Puppetry Zone

No Strings Attached!

Puppets remain the #1 ministry tool for engaging, entertaining, and educating kids. The simple fact is, KIDS LOVE PUPPETS, and while other teaching techniques come and go, puppets are here to stay! Here you will find help for puppet teams as well as solo puppeteers.

See Also: Introduction to Solo Puppeteering

#1 Rated Puppet Script:
Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

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Level Title Topic
All Access Time to Talk

Try to please God in everything you do.

Pleasing God
All Access Time to Walk on the Water

We have faith in God even though we can't see Him.

Matthew 14:22-33, Faith
All Access Too Many Michaels

God knows all of His children.

Psalm 8, God's knowledge
All Access TP puppets! (cheap and effective)

TP roll puppets - simple but fun!

All Access Tracing The Truth

The reason love is right and hatred is wrong is because God is love.

All Access Tree House

Adam,Sue, and Zack are best friends. They start to make a treehouse. On their way home, they decide to take a shortcut leading to a great deal of trouble."Great for small kids"

Friends take shortcut leading into great trouble
All Access True Freedom

Do you feel that your parents are restricting your freedom by giving you rules and expecting you to obey? In love, they are actually protecting you from situations or things that could harm you.

Proverbs 6:20-23, Parents
All Access Turn and Run

When you are tempted by these or other sins, don't stand around and think about them. Turn and run. Ask Jesus to help you.

Psalm 1, Temptation and Sin
All Access Under Construction

One puppet learns that God doesn't make junk!

Inner Beauty
All Access Under the Surface

Ask God to teach you to love somebody you find it difficult to like. He loves that person. Ask Him to fill your heart with His love.

Mark 12:28-34, Loving others
All Access Unlimited Treasure

The Bible is more valuable than expensive perfume.

Psalm 19, The Bible
All Access Vacation Bible School Review

Two puppets talk about what they learned at Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School
All Access Wallpaper and Jesus

All we have to do is ask Him into our hearts to be our Lord and Savior and He makes us all clean and fresh again.

All Access Watch Out

Know the safe place locations. Don't talk to strangers, have a special word or sign to know mom sent them and if not - RUN.

Matthew 19:13-15, Safety
All Access Watch Your Manners

You need to be thoughtful and courteous. Ask the Lord to help you overcome the weaknesses in your manners.

Psalm 100:1-6, Good manners
All Access Watching Like A Hawk

Just as that hawk looks for weaker animals to prey on, Satan looks for weak spots in our lives.

Christian Living
All Access Water Walkers

Everyone should keep their focus on the Lord. He will see you through everything.

All Access We Remember

It is important to be grateful to those who died for our country, and it's even more important to be grateful to God.

Christian Living
All Access Weak But Mighty

What will God have you do?

Christian Living
All Access Well Protected

If you are a Christian, God is your protection whatever situation you face.

Psalm 91:9-16, God's Protection
All Access What A Mission We Have!

Some people go to other lands to be teachers and doctors and nurses and carpenters and farmers and lots of other things. Some of them are even preachers and they are telling everyone about Jesus. They need our help.

Matthew 28:16-20, Supporting missionaries
All Access What Are You Working For?

What does God want me to do? If I do it His way, I will be happier.

God's Plan for You
All Access What Belongs to God?

We have God's mark upon us, maybe not on our face, but in our heart. That means that we belong to God. And if we belong to God, then everthing we have, everything we do, belongs to God.

Matthew 22:15-21, Giving our life to God
All Access What Christmas is REALLY All About

Johnny discovers that he is not supposed to be so selfish during the Christmas holiday. He discovers that Christmas is not about him.

All Access What in the World Can I Get Grandma?

God gives us His love and wants us to share it with other people.

God's Love
All Access What Mission We Have

What does it mean to know the will of God?

God's Will
All Access Whatever It Takes

I hope that you will love God enough to give Him everything, to jump into His love with both feet.

Christian Living
All Access What's Gotten Into You?

It’s what's in us that will come out for others to see. Either we are filled with sin or we have Jesus in us. Kids will be challenged to answer the question “What’s gotten into them.”

salvation,recommitment,self evaluation,bad manners
All Access What's In A Name?

Your name should be well spoken of. Since you have accepted Jesus as Savior, you also have Christ's name-- Christian. God wants you to live in a way that honors that name.

Christian Living
All Access What's In A Nickname?

Reputations, like nicknames, have a tendency to live on even when they are no longer true.

Christian Living
All Access What's In The Bag, Man?

Works with the others in this series, or alone. The idea is to have some fun between the more significant puppet plays.

All Access What's In The Bag, Man? (Stinky Lunch)

A great way to fill a few minutes while you re-dress the set and get the puppets in order.

One of our inter-stitial plays.
All Access What's In The Bag, Man? Puppet's Don't Dance

More fun with Cappy and Boo as we introduce the next play...

Another transition play.
All Access What's With the Fork?

The best is yet to come!

Heaven and eternity
All Access When I Grow Up

Bruce the frog wants to choose the occupation in life that will ensure God will like him most. His misconception is corrected later in the script, after we endure a few very bad renditions of "Singing in the rain". He learns that he'd be better off learning about life from the Bible.

God Loves Everyone
All Access When Is A Bear Not A Bear?

This skit teaches kids about being real and true to themselves and God. Don't put on an act - just be real! They also learn a little bit about Koala Bears ... or should that be "marsupials"?

All Access When The Troops Come Marching Home

A touching story that all the kids in our congregation who have fathers fighting overseas could relate to.

For the families of our Servicemen
All Access Where Love Is

We never know when it is the Lord we are helping.

God's Love
All Access Where's My Father?

Here's a chance to reach those kids with "absent fathers." It has a great message both for the kids AND for the Dads. Because Dads need to keep the promise!

Absent fathers
All Access Whitewashin'

A spoof on Twain. A boy whitewashes a fence for Miss Watson and then learns about tithing.

All Access Who Is Saint Valentine?

A child asks a teacher about the origin of St. Valentines day. Saint Valentine himself answers!

Valentines Day
All Access Why God Loves You

A puppet show for father's day, using the parable of the lost son.

Father's Day Puppet Show
All Access Words That Kill

We want to hurt people back when they hurt us, but God tells us that even "thinking" mean things about other people is just as bad as really doing it.

Godsays"Do not kill"andthatmeans in thought, too.
All Access Worldwide Communion

Jesus loved us enough to die for us, and He died for everyone, all over the world.

All Access Wrong Way

Don't listen to the world's view or be swayed to their side in any area of your life. Be strong in the Lord.

Christian Living
All Access You Can Keep On Asking God

It isn't right to whine and pout for something when our parents have said "NO". God wants us to keep on asking Him for what we want or need.

All Access You Don't Say

If people see you as a loving person, they will begin to want you as their friend.

Loving Others
All Access Your Commanding Officer

If you are a Christian, Jesus expects you to follow His commands.

Christian Living
All Access Ze Family In A-Flat Minor

Mr. Tchaihadder, a 'famous' German composer, is writing his new symphony about "The Family". He comes to test it out on the kids, but ends up getting some help in his own family.

All Access Benny and the Raging Wind

Baby Benny learns that Jesus is always with us and always protects us.

God's Protection / Safety
Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Girl FUNtastic Bible Activity Book 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 23 - Rewards The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Online Training
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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