin’ to the Coach

This PowerPoint introduces the discipline of prayer to children. While we often talk about HOW to pray with children (I hope), this lesson focuses on how to develop the discipline of prayer.

Plus The Nerve to Serve

This PowerPoint introduces the concept of service as a spiritual discipline.

Plus This is Love... Picture Presentation

Love isn't just the mushy stuff, it's putting others above yourself. This is a presentation with pictures of love in action!

Love, Valentine’s Day
Plus Who is Jesus? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 1 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access Members) on WHO IS JESUS. The video has puppets answering the question, "Who is Jesus?"

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (1 of 3)
Plus Who is My Neighbor? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 2 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access members) on WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR. The video has puppets answering the question, "Who is Your Neighbor?"

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (2 of 3)
Plus 5 Lessons from Pacman

This is a fun way to bring a spiritual application to the popular game Pacman.

Fun Introduction
Plus Bible Verse Word Scramble

Scripture Memory
Plus The Fishing Hole Game

Bible Game
Plus The Most Important Job

Creative opening
Plus Duct tape and the Bible

Using Duct tape to share God's truth

Sticking together
Plus Magician & the Sparrows

A fictional story that sets up the discussion of how God sent Jesus to show us how (and make a way for us) to have relationship with God the Father

Relationship with God
Plus Prayer Meeting

This power point will guide children through a prayer meeting. It will help them to know what to pray for.

Plus Reminds Me of Jesus

Here is a Powerpoint presentation that gives several different object lessons, each illustrating a Christmas item and why it reminds us of Jesus!

Christmas Object Lessons
Plus The Greatest Gift

In this power point with a Christmas story, a town is all worked up to present a special gift to give to Jesus, but one little boy, who thinks he has nothing to give, discovers he has the most valuable gift to give... himself!

Christmas Story
Plus The Lord is My Shepherd

PowerPoint Devotional on Psalm 23

Psalm, Relationships,
Plus The Name Game

Kids guess the meaning of common names. Goes well with a lesson about having a good reputation (or good name).

Good Reputation
Plus True Meaning of Christmas PowerPoint

Karl has this interesting story in the Christmas Zone. I put pictures to it to turn it into a visual story.

Santa explains the real meaning of Christmas
Plus Using Technology in Children's Ministry

Here are the many ways that I use technology in children's ministry.

Technology, Children's Ministry
Plus Why Jesus Had to Die

God the Father loved us so much that He let His son die for our sins.

Easter and the Crucifixion
Plus A True Friend

A true friend C.A.R.E.S.

Plus Attitude of Gratitude

This PowerPoint introduces the discipline of thanksgiving to children. We live in a greedy world – kids will be challenged to develop an attitude of gratitude.

Plus CROSSwords: A PowerPoint Game

The game basically is a jazzed up version of Hangman that can be used to reinforce kids’ knowledge of the Bible, as well as having fun at the same time!

Christ's Death and Ressurection
Plus Good Source of Animated Clipart

Great web site for PowerPoint Images

Plus Grandparents Day Slideshow

Here's a little slideshow with funny quotes from kids about their grandparents for our annual grandparents day.

Grandparents Day
Plus How to Fish for Christians

You need to reach out to others, and when they are ready, they will bite!

Plus Jesus Jeopardy

This is a Jeopardy style game with biblical catagories and answers. It can also be used as a template to make up your own answers and questions. This is a great family night activity.

Jeopardy style game
Plus Kids Church Olympic Games

We need to work hard to acheiver God's goal for our lives!

Plus Markers

Funny picture of toddler who drew all over a baby's face with permanent marker.

Sin is Permanent
Plus More Great Websites

Here are some more great sites for cool Power Point stuff!

Plus Musical Chairs

This is a autoplay file that lets you play musical chairs without stopping and starting the music yourself. Just click one time and the game plays by itself!

Plus Secret Weapon Scramble

I devised this game as a way of "practicing" our Secret Weapons (What we call our memory verse) The great thing about this game, is you could edit it quite easily to suit your own needs. Simply answer the generic, "what colour is the sky" questions to reveal the letters. The less letters you need revealed to guess the verse, the more points you can get for your team.

Scripture Memory
Plus Stack and Stomp

This is a autoplay file that plays mission impossible music with a screen with name of the game. Just click one time and the music plays while the kids play!

Plus Standing for What's Right

Doing What's Right
PLUS Membership 2025 Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl 2025 Gospel Colors PastorKarl.com Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 13 - New Testament Next Steps for Kids Kidology Online Training
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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